Ayan's Tamagotchi Pet Log


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Woo Hoo! My log has 105 views and it says "hot" next to it! This is so great and I'm on page 2 already! Thank You!

Please oh please oh please! Rate, PM me with fanmail and follow this log!!! Is that to much to ask?

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OK, Cupcake ( brother's tama) was just born. She's a girl with 1 friendship heart, 5 pounds, 2nd generation 0 training bars and all happy and hungry hearts full!

Hello! I can talk in full sentences. :) Plus I speak text. LOL! OMG!


OMG is not allowed in this log.

Why? My tama friend Rosa says it!

If Ayan says you can't you can't!

I want mommy!

She left!




Don't worry, I will help take care of you.

Ayan! No, she's too annoying!

I'm hungry!

Here you go, milk and pork and beans!

All my friends...

What friends? You were just born!!!

The ones I met at the park. Duh!

*sigh* looks like annoying runs in the family.

I'm not annoying!

Ya Sure *rolls eyes*

End of log, thanks for reading! :) :)

Hello! I left my camera in the car and my dad took the car to work. So I will have to log without pictures until he gets home.

This tea you gave me is just marvelous! May I please have a re-fill?

Cupcake!!! When did you start drinking tea and which kind of tea?

I started just now and I want peppermint tea with a cup of sugar.

OK, here you go *hands Cupcake tea*

*sips tea* Where is Oreo?

Taking a nap.

A nap?!!

I said N-A-P!

Why is he taking a nap?

Because... Well, I don't know. Do you want to take a nap too?


Just go practice your manners Princess Cupcake.


Thank you for this wonderful tea. It was splendid. However did you make it?

Boiled water and cinnamon tea package.


Ummm... should I end this log.

EDIT: The camera is actually a smart phone camera and my brother is playing games on it, so no pictures today. I promise there will be more pictures tomorrow.

Ummm... yeah!

End of log. Thanks for reading and don't forget to rate, follow and PM me with fanmail to this log!

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OK, It's montage time!


Oreo brushing his teeth. Oreo at the park.


Oreo's grandma.

Thanks for reading my log!

P.S. Oreo's not getting married until tomorrow!

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I'm bored and do not have pictures yet. So, I'm just going to sit around and tell you all what to do! Mwhahahaha


First, rate my log now!!!

Next, PM me with fan mail!!!

Finally, follow this log!!!

OK, I'm done.

Hello! Happy President's day. Anyways I have a sore throat, so I won't upload any pictures right now. Oreo got married to a Violetchi who's name is Berry!

Hi! My name is Berry!


Nice to meet you Berry.

Berry, get away from her! She has a sore throat!

Ewww! *takes Oreo's hand and runs out the door*

End of log, don't forget to rate!

Hello! I just got my hair braided and ate lunch so it's time to log!

Finally! Do you have pictures? Please tell me you do!

I do, but I forgot to transfer them. Anyway today Oreo and Berry had a baby girl who I will name Apple, after my favorite fruit. Pick a color, any color to talk in.

I want this one!

OK, that's the color you will speak in from now on.

I can talk in full sentences. I can speak Spanish. I can read and write. I can do all sorts of math...


It is truly amazing!

I want to play Angry Birds now!

OK, *hands Apple his phone*

*starts playing Angry Birds*

End of log! Bye, don't forget to rate, follow and PM me about this log.

This update is all about me, Apple! I like to play Angry Birds!

I am going to control this log and there is nothing you can do about it!

Apple! You know that you are not supposed to come to this log without supervision!

Who's Apple?

Apple, changing your voice color will not fool me.


Apple, I know it's you!

No, it's me Oreo!

Yeah right! Wait a minute... It is you!

Of course it's me! i think you have been playing too much Ninja Chicken.

Yeah! My signature is going to be a :3

But, but, but,... FINE! I MUST BE CRAZY!

Yup! :3

End of log, thanks for reading fans!

