Animal Testing


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What do you think about animal testing???

  • 1 - Horrible!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 - Don't remind me!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 - Those poor, innocent, animals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 - 1,2 and 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 - Don't care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I HATE animal testing! And she is posting it here so people can sign that patition and then she will send it to them! If you have a problem with it then dont post a mean comment! Just read my siggy! And my siggy mainy tell my feelings and opinon!
Please, don't try to make a fight.

She asked us what we think about Animal testing and so we can gave her what we thought about it, besides their over tons and tons of topics about this, you can't except everybody to be "aww.. those poor animals!!" and etc.

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If the animals may help save peoples lives [like TM said, medical reasons] then I am ok with that.

Humans lives are more imprortant to me then a couple of rats.

WARNING: Long, dull, boring post follows... ;)

I don't think animal testing is bad; For the purpose of medication. I believe that testing for the latest makeup, the best hair product or something else that could be easily tested on a human or manican without any danger to their lives is wrong. We have made EXTREME medical advances in history. We've explored the depths of anatomy, found out cures for several diseases that would have surely killed many of us, so on and so forth. Plus, would you rather a few mice die or an entire population of humans? If you said you'd rather have the humans die then you can think about how unlikely it would be your mother or father born. Also, I believe humans have a form of communication more advanced than a mouse or rabbit, or even a monkey. I think humans have a deeper level of compassion and love for one another; Because for animals, it's survival, not love (This really doesn't apply to house pets, however, because after exposure to humans they've become more loving). I mean, even an animal as intelligent as a cat doesn't even understand the concept of death.

I believe that if people want humans to be tested on they should go sign up for it. They'd probably be told it's illegal, however.

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Ditto Rachelgotchi. I don't really care if it's for medical research, but for makeup, it's not right.

WARNING: Long, dull, boring post follows... ^_^
I don't think animal testing is bad; For the purpose of medication. I believe that testing for the latest makeup, the best hair product or something else that could be easily tested on a human or manican without any danger to their lives is wrong. We have made EXTREME medical advances in history. We've explored the depths of anatomy, found out cures for several diseases that would have surely killed many of us, so on and so forth. Plus, would you rather a few mice die or an entire population of humans? If you said you'd rather have the humans die then you can think about how unlikely it would be your mother or father born. Also, I believe humans have a form of communication more advanced than a mouse or rabbit, or even a monkey. I think humans have a deeper level of compassion and love for one another; Because for animals, it's survival, not love (This really doesn't apply to house pets, however, because after exposure to humans they've become more loving). I mean, even an animal as intelligent as a cat doesn't even understand the concept of death.

I believe that if people want humans to be tested on they should go sign up for it. They'd probably be told it's illegal, however.
*nod nod*

I have nothing else to add- I agree completly.

Animal testing is terrible, because of the conditions they have to suffer/die through. I think people should stop being so selfish - or ignorant. Yes, they can make new life-saving medicines for us, but think of the lives it costs. The animals are helpless and abused.

In my opinion, humans are stupider than animals in some ways. We're the only ones with the power to change the world, and we ruin it. :)

Well so much for that...

if you said you dont care that the poor little animals are suffering i hate you im so against animal testing how would you like it if you were locked up in a little cage and had ppl stick products all over you if i had my way animals would have as much right as humans all of my pets have there own little beds and have our spare room all to there selves and dont call theme spoilt i bet you would be grumpy if you had to sleep on the ground so why should they (except for my fish) i hope i knocked some sense into you

i totally agree with every thing peeweebird_123 said :lol: :) :huh: :huh:

if you said you dont care that the poor little animals are suffering i hate you im so against animal testing how would you like it if you were locked up in a little cage and had ppl stick products all over you if i had my way animals would have as much right as humans all of my pets have there own little beds and have our spare room all to there selves and dont call theme spoilt i bet you would be grumpy if you had to sleep on the ground so why should they (except for my fish) i hope i knocked some sense into you
i totally agree with every thing peeweebird_123 said
And the testers also do worse things. *shudder*

Yeah, I absolutely loathe people who think animals should be mistreated like that. They should be in place of the animals...

