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My parents pretty much approve of my Tama ownership. :p My Dad and Mom (especially Dad xD) have bought me many tamagotchis over the years and don't mind them. I guess they think they're kinda cool..? xD My mom just says as long as they don't get in the way of school, I can play with them.

Well my Mum thinks that I am too old for them now. but she still buys them for me from ebay. My dad tells all my family members that I still play with them but they don't seem to mind. I managed to get my Nan to kiss one once because I told her it would say I love you if she did. That was a good day!

No problems with my dad (he was dead already in 2005, when I was eight and when i got my v1 connection, the first tama I ever had)and.. well... my mum.. no problem with her either. She just well... Let me put it this way:

She doesnt play them herself, doesnt understand them beyond the basic concept and doesnt want to... BUT she is totally for me having one. I stopped for 7 years after the tama becoming to much for me. Years later, I gave it to a pal of mine, who was trying to collect Tamas (she "collected them" for years... Today I found out she only had two official bandai Tamas- Including my v1 and a v5 I gave her when they were new). NOW I wanted the v1 back out of sentimental reasosn. I told my mum i was willing to buy it back for aroun 1.50 euros... but my mum then said she would add 20 E to that 0-0.

THEN, before that, I started wanting a v4. I could not find it at all on amazon uk and germany, but I fell in LOVE with a certain desing on amazon america (why oh why does it not ship to Europe...)... which costs about 35 dollars, withouut shipping and the bother of getting it to a friends place, and from then on to Our residence.... And then she let me look on ebay, which she normally doesnt trust (didnt ffind it there, btw) and now she has agreed on a apparantly "rare" vrsion (it has a star at the tip of its "antennnae" and is blue with the main characrters (Memetchi, Mametchi etc.) on it if that says anything) from ebay if The Design I want cant be arranged... All because she knows I "Really want one and have my heart set out to it"... Yes, Im a spoilt child :D

(those who saw my other thread might have guessed- yes, these are happenings of today and yesterday. I remember back when i GOT the v1, i had to plead a bit, because my mum thought I wouldnt take care of it for long, as in loose it. I eventually had it for hal a year, and even after it became to much I kept it, and knew where it was. NOW I am running a bet wit a ffriend- when i get my v4, If I dont loose it for 4 weeks, she will give me a riding lesson- on the best horse in the world in my opinion, and if i DO lose it, she gets Mario Cart Ds from me. She is in for a loss. Ive become more carfeull since i managed not to lose my v1, and plan on using a lanjard. She got panicy when I mentioned that and raised the timeframe (originall. it was 2 weeks) XD )

i'm 14 in grade 9 and love tamas my school doesn't banne them (or any elctronic) but other people would make fun of me

my parents don't really care about them though :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

My parents say stuff like "everything in proportion" and "Tamagotchi's are OK" but I think those words are LIES. They actually want to yell "TAMAS R LITTLE KIDS TOYS FOR TODDLERS THEYRE THE STUPIDEST INVENTION EVER AND THEY SHOULD BE BANNED FOREVER" but they don't wanna offend me. XD

Well my Mum thinks that I am too old for them now. but she still buys them for me from ebay. My dad tells all my family members that I still play with them but they don't seem to mind. I managed to get my Nan to kiss one once because I told her it would say I love you if she did. That was a good day!
You got your nan to KISS a TAMA? OMG no offence but I wouldnt ever do that...I guess I do not love Tamas as much has you do. LOL.

