Bex's Tama Log!


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Heyy! :happy: :happy: :happy:! Today Tyler won bump for the first time! :gozarutchi: ! It was because I fed him lots of snacks to make overweight so he would have a better chance at it. I got 400 points! :wacko: !

Xyler also got the matchmaker :happy:! I forwarded the time an hour so if the matchmaker came at all, it would come when I was still at lunch. And it did! At exactly 3 oc'clock! A lovely baby girl for Xyler, who mated with a seal (gozerutchi)! (Or however you spell it lol.)

My mater is still a child, but she will soon be a teenager. My friend also helped Tyler, (an ichigotchi), to bust Heading! Twice! I now have over 2000 GP! I'm saving up for the UFO! If it ever comes lol.

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Hey! Today I changed the time on Xyler until it was 1159 and he left! I changed it again, and named his daughter (8th generation) Mirel! She just evolved into a child a couple of minutes ago and I've been connecting her to my mater and got a ball! :rolleyes: !

I've been saving up more points for the UFO, when/if it comes to Tyler, and I busted bump yet again ^_^ ! :ph34r: !

Nothing much else happened, so seeya! Bex.

Heyo! Today I busted bump, not once, not twice, but three times! I got 200 points for each time! :chohimetchi: ! I've got more than enough for the UFO now! Can't wait!

Something else really weird happened, I passed the eighth round in bump, but it went onto round 9! It was weird/cool! But I didn't get to win it :lol: ! I passed Tyler to Mum so she could see how many points I got, and she said round 9 had come u, and I asked her to quickly give it back to me but I didn't get to get any power because she didn't pass it back quickly enough! :) !

Nothing else happened really, so seeya! Bex.

Heyo Tyler evolved! I'm not sure what into, something with pointy ears! I've had more than 5000 points now, and I'm so impatient for the UFO! I changed the time a bit, but no luck :D . I also changed the time so that Tyler was three years older, but the matchmaker didn't come either :mellow: . Oh well, I'll just have to wait!

My debugable v2 shold be arriving on Monday :( . Can't wait!

My flame (oh btw it's name is Japix, meant to call it Japia but...), should be evolving tomorrow. I've just found out that the maskchis, (the character I get most offten) is the character that you get when you don't look after your tama particularly well! :'(! I do try and care for my tamas, but it's a bit hard when I can't see their stats!

Oh well, seeya! Bex.

Hey! Lots has happened since I last posted yesterday. Some good and some bad news.

I changed the time on Japix so she would turn into an adult, but she turned into a maskchi! :hitodetchi: !

I made her and Tyler lovers, but didn't get the chance to make them have tamababies :( .

My american v2 arrived yesterday can you believe it :( ! Mum gave it to me this morning, and I hatched a baby boy, which I named Igle.

I then took it apart, asked my sister to debug it, and put it back together. Unfortunatly, it only partly debugged. I can hyperspeed it now, but I didn't get to choose my character! B) ! :( !

I named my tama twins, and then set about to hyperspeeding him. He is now an adult, a very weird one too! I think it's a ghost lol!

The bad news is that I accidentally reset Tyler! :'( :'( :'(! I thought I was resetting my new v2, but I was actually resetting Tyler! I didn't realise till later, and now I've lost all those treats and items, my four generations, and...everything! :'(!

Now I'm mating Japix with Twins.

Mirel is still a teenager which is a bit annoying, but I suspect she'll turn into an adult tomorrow or on Monday. I hope tomorrow :( .

Oh by the way the tama my grandparents got me is white with tropical rings. :( .

Well, seeya! Bex.

Hey! So much has happened since last night :( !

Twins left his baby this morning, and I can't remember what I tried to name him, but it ended up being Pli! Lol! I went to my friend Emily's house for her birthday, and we went out to dinner for my sister's birthday tonight.

Emily is so obsessed with hyperspeed! Lol!

While I was at Emily's house, I hyperspeeded Pli a bit, and within a few hours he evolved into a Pitchichi or however you spell it! The dog tama! I'm so happy I've got it at last :( !

Tonight Emily hyperspeeded Pli so badly! First he got the matchmaker (another boy), left, and we called the boy Jay, well I tried to, but ended up calling him Kay! Lol!

Then at dinner, Emily got the matchmaker for Kay, *another* boy, Kaay left, and then it really began! :( !

As soon as the boy (Jay) was named, she started hyperspeeding him like crazy. He evolved into a child within 2 minutes, a teenager within 5, got 16 training bars, and turned into an adult after 15 minutes! A mimetchi! Yayyy!