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Hello! Just got back from school and my mom got me candy!!! Anyways Oreo and Berry are still here. Groan. Why won't you leave and leave me with Apple?!! They should be leaving tomorrow.

That is rude. Can't I stay with Apple for a little longer?


Nope! I want to take care of Apple.

Mom, where are you going tomorrow?

Nowhere Apple.

Nice cover Berry!


OK, OK. I have pictures, I promise I will upload them later in a new post.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Now I know my A B C'S next time won't you sing with me.

Hi, who's singing?

Carrot? Is that you?!!

Yup! I'm a Monpatchi. You left me with 2 piles of poop on the floor!

Ooops! I must have forgotten to pause you while I was a school. The same thing happened to Apple, Berry and Oreo today. I was in a hurry today.

Did you make it on time?

Yup, but just barely! I sat on my desk 15 seconds before the bell rang!

Did you leap into your chair? Were you running in the halls?

I was fast-walking in the halls and I rushed into my chair! Whew!

We are all happy for you, next time wake up earlier so you can have time to pause us.

I'll try!

You cannot "try" you have to promise.

I said I will try to wake up earlier if i can! I can't wait until you leave tomorrow, then I can take care of sweet Apple who is the nicest tama ever.

Thank you Ayan.

Yack! I am still older than you!

You aren't even my tama, you are my brother's tama and I am going to reset you so you can be born on the same day as Apple and get married.




Enough everyone!

I do not want to die!

It's OK, lots of Tama's have been reset before. Oreo and Berry will be there with you on the Tama-Planety


It is going to happen and there is nothing you can do about it except enjoy life on Earth while it lasts. I am sorry to have to do this, but I have to.

Can I at least get ice cream and a buffet today since it's my last day on Earth?

Sure! You can get as fat as you want today and eat as much food as you like!

Thank You, it's been a pleasure knowing you. Goodbye!

Hold up! You are not leaving until tomorrow after school. You still have time to enjoy yourself.

Can you let him stay?

I cannot to do that. Plus you turned into a bad character so I have to reset you.

It's OK, I can deal with it.

You are so brave.

I know, life on the Tama-Planet will be great.

Good Ridance! Can't wait for the new tama! <3


What? I'm just telling the truth.

Bye everyone! Ayan, you are too kind for arranging this feast for me.

No problem, just promise me you will never forget me.

I promise.

End of log. Thanks to all my followers/fans. Don't forget to rate, follow and PM me about this log! One weird thing is that I saw Oreo, Berry and Apple feeding themselves! PM me with more info about that because I am kind of unsure. I would really really appreciate it! Remember, I am still looking for someone to create my log banner. If you would like to do that PM me! Bye!

Sorry for posting for a long time, but I'm just bored! :|

Not you again! Just leave, you have bothered us enough for one day.

Oreo, that's not very polite of you. He meant to say what brings you here.


What? Don't look at me.

You are an adult and you still act like a child, fine! let's all act like children, Berry, you be the mom.


It was Oreo! Ewwwww... Oreo made a poopy...

Enough! You are acting so childish!

That was to teach you what you were doing.

But it wasn't that dramatic was it?

What are we going to name the new Tama boy that is going to be born tomorrow?

Maybe Toffee.

Oooh! I love Toffee! <3 I love to eat that candy!

Ummm... still here!

Carrot, you are supposed to be in bed!

Nah, I want to live in the wild life!

Do you have a job?



What about the feast?


Ayan, relax and calmy think this thru.


Ummm... No comment.

Hi, today I Berry will be ending this log since Ayan is kind of GETTING CRAZY. Anyways remember to PM Ayan with fanmail ( make sure it's nice because she will not deal with intolerance. Really she is in a bad mood today) Rate ( make sure it's good to calm her down) and follow this log ( she will get mad if there are no new followers) Thank you for understanding.

If for any reason I cannot log, CheesyNoodleTama's log will be a substitute.

Her log is amazing, I read it every day!

CheesyNoodleTama is certified as an official Log Substitute.

To find more info go to her profile page.

