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My parents are fine with my tama since I dont play it constantly and I always turn down the sound when I know the beeping is gonna be annoying... especially in the car... lol! :wacko:

My parents don't mind that much, but they do think I'm too old for them! XD Whenever I try to buy another one, they always tell me that I already have two of them and that I don't need any more! I've been wanting an original Tamagotchi (P1 and P2) for a long time already but they will not let me order it on Amazon because they're "too expensive" and "old." They don't get that antique Tamagotchis are the best ones!

my mom doesn't mind them, and my brother is always trying to watch me play games with it (he's 7) but my boyfriend doesn't like them, he sees them as stupid plastic toys that i waste my money on.

pff he says that now, but wait till he actually picks it up and plays it, he might change his mind. lol

my mom doesn't mind them, and my brother is always trying to watch me play games with it (he's 7) but my boyfriend doesn't like them, he sees them as stupid plastic toys that i waste my money on.

pff he says that now, but wait till he actually picks it up and plays it, he might change his mind. lol
Aww that's a shame. My boyfriend is more bewildered by my fondness for them than annoyed by them. He'll usually humour me and lean over to say 'what's you're baby doing? Brushing it's teeth?' or something like that. He's bought me a few Tamagotchis too. I don't think he'd have the attention span to raise one himself, but I'm sure he'd give it a go if I asked him :p

My mom "thinks I'm crazy" (exact words) but I know she really doesn't mind them. She just thinks I'm a little old for them. But ya know it's my money so she can't say much.

My boyfriend doesn't mind them he humors me sometimes saying he wants me to teach him how to play a game on it or something. But he himself would never play them.

Heres a conversation with me and my mom.

Me:*plays with tama*

Mom: "You act like they are real pets!"

Me: "they are sort of... hey there was this v5 on ebay I cn buy it with my own money and-"

Mom: NO! you already have 3

me: :(

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My mom watched me write both Tama Logs last night/this morning.

It made me happy that she has come to respect my growing collection...

Or maybe she feels responsible that I have to rebuild everything from scratch... >.>

She said it kind of reminds her of my childhood, taking care of Tama while watching Sailor Moon in Pajama before school.

I laughed... That is exactly what I did this week. ^^;;


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My brother hates, them I can tell. He never actually said that, but he never even said ONE THING about them, and he always says something about my obsession for the week. :)

My dad doesn't really talk about them, but once in a while he'll say "how's Tamagotchi doing?" it sounds so funny... ;)

My mom shows the most interest, which still isn't TOO much... Once in a while she'll say "how many people read your log? Hit 500 yet?" I can't actually picture her taking care of one (But that would be so cool!!!), though.

My school never really had a problem about them, but were pretty good about hiding them from the teachers who we KNOW would take them away. Once my friend and I were discussing if this one teacher would take it away, so I went up to her and went, "Look at Polly! Isn't she cute?" And she thought she was... Now just me and three other people play with them... Only five Tamas at my entire school!!! (One of my friends plays with two)




I guess my parents approve. They tolerate it. When I was younger they thought it was a great way to shut me up for a few hours but now that I'm older they just think I'm weird. :D

My partner gave me 10 Tamas for Christmas..I guess that means he approves?
I guess he does! :D 10 Tamagotchis for Christmas, that's awesome!

My dad was with me at the mall back in '99 when I got my first Tamagotchi so I'm pretty sure he approved back then. I don't think my mom minded way too much, since I wasn't letting it affect my activities of daily living anyway. I would say that I'm really close with my family and that they are open-minded. Flash forward several years and many, many Tamagotchis later. They know I still play with them and probably think I'm weird in an endearing way (I know my sister thinks it's funny that I still collect and play with them, but she understands) but I don't think they realize how big my collection has gotten and how much I have spent to build my collection. The only people who have any inkling of this information are my boyfriend (bless him for being a member other than my family who accepts this quirky side of me) and another close friend of mine.

My mum isn't too big on them, seeing as how I often take care of them rather than doing the dishes (Though it's not as if I like doing those anyway), but, she's not opposed to me having them. She just threatens to take them away, which, then, scares me into actually doing my chores. (She can't even pronounce them correctly. T-hama-goootchi she calls them).

My grandmum is entirely different. Just the other day she bought my Tama-Go for me. She thinks they teach me great responsibility, seeing as how I'm so attached them I practically die when one of them does.


- Nae

My mom dislikes HATES them. She took all 3 away untill I can get to the eye doctor. :l It's not like i'm going to die if I look at a small screen. She says they are plastic, rubbish, pixel electronic thingys

Yup, <most of> my family approves. Though, sometimes I wonder.

Mum understands. She said she had a p1 when they came out. Actually...


She understood, and agreed to get me only tamagotchis for my birthday.. 3, since they're expensive ones. TMGC+C and Osu/Mesu set...

She got me and my brpother an early christmas present - tama-go..

She gave me the extra money to order my P1, which is coming,

Gave me some money to buy batteries....

<<My nan brought me a v3 and v4, so I guess that means she doesn't care.

My dad doesn't mind now, as long as I make bread for him. Apparently the way I make it, it's really good.

My brother gets JEALOUS.

... One of my aunts thinks I'm crazy, one cousin thinks it's cool (The one who's probably engaged, and moving into a house with her boyfreind), her younger sister looks at me funny, and their younger brother says he could have all the tamagotchi's he wanted if he wanted them. I dunno about my other aunt's children, or my dad's side... Oh yeah! My uncles (dad's side) thought they were cool. It helped that I had just pwned them and my brother at yu-gi-oh, I guess. And my only cousin on that side is 3. Maybe 4.



Oh yah! And that they still act like kids. Playing pokemon and yu-gi-oh ^_^

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Well When the P1 Was first released my brothers had them. Maybe a year or so later my mom bought me a purple nano baby. then when the connection V1 was released my mom bought me 3. my step grandma bought me one. so yeah my family approved. my mom had a few of her own. all my cousins had them it was awsome.

I think my parents were ok with it when I first started, as I was 13 and they were really wanting me to stay out of trouble. But as I got older and was still buying them, I think they started hating it because they thought it was very childish... But in my defense, I didn't let Tama get in the way of school and I bought all of my Tamas with money that I earned.

I'm in university so my parents don't even know I have some here, and I leave them on pause or with my boyfriend while I have lectures.

My parents don't care as long I don't play with them in class. And they don't mind me buying the next new one if I have the money for it. But, like some, I get into these little obsessions. For example I just picked up my tamagotchi on Valentines day and have had it since. And then I started coming here at TT again and I'm looking for a Tama-go right now. I wish somebody else at school had tamagotchis, so then mine would have a friend....*tamagotchi is sad*


mom-I think the itchingotchi is so cute! :3

brother-uhhhh... *changes subject*

2yr old sis-Dat is miiiine!

friends-oooooohh! I had one of thoes tamagaatchis in 5th grade!

yes, I am the only one I know (other than tama talkers!) who has a tamagotchi gah!

but when I brought it up umong my new friends at school (i've just moved) they started getting excited! mebbe I started a trend! yaaay!

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