Ayan's Tamagotchi Pet Log


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443 Views! Yay!

3 stars? Please PM me with ways I can make this log better! Don't be shy. =)

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=( Still 3 stars? Please PM me with any way I can make this log better. If you need me to get a color tama, I will start earning money right now and get an ID L by the end of May. If you need more random and funniness, I will add more! Anything you need to make this log 5 stars I will add. Sorry I couldn't post photos yesterday, I had to go on a long shopping spree with my mom until 10:00 and when I came back, I had to go to straight to bed since I was so tired. (-.-)Zzz. Today, I am going to use Tinypic for my photos since I'm too lazy to log into Photobucket.


Aika got married to the penguin guy yesterday.

Wha? What happened to your enthusiasm?

My enthusiasm jumped out the window. What do you think happened?

Uh, uh, uh. Ice, tell me what happened to her!

She doesn't feel so good today.

(-.-) Yeah, my throat hurts. I'm going to the doctor on Wednesday and they are going to tell us what they saw in the Cat scan they did last time.

Wait! Weren't you supposed to take a picture of me by myself before I got married?

Oh yeah, I took it on the non-smartphone. I just don't feel like plugging it into the computer and yada yada yada.

Um, so... Aren't you going to feed us breakfast?

You can handle skipping breakfast can't you?

No!!! What was the cat scan like?

They put me in this big machine and scanned me. Hey, aren't I supposed to end this log?

No, I still have some thing to say!

Hey! You shouldn't complain after I took perfect care of you! I think I'm going to end this log.

Thanks for reading, feel free to PM me with any questions, comments and rate and follow.

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Hello! I went outside today and took pictures of flowers! Kuchipatchi.is.blue.55 gave me the inspiration to become a photographer! So this post will be all of the pics I took!







Wow, I took quite a bit of photos! Thanks for reading, don't forget to rate, follow and PM me with any comments/ questions about this log! =)

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Hai! I finally gained the strength to post again.

It's about time! Do you know how long I had tape on my mouth?


What's the matter Ice? Cat got your tongue?


Oh yeah, I forgot to get the tape of off your mouth. *pulls tape off of mouth*

What kind of tape is that anyway?

Tama Tape, it works like a charm on Tamas! :')

O_O There's a special tape for tamas?

Yes, I will read the box "Tama tape works like a charm on sealing virtual pets."

> > Now I guess theirs a virtual pet branded lip balm too.

Actually there is. *hands tube of Tama-Liccous Balm*


Did you want some Ayan?

Nah, I think I will stick to my chapstick.

Suit Yourself. What's for dinner?

Probably something extremely yummy like a hot dog for me and something really healthy like an Omelettes and peaches for you guys.

*spins around* Aika did you hear something? Because I think I heard Ayan say Omellete and Peaches. Ahahaahahahahaha!

She did.

*falls on floor*

Hurry, Ayan! Get the crazy Pen!

*hands crazy pen*

*gives Ice a shot of crazy pen*

Ahhhh, I feel much better.

O_O What's going on here?

*smiles nervously* Ice has a case of Crazy Penguin Disease.

O___O I knew I should have got my married to the Kuromametchi.

Say What? You like totally would never do that!

I forgot to say, Ice also has Hetalia Syndrome.


I'm going to end this log before anything crazier happens.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to rate, follow and PM me with comments about this log! See Ya!

*Yawn* I'm not feeling "at it" today. I went to bed at 4:00 A.M. so I'm pretty tired, so this log post will be short. Great news. Aika and Ice had a baby boy which I can't find a name for right now!

Umm, how about Aki?

Nah, Akio?

Yes that's the perfect name! That means glorious hero!

Thanks for reading!

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Hai! I am typing this with one hand as I'm licking a lemon flavored frozen fruit bar with the other, i'm like 2 words per minute right now, seriously! OK, the parent's are due to leave tomorrow and I promise I will take a pic of that. I have exciting news! My social studies teacher Mrs.Guadiz is on the Wheel of Fortune today at 7:00 PM today, so I will be doing my homework early to watch that, if you live in the US, feel free to watch it on whatever channel you usually watch Wheel of Fortune on, for me it's channel 4.

Momma, can I wash the sho too?

Of course you can Akio!

Hey, hey! You are not the boss here, I can boss everyone around and I say No!

Why not? It's my last day here, Plz!

OK, but promise me you guys will be quiet, I ran out of Tama Tape. That includes you Ice, or I will just buy some more.

Huh wha?

You wouldn't want to cover Akio's little baby mouth with tape would you?

Of course not! I don't want to get him into the same habit as you guys, instead I will give him candy!

*jaw drops* Why didn't you do that to me?

I ran out of candy the week of your birth and growth.

Why didn't you go buy some?

Because I didn't go to any stores with candy this week.

Mama, hungwy!*

*throws pork and beans in open mouth* Bullseye!

Uh... =O

Woo! Nice shot!

> :( Ice, Ayan...

What's the score so far, Oh hey Aika! How are you doing?

