Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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from now on im going to plan club penguin partys and put the info in my blog and siggy!!

planed party

server ice box

my pengi=uin pokepenquin

time 12 noon club pengyun time

place pokepenquins iglo

come up to me and say tt and i'll add you!!

i'll post more later!!!

heres some info on the party im hosting

you can come from now to maby 1.30!

after a while we go to the cofe shop!

come to ice box

its in pokepenquins igle

also im hosting partys every week!!!

i'll post more later!!!!

[SIZE=21pt]mary crismas everyone!!!!![/SIZE]

my tamas have been paused all day but i wanted to say [SIZE=21pt] i just boght a misic star off of amizon!!!![/SIZE]

my brother game me a hint on my birthday present!! he said it is a tama under v3!!!!!

i'll post more later!!!!!

i planed another party on club penguin(see siggy for more information!!) i will be on eather puffle754 or pokepenquin!!!

i'll post more later!!!

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