Thank you, have a nice day. :)

Hello! So far I have 4 followers and 1 mystery follower. Hmmmm... I wonder who is is. Anyway Apple is alone and Orange was born. Orange, choose a color to talk in.

I choose this color! :)

Hi, we are both fruits! :)

Yup, anyway they both have 1 friendship heart full and they are on pause now so they won't evolve or poop while I am posting this.

This log is getting boring. Can you take pictures?!!

Don't have the camera with me. Let's end this log early. I don't feel like logging today.


End of log, don't forget to PM me with fanmail, rate and follow this log! :)

Hi, I'm back!!! Apple just took a nap and Orange is taking a nap too. Good thing I managed to connect them at least 6 times before they slept! Looks like I have this log all to myself.

:) I need a log banner, if you are interested please PM me! There are a lot of people who want to make it, so I'll randomly choose a name and that person will make it. If I decide I don't like your banner, I will ask someone else to do it. I think the instructions are very fair and clear, but if you have questions PM me!

Who wants an issue of Tama Beat? i can send you the file and you can print it, or I can print it for you and send it for $2.

That's all for today.

P.S. I am eating a hot dog right now!

Thanks to CheesyNoodleTama for having a great log to get inspiration from. You rock!

Make sure to PM me, follow and rate this log.


Apple just evolved into a Belltchi!


But Orange still hasn't evolved. :(

So sad. :(

Don't worry, you will evolve soon.

I just did!!! I'm an Mattaritchi!

Apple's dad was a Mattaritchi too before.

He was? Anyways whens photo time, I want to show off how glorious I look.

Yes he was. Photo time is later and everyone gets a picture.

I don't want a picture, I look ugly.

You look adorable, everyone gets a picture!



End of log, thanks for reading. Don't forget to PM me, rate and follow this log! Bye! :)

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My tamagotchi got taken away because apparently they "hurt" my eyes. That's what my mom said at least.

So i won't be logging until tomorrow. :( :( :(

Hello! I just got my tamagotchi's back. Unfortunately Apple and Orange turned into a Chuchutchi and a Monpatchi. :( When I got my tamagotchis' back, they were both sick and there was poop all over the floor!

Anyways, show the pictures!


Don't I look just marvelous?

Show my picture!


I look cool!

Sorry about letting you turn into bad characters. On the bright side, you may turn into Piptchi or Gozuratchi!



End of log, thanks for reading. Don't forget to rate, follow and PM me with comments and or questions!

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Hello! I'm back with pictures! Anyways my prediction was correct! Apple turned into a Pipotchi and Orange turned into a Gozarutchi, now on with the pictures! Sadly, there are only pictures of Apple!


Yay! Show the pictures!


I look so pretty!

Hold up, let me post another picture.


You took a picture of me while I was taking a shower?!!


You're crazy.

I know mwhahaha!

You're evil!

I know!

End of log, thanks for reading and don't forget to rate, PM and follow this log! :)

Hola! My predictions are correct, I predicted that Orange would turn into a Gozarutachi and Apple would turn into a Pipotchi and I was correct! I anybody wants me to predict what character their pet will turn into PM me!

Anyways Apple is 4 years old, 30 pounds and has 1 training bar and full hungry and happy hearts. Orange is 4 years old, 50 pounds and has 1 training bar and full hungry and happy hearts.

I promise i will have some pictures of you later, Orange.

Thank you, it is a pleasure to be in your care. I am so delighted to hear that I will get pictures of me.

You have such great manners. Yes, it is my pleasure to take care of you Mr. Orange.

Hi! Why are you guys talking like that?

Hello, Miss. Apple. We are practicing our manners. Would you like to try, it is very delightful.

OK. Hi! It's is your pleasure to meet me.

That's wrong. Please try again Miss Apple.

How delightful, I love using my manners. Can we talk like this all the time? That would be splendid.

No! You are starting to creep me out,



End of log, don't forget to rate, follow and PM me with comments/ questions!
