Are you white or black?


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I'm Asian....I can't say I would have the most pride in my culture ._.
Well, I kind of have pride for my chinese culture. People have teased me for being Asian/Chinese, because I was different. >.< Wouldn't you call that racism? Everyone else around me was either black or white.

Currently, I am the only chinese girl in my ENTIRE SCHOOL. >.< So I really am different. But my school's really small.

I wish racism would stop (not it happened in TT or anything, but it's kinda happening in the world). >.< It doesn't matter what skin colour you have, we are all the same inside. :furawatchi:

[SIZE=13pt]:3...One of the greatest things about being a darker skin colour is...[/SIZE]No sun burns. 8D Muahahaha~
I know. XD

I have dark skin. Really dark skin.

I get an occasional burn, but it mostly nice tans for me. :]

Well, I kind of have pride for my chinese culture. People have teased me for being Asian/Chinese, because I was different. >.< Wouldn't you call that racism? Everyone else around me was either black or white.
Currently, I am the only chinese girl in my ENTIRE SCHOOL. >.< So I really am different. But my school's really small.

I wish racism would stop (not it happened in TT or anything, but it's kinda happening in the world). >.< It doesn't matter what skin colour you have, we are all the same inside. :)
Well, most Asians have A LOT of pride in their culture.

I'm not the same.

The truth is, I don't like being Asian.

There I said it.

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