Uh Huh. Oh I'm doing fabulous, today... Wait, aren't we supposed to be talking about you throwing pork and beans into Akio's mouth!!!

Um, it's a great way to get his vitamins. Hahaha.

Do you know Akio could have choked? Then I would have to adopt a version 3 tamagotchi baby!

10 to 11!

Ice! How could you do this? Am I the only mature adult in this room?!!!

Uh, wha?

Aaargh!!! Akio is living with me until I leave him.

Momma, aw you leaving?

No Akio *picks up Akio*

Wait, wait, wait! You can't leave, don't you want to watch Wheel of Fortune? You can't me to watch the Wheel of Fortune with Ice!

Fine, I will stay. *puts Akio down*

There, there. I am going to end this log before we get any more arguments.

Thanks for reading, I realized after reading kuchipatchi.is.blue.55's log, that I don't need to tell you to rate or follow, if you want to you can and if you want to PM me you can. =)

Howdy! My teacher won the wheel of fortune! Yipee, here's photos to celebrate!


This is the family before Aika and Ice left.

Why?!! Why did this have to happen?!!

Calm down, you are safe here in my hands maybe OK, this is how Akio looks right now.


Yah, he's an Ahirukutchi.

Yay! You didn't turn me into a Mattaratchi!

Yup, because you are an even generation! Odd generation = Mattaratchi, Even generation = Ahirukutchi,

So, the generation after me is odd.

Yes, my little math wiz! =D

*writes algebra problem on paper* Look Ayan!l

*jaw drops* Good job, now you still have terrible reading skills.

Nuh Uh!

Oh yeah? If you can read, read this sentence and you will get a cherry flavored ice cream: "It's raining really hard outside."

It be wining hard out wide.

Umm, that's close, but not good enough! =P

Come on! I did pretty well for a toddler right? Am I right?

Yah, fine! I will get your ice cream *goes downstairs to get ice cream*

How do I use this thing? ASJSKW

I'm back! *throws bowl of blueberry ice cream on the desk* Here!

This isn't cherry flavored ice cream!

We ran out.

Hmmf. *throws face in ice cream*

OK, while you eat that, I will end this log.

Thanks for reading! =D

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Hello! Sorry for not posting yesterday, my computer shut off randomly while I was logging yesterday and it wouldn't turn back on!!! Akio turned into a Kilaltchi last night while I was sleeping. Darn It!!! Anyways, here's a picture of him.


What's so bad about Kilaltchi?

He's not bad, it's just I always get him and I wanted to get Korokotchi. =(

So, you going to be in the epic TamaChat party?

Yes, it's going to be a good excuse to keep you from evolving into Mametchi. Mwhahahaha! I can only stay there for 30 minutes though, so you won't have to suffer that long.

Aren't you going to pause me during the Chat party?

No! i want you to suffer, I mean turn you into a Kuchipatchi. =D

Uh, huh. Well, that's fine I guess.

This is getting boring, so I'm going to end this log, I promise for a more enthusiastic log tomorrow!

Thanks for reading! =D

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Thanks for making this log a hot topic! Still 3 stars? Please PM me with ways I could make this log better! You will never guess Akio evolved into a ....

Wooltchi! I was aiming for Kuchipatchi but it's nice to see Wooltchi again, oh memories. =D

What do you mean by memories? You had a Wooltchi before?

Yes, Oreo was his name. I think I'm going to have to do a flashback.

Nooo!!! Just tell me!!!

Too late! *starts flashback* It was back in February, I had a little guy named Oreo. I was playing some computer games on miniclip. I suddenly heard an evolving noise coming from Oreo while I was eating pasta, I looked at the screen and I saw a Wooltchi. I immediately got my dad's phone and took a picture of Oreo and announced it on my log. *ends flashback*

Wow! Do you know any interesting facts about Oreo?

Yup! He was rich after inventing the Tama-Pad.

*looks down at Tama-Pad in hands* So he invented this awesome Angry Birds Player?

Yup, and he didn't share any of his riches with me. =( That greedy sheep!

Maybe I got the gift of inventing from him! *locks door to bedroom* I'm back *shows Ayan a big piece of plastic and metal*

Didn't I tell you not to dig around the neighbor's trash?

It's not trash! It's the super iced tea maker!

Bleh. I hate iced tea!

Come on Ayan! This could be the next big thing!

Next Big Thing huh? I will try it for inventor's sake.

That's the spirit! *hands Ayan iced tea*

*drinks iced tea in one gulp* Ewwww, this takes like broccoli!

Ooops, i forgot to wash the container and put the tea in.

You just gave me ice in a dirty metal thingy!

Yup, Heh, heh. Forgive and forget right?

Nope, it's time for revenge! *gets omelette*

Ayan, how are youn going to eat that? I thought you were allergic to eggs!

I'm wearing gloves and I'm not going to eat this... YOU ARE!!! *throws omellete in Akio's mouth* Mwhahahaha!

Is that enough revenge for you?\

Yes and before I get to evil, I'm going to end this log.