After that, the matchmaker came with a sheep, Jay got a baby boy, and we named him Ray! Lol!

Ray was given the same treatment, hyperspeeding like crazy, full training, and he evolved into a mimetchi too! :wacko: !

He got *yet another* baby boy from the matchmaker! (I think I'm cursed)! That baby boy, (6th generation), I have just named Ben.

I won't be able to hyperspeed hkim like crazy like Emily, but he will still grow fast.

Japix became lovers with first Pli, then Kay, then Jay! Then she became lovers with my cousin's tama, but they didn't mate :'(! Looks like she'll just have to wait for matchmaker too lol!

Mirel evolved into a robotchi/androtchi, at leat it's not a maskchi lol!

I'm going to mate her with Ben probably.

Anyway, I'd better go seeya! Bex.

This morning I hyperspeeded Ben until he evolved into a mimetchi ;) !

At school I didn't get much of a chance to hyperspeed him, so he only got matchmaker at lunchtime lol. It was...a girl! For once! :) !

I've hyperspeeded Ben, and I just named his daughter Leel. She evolved into a child, and I'm going to get matchmaker for her, try and get a boy, speed him up, and if possible, mate him with Mirel so she'll be in 9th generation! :) !

Tyler is still a teenager, and Japix *still* hasn't gotten the matchmaker even though I've changed the time about four times! :D !

My friends were all surprised that I now have four tamas, I've told them that that's pretty modest to the amount some of you guys have! :D !

I'm going to try to get to 12th generation some time soon, probably on my debugged v2 first, within a few weeks time. I'll post later! Seeya! Bex.

Hey! This morning I hyperspeeded Leel till she evolved, but didn't get much time to do anything else with her until lunch at school, (we had Charities Day today).

At lunch she got the matchmaker, a sheep, and another boy! Yayyy I'll be able to mate him with Mirel. My friend hyperspeeded Leel till she left, then named the boy Henry. She looked after him in class, and he became a teenager by hometime.

I just made him an adult, and will soon make he and Mirel lovers.

Tyler is still a teenager :sleep:.

As for Japix, I think she might soon have to turn into an old woman! She's been an adult wince Friday, still no luck with Mrs Busybody! :( !

I'm not sure if I'll hyperspeed Henry for the matchmaker, or be patient and let he and Mirel do their thing. Probably the latter, since I want Mirel to get into the higher generations as soon as possible. Lol.

Seeya! Bex.

I really have to b quick or Mum'll explode lol! I'm about to name a 9th generation girl. Henry left a matchmaker boy last night, whom I named Lief. Lief turned into a Maskchi :( because my friend ignored him and kept putting him on hyper. won't believe it, :'( Mirel died!...died! I don't even know why! She was fine when I turned the sound off at the end of recess, but at lunch...she was dead! I named my knew tama Mirel again.

Japix at last got natchmaker, a little boy!

As for Twins, she should be evolving any time now. Lol.

Seeya! Bex.

Hey! Last night when I quickly updated I was in so much of a hurry that when I read my post over just then I discovered that it only half made sence! Lol :furawatchi: !

9th generation Lief got a baby girl yesterday, and left last night. I asked my sister to name her Lassy, and right now Lassy is a teenager! She would have been an adult, but I had something else in mind that drove even the hyperspeed back!

My friend was just looking through my shop items, when she said "Ooh there's a...I think it's a hat! It's 5000 GP!"

I thought that can't be right-a hat for 5000 GP, and then I remembered that the UFO's looked like a disk with a dome on top! It was the UFO! :gozarutchi: :D :D:D:D!

We spent the whole of lunchtime (well my friend did anyway) playing Heading like crazy! When we still only had just over 2000 points, she took into class (she's in a different class to me), and played!

At hometime when she gave it back to me it had just over 3000 points. I played bump like crazy and finally got my hard-worked-for 5000 points just 5 minutes ago! I just baught it! Now I'm hyperspeeding Lassy till she's an adult and then using the UFO! It'll be cool!

Mirel is still a child, and at recess Japix left her baby (due to my cheating and putting her to sleep). I didn't dare name her baby right away, because babies need almost constant attention and I didn't have the chance to give it. I let him (the baby was a boy) sleep till nearly lunch, when we were just sitting around and doing nothing, and then I named him Dain! Dain evolved into a child at lunch.

As for twins, he evolved into...I haven't the foggiest! :) ! I accidentally used the love potion I got from the codes on him :chohimetchi: and he didn't even have someone to become lovers with! :ichigotchi: ! :huh: !

Oh well, I'm happy right now with my UFO! Lol! Seeya! Bex.

