Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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i forgot to tell you about my new music star!! Its the red piano shell, its name is angel,and its new favoret music is pop!! i got it the piano, gutar, and skate bord off of music city!!! here is its music stats

tune 127

rythum 69

oridgnal 263!!!

i'll post more later!!!

YAY!! my music star has REALY high stats!!here is my music star stats!!

tune 271

rhythum 139

oridgnal 608!!!

Also i boght a guter, a skatebord, and a keybord!!! i'll post more later!!!

YAY!! my music star made friends with an itchigutchi :D and a ringtchi(apple tama) at music school!!! i named the band tamalove!! also my tamas fav music is hip hop again but the band plays pop!!! i'll post more later!!!

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YAY!!! The king came on my music star and gave me 2000GP!!! :furawatchi: but my other music star didn't come yet!! :furawatchi: maby tomorow! :furawatchi: i'll post more later!!!