Thanks for reading! ;)

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Hi everyone! I have merged my Appletchi log and this one together, by the way I am Appletchi if you haven't already noticed. I couldn't leave this log because it has so many memories that I can't leave behind. :)

Thanks for reading! Comments are always welcome! ^_^

Hello! I have good news and bad news, good news is that I have pictures, bad news is Akio's age counter is stuck at 8 years old and they didn't have a baby yet. :( . Credit to kuchipatchi.is.blue55 for letting me use the "peasant" part of my log..

Ahem, aren't you going to do the pictures, peasant?

How rude! You can't act like that to me, try to say it more nicely.

Can you please show the photos, Ayan?

Fine, only because you said please.


That's Akio with his wife, Daisy. Thanks to kuchipatchi.is.blue55 for telling me that I can take better pictures by using natural light..

Howdy,are we gonna rustle up some horses? Yee haw!

O_O Akio... Did you marry a cow girl?!

Ahem, I'm a cow princess.


How in the world is a makiko a cow girl? She's supposed to be all pretty and frilly in her dress!

Ya'll all say I can't be unique?

I'm not saying that your not unique, I'm saying that's it's a little ummm, weird.

I'm weird? Akio, do you think I'm weird?

No comment.

To change the subject, I am going to post a random picture I took!


I randomly picked up a pen and drew a smiley face on my hand. xD

i love tattoo's! *shows cow tattoo on arm*

Ummm, Akio you have a really weird wife.

*whispers I know*

What did you say?

Nothing Diasy, end this log Ayan!

I was thinking the same thing.

End of log. Thanks for reading! Here's another random picture I took of my tamagotchi sitting on fake glasses! xD


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Hello! I would like to thank tamagotchicuteness and Ringotchi123 for following, it means a lot to me. OK, Akio and Daisy have an egg between them and it just hatched into a baby boy, literally he just came out. I think I'll take a break with the japanese names and name him Pickle, because of a conversation Me, CheesyNoodleTama and Ninjasaurus Rex had on chat about justice for pickles.

Pickle? Really? You chose that stupid vegetable to be my name?!!

Hey! I didn't even ask you to pick a color, for all you know, I could have made you talk in pink and second you are rude and you were just born a minute ago?!

Ayan, Just calm down. Breath in and breath out.

Breath in and breath out?! THIS IS NOT YOGA CLASS!

Ya'll don't look very calm to me.

Ummm, I think I should go now.

No Pickle, stay here.

I'm so angry that I...I...I will go downstairs and eat all the ice cream without using a bowl! Ha! I'm evil! *walks downstairs*

She's not saving any for me! She's so evil and I'm so hungry... Aha! I can eat her keyboard keys, after all she has a spare one in the closet right? Hmmmm, I think I will eat the letter "E" because "e" stands for espresso. *eats letter "e."

*comes back to the computer* Wait, why is one letter missing? Oh no, Pickle did you eat one of my keys?


Out of all the letters, you had to get the most used letter!

I'm sowwy. *makes puppy face*


Ya'll can't resist that, can you?

I can't resist. I forgive you. *gets spare dusty keyboard* Yuck, I hate this dusty keyboard that has been in this house since 2004. But, it's my only choice for now. By the way, I didn't eat all of the ice cream and I did use a bowl, I can't bring myself to do something bad, you guys want some?

*everyone says yes*

*goes downstairs and brings carton of ice cream up* What better way to end a log, then with ice cream?

*puts face into ice cream*

I think Pickle agrees! :)

Thanks for reading! My PM box is always empty for comments! :)

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Sorry for not posting in a while, life got in the way. So today I had a fever and had to stay from school and Pickle's parents left me in his care on a sick day, what perfect timing! I had to opt out of the mother's day hatch because I started up my tama on accident. Oh well, I can't keep up with hatches that well anyway. Now let's start the log!

You mean this whole time, you were breathing on my screen with your sickness?

Yeah, what else was I supposed to do? I was bored and you know how baby stages are right? You have to be really careful.

Ewww! I hope I don't get whooping cough! If you were so "careful" why am I am mattaratchi?

Toddlers are random, I think. He's not that bad, your actually kind of cute. :3

Whatever you do, don't take a picture of me, I don't want anyone to see my shame.

Too bad, I'm taking a picture later. :p Now I'm ending this log because I'm starting to feel sick again. :(

Thanks for reading! I would love any comments you have, good or bad. Also thanks for the 1,703 views!

P.S. Followers, you rock! :D

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Thanks for following Princess Loveltchi! OK, my fever ended, but I got a sore throat while I was at school and I didn't go to the nurse because today was an important day that I couldn't miss. Since I'm not feeling too well, I'm just going to post the picture of Pickle I took yesterday and not any tama conversations, I'm sorry. :(


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You see that log banner in my siggy? EMF made that for me a while ago, Thanks again EMF! Oh No! My tama-go's battery died and we don't have any around the house! At least, I was able to snap a quick picture of Pickle before the batteries died. I feel worse now than I was yesterday, so no tama- conversations for a while until I get better. :(


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