Hey! Last night I was asking Mum what items Twins had in her shop (I found out Twins is a girl), and she said there was a throne!

So I played slots like crazy! Well past midnight! When I was falling asleep and I still didn't have enough points, I just put Twins on set since pause would have changed the items, and went to sleep!

This morning, because we had to go to the ICT centre for an excursion, I gave Twins to my friend Emma to mind. She didn't get the throne though! :'(! After all my hard work last night!

The UFO is really cool though! The music rocks! Yesterday Lassy got the matchmaker...another girl! ^_^ ! She left last night but I didn't name her baby till this morning. I called her Angel!

Little Angel, like her family before her, didn't stay little for long. She evolved at the ICT centre this afternoon, not sure what into!

She got the matchmaker about 10 minutes ago, another girl! When i want girls, I get boys! When I want boys, I get girls! Grrrrrrr!

Mirel is now a teenager, and I have baught a few more items for both Twins and Angel. Now I have a drum, a doll, a panda costume, a UFO, boots, 2 balls, glasses, a pencil, rackets and maracas between the two of them lol!

Nothing much going on with Dain right now, but he should be turning into a teen soon if not tomorrow!

I'll update tomorrow, seeya! Bex.

I named Angel's tamababy Sally last night, and she evolved into an adult this morning. She got the matchmaker and got another girl who I named Emily.

Emily soon evolved and I got a boy tamababy from the matchmaker at about lunchtime. :( .

Later I named the boy Dash. Dash was 14th generation.

Dash just left his baby boy whom he had with with Twins and. My friend just named him Moo for some obsurd reason :eek: .

Mirel should evolve tonight since I changed the time. Dain evolved into an Anionchi this morning, and now has 5 training bars.

Seeya! Bex.

Hey! Last night I had to have Moo on pause a lot because my friend Emily, my Mum and Dad, my sisters and I were watching Hide and Seek-the scariest movie ever!

He evolved into an adult this morning though, nd quickly got the matchmaker, a girl-I'm cursed with girls now! I called her Sarny. Sarny the 16th generation tsama is now an adult, my sis reckons she looks like a Micky Mouse! Not sure what the character's called though!

Dain is still a teenager, but I reset Mirel for Ringotchi's group hatch! I now have another little Morutchi girl named Anabl.

Twins is OK, neither very bad or very good. I've been paying more attention to Sarny and her descendants lately. :D .

I am now starting to regenerate my item list on my tropical fun version 2. Here's what I cn remember:





UFO (I'm so proud of myself!)

Music (Ipod)


Costume (panda)

Hair potion




Um that's all I can remember that I have at the moment, seeya! Bex.

Sarny's girl Ash became an adult today (some sort of weird thing with a beak that isn't Tericotchi!) She got the matchmaker (another girl), and will leave soon..

Today I had a debate after recess, and I lent 2 of my tamas (Dain and Twins) to friends. But I forgot to turn off Anabl's sound! We were brainstorming for the debate and she evolved! The beeping was atrocious! :eek: !

Twins left her baby about 2 hours ago and I named him Devil :lol: . Devil is a child right now, the blob with a spike on it's head not sure what they're called.

Anabl is a teenager, not sure what though haven't asked yet.

I'm not sure about Dain, because Chrystal (the friend I lent him to) still has him. He sould be evolving though.

Yesterday afternoon my friends came over and since one of them had so many doubles of items she gave Ash sunnies, a skateboard and a trumpet! ;) ! She also now has the bunny costume because I hadn't entered in either the cake or steak code! Now I know all the codes off by heart :D !

Seeya tomorrow! Bex.

Hey! Can't believe it! This is my one hundred and first post! :angry: ! Lol!

Anyway, back to my tamas... Devil is still a child... :angry: , but while Chrystal had Dain he evolved into a...tericotchi! Lol! He's lovers with my friend Emma's tamagotchi, but we're waiting thill they're oldies before they mate so we can both get oiajitchi. Sozz if I spell the character names a bit funny :angry: .

Angel (Ash's daughter) is currently a ghost tama (can't remember the name!) The same thing as Twins was all those generations ago. She now has rollerblades, wings, an action figure, and 3 balls! :D ! I baught them all without realising they were all balls! :D :D :D ! At least now Devil has a ball of his own :angry: .

Anabl is still a teenager. I might mate her with Devil if he evolves soon-he's *still* a child! Aaaaahhhhh! :angry: ! :angry: !

These are the items I want to get on my tropical v2:





Some shovels and potplants!

Lol seeya! Bex.

