Memetchiluva464 Well-known member Joined Aug 3, 2007 Messages 515 Reaction score 25 Location i donno May 26, 2011 #241 ...... 42. Is there a reason for that?
Missvioletchi Well-known member Joined Dec 20, 2010 Messages 558 Reaction score 14 Location Ravenclaw Tower May 27, 2011 #242 Correct! Why does nothing rhyme with "silver"??!!!?!?!?!!!
pikachuchu! Member Joined Apr 26, 2011 Messages 23 Reaction score 0 Location a place in Australia May 28, 2011 #243 cuz nothing rhymes with orange Hey can't you actually say porridge with orange?
PokemonKid Well-known member Joined Mar 30, 2011 Messages 111 Reaction score 1 Location New Bark Town with his New Chikortia May 28, 2011 #244 No, because I ate a pie. Why does the rapture not destroy us? >D Causetheraptureanitgonnahappen
Missvioletchi Well-known member Joined Dec 20, 2010 Messages 558 Reaction score 14 Location Ravenclaw Tower May 28, 2011 #245 pikachuchu! said: cuz nothing rhymes with orange Hey can't you actually say porridge with orange? Click to expand... Actually, door hinge rhymes with orange _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Because zebras dont wear tutus!! duh!! Why does the moon have to be square?
pikachuchu! said: cuz nothing rhymes with orange Hey can't you actually say porridge with orange? Click to expand... Actually, door hinge rhymes with orange _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Because zebras dont wear tutus!! duh!! Why does the moon have to be square?
yattatchi425 Well-known member Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 351 Reaction score 52 Location in a land, far, far away... May 28, 2011 #246 because Jesus`s fart caused a wave that killed japan. why are there bubbles?
I It`s Teri Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 922 Location memes May 28, 2011 #247 Because of the pie that destroyed Mars! What is the meaning of life?
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 May 29, 2011 #248 L-I-F-E. Why is Teri obsessed with Survivor? Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2011
I It`s Teri Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 922 Location memes May 30, 2011 #249 Because it is so totally awesome! Why?
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 May 30, 2011 #250 Because. What is my last name?
N .:Nightpelt~Togetchi:. Well-known member Joined Oct 5, 2010 Messages 445 Reaction score 14 Location Melbourne, Australia Jun 5, 2011 #251 what is your cat's name? If I ate a chocolate chip cookie while reading harry potter and the goblet of fire, will I turn into a Hedgehog?
what is your cat's name? If I ate a chocolate chip cookie while reading harry potter and the goblet of fire, will I turn into a Hedgehog?
Pink Hippopotumas Well-known member Joined Dec 18, 2009 Messages 132 Reaction score 1 Location Anywhere in Time and Space Jun 5, 2011 #252 If you mutter the spell of hedge-hogitis. Hey!You! No, not you! Yes, You! Do you like tacos???
Oh! Well-known member Joined Jan 5, 2011 Messages 130 Reaction score 8 Jun 5, 2011 #253 yEr MoM Liks TakOz Do chicken's have large talons?
N .:Nightpelt~Togetchi:. Well-known member Joined Oct 5, 2010 Messages 445 Reaction score 14 Location Melbourne, Australia Jun 5, 2011 #254 CHICKENS HAVE FEATHERY BUTTS =P What is 1+1?
robodog Well-known member Joined May 12, 2011 Messages 902 Reaction score 207 Jun 5, 2011 #255 One hundred and seven. Plus a monkey. An evil monkey! Why do the dolls continue to stalk me?
yattatchi425 Well-known member Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 351 Reaction score 52 Location in a land, far, far away... Jun 5, 2011 #256 because you did not comb their hair with a plastic brush. why do digimon resemble pokemon so much?
robodog Well-known member Joined May 12, 2011 Messages 902 Reaction score 207 Jun 5, 2011 #257 They don't. It's an evil rumor spread by Pikachu in order to discredit the competition. Why do farts stink?
They don't. It's an evil rumor spread by Pikachu in order to discredit the competition. Why do farts stink?
PokemonKid Well-known member Joined Mar 30, 2011 Messages 111 Reaction score 1 Location New Bark Town with his New Chikortia Jun 6, 2011 #258 B3(AU$E Y3R M0M L1K3$ TAK0$ Why did I type like that?
mametchifan1996 Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2010 Messages 261 Reaction score 3 Jun 7, 2011 #259 Because you like Pokemon! Why do cats and dogs fight?
N .:Nightpelt~Togetchi:. Well-known member Joined Oct 5, 2010 Messages 445 Reaction score 14 Location Melbourne, Australia Jun 7, 2011 #260 Because chuck norris looks like a chicken Why does my mum expect me to sleep at 9:30pm???