Are you a pervert?


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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2008
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I know I am and other people think so too. I mean,in real life. lol I actually took a quiz and I was the most perverted you could get! I just felt like making this 'cause we read something in The Giver at school where everyone thought the main character was a perv.

If you got in to my mind when it was wandering I'm a pervert, sure. xD But not in the normal sense.

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no why would i be. i'm only 10 going on 11 next week.

this guy in my class is. he makes ''it'' noises during class and puts his pencil in his *coughs* weiner. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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I know I am and other people think so too. I mean,in real life. lol I actually took a quiz and I was the most perverted you could get! I just felt like making this 'cause we read something in The Giver at school where everyone thought the main character was a perv.
We read The Giver in school, don't worry everyone was so grossed out about "Stirrings"... Yeah.

I'm not a pervert.

no why would i be. i'm only 10 going on 11 next week.
this guy in my class is. he makes ''it'' noises during class and puts his pencil in his *coughs* weiner. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Probably for the better then since he's damaging his fun parts. When he goes to have kids that's gonna mess up his chances ^_^

Anyway I can be, it's a selective thing. We all have our minds in the gutter once in a while lol.

Lol. Nope.

At least I don't think So.

But My mom is. xD

She's usually all "I bet Bon Jovi would look Hot in the Nude!" (she's obsessed with Bon-Jovi. o___o)

I try not to be. I hope people don't think I'm perverted ._.

Well, I'm sure people don't, I try not to say anything dirty because I try to look "innocent" xD

I kinda think I am one, I tell my close friends that I think I'm a closet pervert & I'm close to being sure of it.

I might as well be one but I'm sure not proud of it.

I am, but only to Gerard(Way), Brendon(Urie) and all of them. But can you blame me? And I know that I am not the only one.

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