ballod of a little black blob


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I forgot to tell you, I got a fortune cookie this morning.

money ***

heart **


A good fortune all in all. Although Balto doesn't appreiciate the strong part. He says it makes him look weak. Funny, he just started crying bringing his training up to seven. Also, could somebody please tell me what care you need to get a strawberry teen? Please.

I hope Balto gets a job. He doesn't get much money,(but that's my fault)and he doesn't go to school a lot. Gosh, I always feel sorry for the people working at Mikkie Dee's. (mcdonalds) But I never thought I would own a tama who did a bad job like that. ^_^

A robber just came and stole 300 gotchi points, but whose counting?

He has four smiles with a lady friend...... :ichigotchi:

Oh...someone has a girlfriend.....

I was playing Apples to Apples and Balto evolved! The sound was off, so at the end of one round, I checked my tamas, and a little bumble bee thing was peeking out of my V4. Also, the king came with about 2000 gotchi points, so, this day was pretty awsome after all. :ph34r:

Awsome news. Balto evolved into a bumble thing as promised,I just gave Balto the love potion, and now he has 4 hearts with Dylan, my V3. And now I will be on generation 3 on my v4, the farthest I have ever gotten ever! Yay me! so bye bye for now! :ph34r:

grrrr..... they have not had kids. Can anybody tell me the youngest you can mate for the V4s? That would help.

A lot. I'm going to go see to that now, so i'll post stats later.

Status is good. I guess...



training= [ llllllll ].

pencil= 20

star= 25

flower= 54

age= 3

51 pounds


5775 gotchi points

Thats about all for now. So I will post later.

Sorry if this log is boring!!!!!!! Balto is now 4 years old. What a shocker.

hungry= ****

happy= ****

training= [ 11111111 ]

smart= 28

fashion= 28

kindness= 118

35 pounds

9085 gotchi points

Dang. Now he just lost his happy heart. So I go to jump rope and now has 30 smart points. I wonder why jumping rope gjves you smart points??? If Bandai makes a V5, they should have fitness points, and new jobs like a coach or fitness trainer :furawatchi: How do I get so off track? Have you seen Japenise V4's? They are really cute, I just saw a pink one on Spudilike's log. And if by chance Spudilike sees this, I so totally agree with you that the beads look like skittles! :)

Oh look! How cute! Balto was watching a little egg with a star on it, and out popped a baby boy!



I went to a park and left my tamas paused. When I got back, I decided to connect them for kicks. Suddenly, they started shaking their heads really weird. Then Balto went over to Dylan's egg (my V3) Fireworks appeared on both screens and when the lights turned back on, they were back in thier shells. Dylan kind of turned around, and out popped.....




and now she turned around again,




She sent the first baby to Balto, and now they both have little girls along with them. Although I love the babys, I do think the V3 baby girl is way cuter because it looks like a little bunny. I won't be on tomorrow, so good bye for now!

When my tamas fell asleep, I changed the time so they could leave. very touching. When I woke them up today, I had to give them names. Bunny for my V4 and Chick for my V3.

Bunny is very hyper. I will post back as soon as I can.

My little bunny just evolved into a puchitchi! I'm not that excited to tell you the truth. Puchitchi is my only kid that I have gotten. I am hoping for my favorite charicter of all, Itchigotchi, the Strawberry teen. Then I can get :angry:

Yes, I'm sooooo sorry for not posting. What age does the matchmaker come again? Bunny is now 5.

Will post again soon.

Matchmaker will come today! Bunny is 6 today and started off with a very nice fortune, a 3 stars on the money thing, which means the king will send me a very nice package via tama mail. Here are my Bunnie's stats.

Hunger ****

Happy ****

training 1111

pencil 51

star 30

flower 31

6 years

59 pounds

3 generation

2355 points

And that is my stats.

Bunny just got a baby! It is a baby girl. Her name will be Leia. They are sooo cute! OH mail what is it? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! A robber! Oh noo! He stole 500 points! let's go to tamatown now.