My dad buys me all of my Tamagotchis. I remember that up to v6, my dad bought me every new version that came out, and would sneak it under my pillow while I was asleep. I dunno, but I always thought it odd to see a grown man browsing through the girl toys, and buying a Tamagotchi, but little does anyone know that it is for his DAUGHTER lol. He has good taste in patterns, though. I love the patterns he buys me xD well, my parents only disapprove of Tamagotchi when I'm eating dinner, doing homework, or trying to draw homework for my art lessons. Haha. Well, I remember I got my v4.5 in August of last year, and we were filling up our (enormous) pool. I was walking in the thigh-deep water, and my Tama was on a lanyard. I held my Tama close, and it fell into the water. I remember bubbles coming out of it... I scooped it up and brought it inside. It beeped for hours afterward, and recieved mail every 30 seconds. The C button was B, A was C, and B was A. So tha went on for a few hours, beeping, pooping, crying, getting sick, buying things randomly. So I disassembled it, put it in a bowl of rice, left the bowl in the sun, and it started working a day later. It works to this day and I love it dearly :D

My mom loves them, but I live with my grandparents.

They think they're silly, and a waste of money.

But they still let me play with them :)

When i was a kid my mom thought tamagotchis were dumb so i never had one as a kid. :(

Now i'm an adult so i can play with what ever toys i want. haha

She still thinks they're stupid thought and made a comment to me before saying "you're still playing with toys at your age?". well why not. Tamagotchis are cute and make me happy! :)

As far as my school i only had tamagotchis in 11th and 12th grade. Since it was high school they didn't really have a problem. It was a bit more lenient than i imagine a elementary school might be about distracting toys. I kept my tamas in my purse and the sound off and played with them every now and then when there was nothing to do in class.


because first, it's expensive.

second, she taught the tamagotchi pet is a dog, cat etc. She said that I should take care of my real dog and cat instead of this tamagotchi. :) ))

My mum and dad don't mind them at all, neither does most of my family even though some people think im a bit too old but i dont care what they say because they're cool :D But at first, my school didn't mind them but now they have banned then due to people playing with them in class and what so ever. :) But now im in high school i havent really been playing with them since i was 9 or 10 but im starting to get into them again :D :furawatchi:

IDK about my dad but my mom sort of likes them, but won't play with one. I've slowly been teaching her "this is Violetchi... this is Ichigotchi..." and she thinks they're cute. She helps me name them sometimes. one day i'll get her to pick one up...

I honestly don't know if my dad notices. I do weird things all the time so he's kind of use to me doing abnormal things (I'm 21 and whip my "babies" out to babysit during dinner).

Mom doesn't care. She knows I could be doing something a lot worse (and/or illegal), so my rekindled love for v-pets is harmless. Expensive, but harmless.

My professor hasn't said anything to me about them, and I have checked them during class.

My classmates are curious about them, but they probably think I'm a dork (I don't really care, I'm not trying to impress them so whateves).

My man thinks I have an addiction to them. Not sure he cares though. He came into this relationship knowing I have child-like tendencies.

My co-workers and bosses think I'm a dork but they don't upset me. I did actually get one co-worker back into v-pets, when I let her have my Tamakaci Dino

My parents don't mind them.My school is okay with them,but I really don't want to run the risk of having my tama confisticated.

my mom and dad never liked them much, I wasn't allowed to have one as a kid when they first came out and everyone was getting them.

My dad still doesn't like them, he thinks they're silly and I am too old to be playing with them. mom's dead now, she died in 1999.

My mom supports me and has even bought virtual pets for me for Birthdays and holidays. My dad not so much.He'd been known to throw full on temper tantrums when I left them lying around. Mind you, I'm grown and have been since I've been into VPets and I've always paid for them with my own money. My dad thought the only interests a man should have is sports. We didn't really get along.

I remember in elementary school everyone had tamagotchi's and all the kids said we would never complain if they got lost. But one kid broke that rule and tamagotchi's where banned. cause the teachers think we'll complain and dont want to be blamed for taking them away.

I remember one kid in our class was playing in the middle of math. my teacher took it away and the kid told there parents and the parents yelled at the teacher so the teacher wanting to save her own butt and banned them for everyone.

Selfish teacher... Lol

Anyways my parents say I'm too old for them but I don't care, and my school dosnt even allow cell phones so that's out... But I have four, and I don't have a pet so these are like my pets!!!

My parents don't mind me having them but if I want to buy one I have to get the money on my one and I take them to school but I keep them in my locker.

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