Are you a pervert?


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yeah. i'm a crazy girl and always have been since i was 11. :) i've just taken it to the extreme.

my boyfriend is.

i can say something, he always converts it into something perverted.

".... i have money!" - me

"... pay me for sex!" - him

he's joking though, he's really sweet

yeah, i can be perverted too.. but not all the time, only once in a while. i don't think it's something to be proud of, and when my boyfriends says stuff it tends to get me mad.
[SIZE=13pt]8D~ lmao.[/SIZE]

Thats something perverted I'd say to my boyfriend. :D ~


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Is it true that if you hit your private part when you grow you cant have kids?

Is it true that if you hit your private part when you grow you cant have kids?
Not necessarily o.o I mean.. If you were to completely crush a man's testicles then he'd probably have some issues in that department, but just a punch wont do it xP

Lol. People say I am. I don't blame them, considering some of my jokes...

I just have a very creative mind and it wanders to weird things. XD;

... and when it comes to anime couples, now that you mention it, probably, yeah, I totally am... XD

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