My parents are okayer with Tamas now. They DON'T like me buying a million of them or running a million (I seriously just hit twenty! I get most of my Tama income from my brother nowadays, e.g. yesterday he gave me an iD L. Just like that. For free.) Although I can get more if I don't already have all the versions I want (which I don't! I've got to have all the Connexions at least before I'm done!), it's a big fuss with shipping prices and slow delivery and my TMGC+C was ridiculously delayed, 20 days delayed to be precise.
Anyway. My brother's kind of losing interest, and he's getting a Familitchi which will probably go towards my collection in a month or two as well, and he sells me a few and gives me a few. He currently has zero. But he's okay with Tamas. He's not a big fan of them, but he doesn't hate them.
My mom loves the funny drawings I do of giant Mametchi's being captured by miniature Chamametchis and likes to hear about my log and my Tamas, but when it comes to the little plastic toy, she's not so keen. She puts limits of stuff, but they're mostly reasonable and I don't even WANT to run more Tamas than she allows or go to bed later than she allows.
My dad won't have anything to do with them, he just teases me, pretending to fall asleep whenever I talk about them or saying I'm addicted to them. He frequently says they look boring, but nothing wrong with that, he's used to complex modern computer games. He doesn't hate ME using them, but he doesn't want to have anything to do with them himself. He does buy me Tamas, and work hard on it even when eBay's being difficult. He's never failed to get me a Tama I wanted and could afford!
However, although my parents are fine with me being into them just as long as I don't exceed any of their limits, they don't exactly encourage anything but my logging. They don't buy me Tamas as gifts, or say anything like "I hope you get a Perfect Care character!" or "Why not make another Tama Bedroom?" or anything else that encourages me to spend more time on Tama-related stuff.
Mom = OK with them, talks about them with me but won't play one
Dad = fine with me using them but won't do anything with them himself
Brother = not into them himself, but doesn't care what I do
Grandma = interested
Grandpa = I don't see him very often so he doesn't even know I have Tamas
Nobody thinks I'm too old for them, but I get a lot of this during discussions about expensive vintage Tamas:
Mom/Dad: Maybe when you're older and not as fussed about Tamas, yours will be vintages and you could sell -
Me: NO! I'm never going to get less fussed about Tamas! You wait and see!
And why shouldn't I still be into Tamas when I'm thirty, I ask?
~ Dazzmina