Today I had my musicianship exam so I got to stay home from school! I had lots of time to care for all my tamas! Yay!

Devil is now a teenager, not sure what though. Angel the ghost <_< that sounds weird! had a baby last! whom I named Sam.

Sam is right now a Pochitchi! Yay I love the doggy! :) !

He has a baby boy from the matchmaker, whom I will probably call Zap or Dos. Zap/Dos will be 20th generation! Yay!

Dain still hasn't gotten the matchmaker yet, which is probably just as well as I will find it very hard to restrain from accepting the baby! :unsure: !

Anabl is still a teenager, but she might be evolving tomorrow! Then again, she might not, because I medalled a bit with the time while she was asleep. If she does have to wait till Friday, it'll probably give Devil time to catch up. I might mate them, or because they're both in low generations, wait for the matchmaker to come for both of them, and hope for a girl and boy!

I now have the wig for Sam! Yay! Another item! I do have to be careful though now, because my item list is so full I might have to start trashing items :rolleyes: ! I do have quite a few balls though, so that's not too bad. I got some points today from a potplant and a shovel, as well as an ugly face, a snake, and a couple of flowers. At least the suspense of waiting to see what I've gotten from the potplant or shovel is worth the 80 points!

Seeya! Bex.

Hey! Right now Dos (Sam's son) is lovers with Anabl the newly evolved Robotchi! I'm going to mate them!

I lent Dain to Chrystal again, he didn't get matchmaker. Devil is still a teenager, but I expected more of the sweet itchigotchi Anabl. Oh well :) . Least she's not a maskchi! :mellow: !

I'm considering making oiajitchis with Anabl and Dos, but I'm not sure I'll have the patience :) .

I nearly got the throne today, but I didn't get enough points on Dos and it disappeared from the shop! :unsure: !

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Hey! Dos's daughter Bex ;) is now an adult! I ended giving to matchmaker on the third time she came last night, since Dos and Anabl wouldn't mate :( . I thought I'd lost Dain today too! :eek: !

My friend Chrystal had him, and then she said she'd given him to Janice (another friend), but Janice didn't have him! :eek: ! Then Chrystal found him under her desk after recess (or so I was told later), and gave him to Janice!

Janice looked after him till lunch, and then dropped him, and my friend Sakura found him and gave him back to Chrystal! She looked after him till end bell, and then said she'd given him badk to Janice! In actual fact we found him under her desk :p .

I was so relieved! Anyway he's just gotten matchmaker which I've refused :p . If Emma's tamagotchi Star is still an oldie by Monday, we'll mate them, but if not, I'll mate Dain with Anabl who will also be an oldie! If Emma's tamagotchi is still an Oldie, I'll make one of Bex's descendants an oldie and mate him with Anabl! Lol!

Devil is *still* a teenager, <_< ! I feel like saying, any time now! Lol!

Looks like I'll just have to be patient! Lol! Seeya! Bex.

I might update a bit later if I have any news, but I thought it best to post now just in case I don't have time later. I'm going to a sleepover party tonight, so I won't have a lot of time to look after mhy tamas :D .

Bex mated with Dain last night, I couldn't help myself! Two little boys! Yay!

Bex's son Cam is now a teenager, the one that looks like a duck. I'm trying to make Dain go away so I can name his baby boy, but he doesn't seem to want to leave! Lol!

Devil is *still* a teen, I'm getting tired of this! Any time now Devil! Lol!

Anabl still hasn't gotten matchmaker, this might take a while. But I promise myself that this time I'll have the patience to make oiajitchis with Anabl and Cam probably.

Nothing much else happening, seeya! Bex.

Last night I made Cam and Anabl lovers, and accidentally had tamababies! :'(! Oh well...oiajitchis will just have to wait till later...

They had boys again, and later I named Cam's baby Zap.

I had a bit more time to look after my tamas last night than I had bargained for, and before long Zap had matchmaker drop in for a visit, and little Clo was born!

She quickly evolved into a teenager during the night while we were talking, and in the morning she was an adult! The crocodile thingy! Clo also had matchmaker come visit her, and her little baby Rad came along!

Rad's baby girl Leel Is with me now, as an adult. I'd be further down the track, but I went to another pool party this arvo, and I don't think Leel would have liked the water too much! Lol! :D !

Devil is now an adult, and is lovers with one of my friend's friend's tamagotchis, which I'm minding so they can have tamababies. I also named Dain's baby this morning. I called him Leel as well lol. Tomorrow I'm probably going to name Anabl's little daughter, not sure what though! Lol!

Seeya! Bex.
