Are you emo?


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[SIZE=7pt]Not really, people have called me emo though. //.-[/SIZE]


I think if you cut, you must have a deep physcological problem.

Labels are confussing. I don't think any of us know what we're talking about. Even me.

Call yourself emo if you want, but you're not any different from the rest of us.

Cut yourself and threaten to kill yourself or what ever, but just realize how selfish you are by making others worry.

The word emo means nothing. There is a fine line between "personal expression" and "phycological help".

I'm not trying to offend anyone but to me none of you are emo. Your you.

Labels are confussing. I don't think any of us know what we're talking about. Even me.
Call yourself emo if you want, but you're not any different from the rest of us.

Cut yourself and threaten to kill yourself or what ever, but just realize how selfish you are by making others worry.

The word emo means nothing. There is a fine line between "personal expression" and "phycological help".

I'm not trying to offend anyone but to me none of you are emo. Your you.
I agree.

Labels don't mean a thing. After you peel them off...what are we all? Just people.

I could dress one way and listen to another kind of music. It doesn't mean a thing to me.

Here are my feelins about labels. It just evolved. Emos=emotional. Doesn't take a genius. It evolved over time into 'black-wearing kids who cut themselves.'

Same with every possible label. Preps, punks, goths. It came up and evolved.

I don't get it. Why do people feel the need to post that they are "emo", "goth" or whatever? I been tagged as "weird", "strange", "freaky" and a "critter".

If people wanna tag themselves. It's their buisness. Whatever floats your boat.

I agree.
Labels don't mean a thing. After you peel them off...what are we all? Just people.

I could dress one way and listen to another kind of music. It doesn't mean a thing to me.

Here are my feelins about labels. It just evolved. Emos=emotional. Doesn't take a genius. It evolved over time into 'black-wearing kids who cut themselves.'

Same with every possible label. Preps, punks, goths. It came up and evolved.
[SIZE=7pt]You don't need to be emo to cut, I think you just have to either have an emotional, or pyscological problem.[/SIZE]




I agree.
Labels don't mean a thing. After you peel them off...what are we all? Just people.

I could dress one way and listen to another kind of music. It doesn't mean a thing to me.

Here are my feelins about labels. It just evolved. Emos=emotional. Doesn't take a genius. It evolved over time into 'black-wearing kids who cut themselves.'

Same with every possible label. Preps, punks, goths. It came up and evolved.
I'm glad you feel this way but they do matter. They matter because others label and we label people sometimes without really thinking, too. What you have to do is just strive for yourself that you will not label or judge people.

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im not emo, but i know alot about them.

first of all, emo stands for EMOtional.

they cut themselves to "relieve" themselves

of all the fustration and bad things going

on in their lives. they usually cut their arms

and wrists so they wear long sleeves year round.

once again I AM NOT EMO. :nazotchi:

I'm glad you feel this way but they do matter. They matter because others label and we label people sometimes without really thinking, too. What you have to do is just strive for yourself that you will not label or judge people.
I agree that we do need labels in a way, but what doesn't make sense is when people label themselves and take it to extremes to show everyone, like say 'cutting wrists to be emo' or something. It's stupid. Do you expect to be treated any different or better than the person sitting beside me? Well I hope not.

No, I am not emo.

I don't care if people are emo or not, because it is their decision, nor do I think that emos are weird.

I agree that we do need labels in a way, but what doesn't make sense is when people label themselves and take it to extremes to show everyone, like say 'cutting wrists to be emo' or something. It's stupid. Do you expect to be treated any different or better than the person sitting beside me? Well I hope not.
Exactly. I mean, like I've said, we're JUST people. All equal, all the same. We all get depressed and moody at times (Me being example enough) but we don't have to cut ourselves.

I'm not in a 'group' at my school. I have tons of different friends. We're not all this or that. I just don't get why people label others. It confuses me.

Hmm, Kids at school call me 'emo' a lot. I think it's because they dont understand why Im quiet. I dont care, labeling and grouping is necessarry in the human brain.

And as for cutting- apparently it releases a hormone that makes you feel happy. Anybody could be cutting themselves, not just depressed people.

I agree that we do need labels in a way, but what doesn't make sense is when people label themselves and take it to extremes to show everyone, like say 'cutting wrists to be emo' or something. It's stupid. Do you expect to be treated any different or better than the person sitting beside me? Well I hope not.
Ya I utterly dislike when people label themself.

And as for cutting- apparently it releases a hormone that makes you feel happy. Anybody could be cutting themselves, not just depressed people.
I don't think it releases horomones. Although, I'm not 100% but I can't see how that would work. It seems usually to be a emotional-control issue.

I don't think it releases horomones. Although, I'm not 100% but I can't see how that would work. It seems usually to be a emotional-control issue.
Well, things like eating chocolate release hormones. I guess when your body is trying to heal it makes you feel good?

I would rather eat chocolate than slice myself up.

I don't think it releases horomones. Although, I'm not 100% but I can't see how that would work. It seems usually to be a emotional-control issue.
I don't know if it's a 'hormone.' But chocolate, as someone pointed out, has some chemicals in it that makes you feel happier. So...I'm not sure I would quite call that a hormone.

But back on topic:

I don't think cutting yourself releases hormones either. It may make you feel happier for a couple of hours or something. But I don't know. It disgusts me when I bleed. I don't see how cutting would make me, or anyone happier.

my friend cut herself (let's just call her Katie) and my other good friend, (let's just call him Billy Bob), told me that I shouldn't be mad at her but that I should support her. But how am I supposed to support her for hurting herself. It's like "Wow Katie, wonderful job for self mutilating yourself!!!! ;) "

It's just so dumb...if your depressed take out your anger on a stress ball or's not rocket science. If your sad, then why would you want to hurt yourself even more??? And if you're mad at YOURSELF, then just don't think about it and do something you love to do or call a's not brain surgery!!! :mametchi:

*sighs and shakes head*

I'm sorry for the big outburst but it's just what I think...


Comparing chocolate to cutting and how they relieve different things are like comparing apples... and bloated frogs. xP

Another reason why people might cut is because they want to get their mind off other problems. Have you ever had a headache? And then to relieve that pain, you pulled your hair or smacked yourself? Well... it helps my headaches, anyway! xD But it may be something like that, kind of a focus on this pain and not the pain around them.

I don't think it releases horomones. Although, I'm not 100% but I can't see how that would work. It seems usually to be a emotional-control issue.
It releases endorphins, which make you feel good. Exercising and eating chocolate also release endorphins.

.. Have you ever had a headache? And then to relieve that pain, you pulled your hair or smacked yourself? Well... it helps my headaches, anyway!
That works?? Ima try that. xD

But yes I do agree, I think people do this to take their mind off of emotional pain, which is NOT th right way to handle things.

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