Bee Tea's TamaLog <3


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Tama Log - Entry 19



Name: Opo

Stage: Elderly

Training: 7

Age: 17 years

Weight: 32 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st Gen

Hunger: ****

Happiness: ****

Race: Otokitchi


Various Info

I bought a shovel today and got a snake! Grr! &gt;8|


I’ve been leaving Opo off pause more often. Her happiness hearts go down so quickly! : (

Tama Log - Entry 20


Note: Before even beginning I'd like to applogize for my inactivity. I'm sorry to all the loyal readers of my log that had to go through a lack up updates. I can explaim however. I've been inactive for...a month...because Opo died and I was very sad. For a while I was in mourning so I didn't restart a new tamagotchi and when I got around to doing so my batteries died. I've created a new Tama now and homefully this one will have a better, more fufulling life.



Name: Gaara

Stage: Baby

Training: 0

Age: 0 years

Weight: 5 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st Gen

Hunger: ****

Happiness: ****

Race: Teletchi


Various Info:


- It's only now that I have a baby again that I remembered how much more work they were. Why do they poop so much? D:


- I'm hoping he will find love...I guess I should just resort to the matchmaker this time. Avoid all that trouble that happened with Opo.


- I currently have 500 points.


- I go to bed at 10:00 so I'm hoping he does too. XD


Sorry again everyone. I'm back!!!

Tama Log - Entry 21



Name: Gaara

Stage: Toddler

Training: 1

Age: 0 year

Weight: 13 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st Gen

Hunger: ****

Happiness: ****

Race: Tamatchi


Various Info:


- Last night Gaara took a nap, so I went to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. When I got back he'd lost two hunger hearts and three happiness hearts! Ah! D:


- I bough him a ball. Yay!


- I currently have 680 points.


- I bought a chest today and got a cupcake from it. I don't really like it when I get food. D:


Note: Thanks to Cutie Pop for mentioning that she liked my log. ^_^ Go check her's out!


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