Memetchiluva464 Well-known member Joined Aug 3, 2007 Messages 515 Reaction score 25 Location i donno Jun 27, 2011 #281 Well, my defences on 2012 ar- OMG LOOK! SHINYYYY!!!! 8D WhY iS iT sO fUn To TyPe LiKe ThIs? :3
yattatchi425 Well-known member Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 351 Reaction score 52 Location in a land, far, far away... Jun 27, 2011 #282 BecAUsE It is AWSome! why am i talking likeTHIS.
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 Jun 28, 2011 #283 Because I talk like THIS WHO ATE MY COOKIE?
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 5, 2011 #284 My oboe reed that I made that isn't perfectly in tune, of course!!! Why does my oboe believe that 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?!?!?!!! P.S. DON'T FORGET YOUR TOWEL!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
My oboe reed that I made that isn't perfectly in tune, of course!!! Why does my oboe believe that 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?!?!?!!! P.S. DON'T FORGET YOUR TOWEL!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I It`s Teri Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 922 Location memes Jul 7, 2011 #285 Parce qu'il pleut. (Because it's raining) Why am I friends with my ex-best friend's sister?
Memetchiluva464 Well-known member Joined Aug 3, 2007 Messages 515 Reaction score 25 Location i donno Jul 7, 2011 #286 Because my "Best Friend's Boyfriend Is The ONE! FOR! ME!!!! BFB BFB BFB BFB BFB bfb..... POTATO!!! DOES THIS COUNT AS ANNOYING??? o3o o3o o3o o3o o3o
Because my "Best Friend's Boyfriend Is The ONE! FOR! ME!!!! BFB BFB BFB BFB BFB bfb..... POTATO!!! DOES THIS COUNT AS ANNOYING??? o3o o3o o3o o3o o3o
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 7, 2011 #287 No. That is perfectly normal. XD Why do my shoes have pi written all over them?
Makiko Lover Well-known member Joined Jun 23, 2011 Messages 119 Reaction score 1 Jul 8, 2011 #288 My old math teacher had a shirt with a pumpkin on it and inside that pumpkin was a pi symbol. I guess cuz pi is awesome. Why is there Canadian bacon on frickin Hawaiian pizza??? Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2011
My old math teacher had a shirt with a pumpkin on it and inside that pumpkin was a pi symbol. I guess cuz pi is awesome. Why is there Canadian bacon on frickin Hawaiian pizza???
I It`s Teri Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 922 Location memes Jul 8, 2011 #289 'Cuz Canadian bacon is ham! iCarly FTW Why?
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 8, 2011 #290 Because. That's why. Duh. Why do I love cheese?
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 Jul 9, 2011 #291 Because you're a mouse! Why is bhjskdghkfjsbgfjsghlsrkgnsbnlsbhdkbnsljbgjlsfrbljsrbjsbjsdbg like bhjskdghkfjsbgfjsghlsrkgnsbnlsbhdkbnsljbgjlsfrbljsrbjsbjsdbg ?
Because you're a mouse! Why is bhjskdghkfjsbgfjsghlsrkgnsbnlsbhdkbnsljbgjlsfrbljsrbjsbjsdbg like bhjskdghkfjsbgfjsghlsrkgnsbnlsbhdkbnsljbgjlsfrbljsrbjsbjsdbg ?
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 9, 2011 #292 Because you copied and pasted! :3 Why do my eyes change color from green with red flecks to hazel??
I It`s Teri Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 922 Location memes Jul 10, 2011 #293 Because they can! Will I go to next year's ball?
Memetchiluva464 Well-known member Joined Aug 3, 2007 Messages 515 Reaction score 25 Location i donno Jul 10, 2011 #294 No, but your ugly stepsisters will. >3 Is there a reason why my nails are so long?
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 11, 2011 #295 No. Why are cupcakes SO DARN GOOD?
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 Jul 12, 2011 #296 Because cookies are better! Why did the cow jumped over the moon?
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 13, 2011 #297 Because I'm lazy. Why am I awake at 5:00 in the morning?
Nazotchi25 TamaTalk Guides / Moderator Staff member TamaTalk Angelgotchi Joined Sep 3, 2009 Messages 1,685 Reaction score 577 Location Canada Jul 13, 2011 #298 because I told you so Why am i playing this game? Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2011
mochatchi34 Well-known member Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 214 Reaction score 1 Location Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever. Jul 13, 2011 #299 Because I wish I had something better to do than lay around in bed and post in topics like this. D: Why are french fries French?
Because I wish I had something better to do than lay around in bed and post in topics like this. D: Why are french fries French?
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 Jul 14, 2011 #300 Because blah blah blah blah Why blah blah blah blah?