Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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ok here is my v4.5 stats

name cane

stage secorete old timer

gen 7

gender boy

happy 3

hungey 3

age 1

wight 25

training 1

money 24860

smile 15

sparkle 18

smart 39

i'll post more later

well my brother is getting into tamas so i will add a little bit about his tamas. ok his tamas evolved into adalts. they have 30 bondege. he only used the first bonding call item. he used a bisket on an adalt tama that looked like an apple. he now has a secoret ninja tama. he also has a2 v4.5s. i'll post more later.

im a hero! my brothers tama got sick! he was downstairs and left his tama by the tv. so about 5 sec. befor it died i saved it!! and my brothers tama turned into a young violetetchi. i'll post more later.