And the testers also do worse things. *shudder*

Yeah, I absolutely loathe people who think animals should be mistreated like that. They should be in place of the animals...
Totally. :)

Ok guys the definition of "Abuse" means to ruin, damage, or to use in a improper or wrong way, now note it clearly says to USE IN A IMPRORER OR WRONG WAY Their doing it for reason as our good fellow member Rachelgotchi pointed out :) .

Okm why won't you guys go in a lab and be tested instead of the animals? Change your mind didn't you.

If your calling Humans "stupid" then basically your calling your self stupid, right? Because were all humans. Now you guys are getting a bit to worked up about this, it's like you don't agree on these topic and we get the boot.

Say all you won't about you hate us, It doesn't make me mad or skin off my bones. Some of you guys just have to accept some people opinions, don't think your opinion is correct and true all above.

The bad side:

Poor animals get hurt, suffer, or die.

The good side:

We get helpful products, survival, and etc.

Now I'm not saying I don't care about the animals, I'm just saying it's not bad in my opinion.

To sum it all up there is no right answer to this dilemma.

Some say YES and some say NO.

End of discussion for me.

P.S. I am not saying this to hurt anybody feelings or get them offended or mad.

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I would rather be tested on, but I can't because I'm not allowed to.

I'd rather not have luxeries, and stuff.

I don't agree with animal testing.

As long as the animals are alive and not being starved or deprived of water I'm happy.

But I'll still refuse to wear or even buy anything that's been animal tested.

I don't really care about animal testing. I agree completely with RTT. What else are scientists going to test things on, humans? If there wasn't animal testing, we wouldn't have many of the items and luxuries that we have today.
I'm sorry? The key word there was "luxuries" - In other words, things we don't need to survive. I don't really care about the luxuries we have. Most of them go to waste! And so did that poor little animal's eye-sight, hearing, fur, or LIFE. Causing others to suffer, animal or human, for our 'luxuries', is wrong all the same in my opinion.

I don't want to argue with anyone over this, so please note that this is my opinion.

It's right, it's fine with me, I don't mind using animals in testing life-saving medications to cure diseases. But for make-up products and hair spray? I don't think it's worth it. A lot of you have very good points: Rachelgotchi, peeweebird_123... All of you. And I understand all of your reasons. So here are mine.

When you think of animals, you think of cute, soft, cuddly. When you think of make-up, hair spray, leather, you say "Ooh, that looks nice! I'd like to buy that! How much does that cost?" And when you think of animals labs, you think "Evil! Dastardly! Abusers! That's horrible, the poor little animals being tested on like that. They're so innocent!" And you think that while you're putting on your make-up, using your hair spray, and putting on your new leather jacket. You're using the animals for your own 'comfort'.

Don't try to go both ways, because you can't. You can be either for animal testing all the way, be against it in every way, or say you don't mind medicine expiriments but nothing else. And you can't change your mind because of a product, a 'luxury', just like that, because in my opinion that's betrayal. You can choose what you do, and you decide to use these products that have wasted an animal's spirit, their possibilities of life. We're wasting their chances away on ourselves.

I know some of you have said things like, "If you're not against it, I hate you!". That's just hurtful, and there's no excuse for saying things like that. People are commited to their opinions and thoughts just as you are. And they don't say things like, "If you're against it you're wasting your time...". See my point? So please don't keep on with these sort of comments.

It's half a petition, because she she said "What do you think about it" keyword.

If your going to make a petition do it professional, don't use exclamations, caps locks, threats, and trying to make everyone agree with you.

Thank You! :)

P.S. Perhaps PM'S.

I'm not a vegitarian, but I am extremely resolute about animal humanity. I feel that unless the animal says, "Test on me, please." we shouldn't test on them. They never hurt anyone!

i can't believe they do this!!!!!!! <_< :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :(

why won't we use non toxic stuff so that we don't have to do animal testing!

i can't believe they do this!!!!!!! <_< :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :(why won't we use non toxic stuff so that we don't have to do animal testing!
Buisness. Profit. Money.

Sadly that's how most people work in the make-up industry.

It costs less to know you are selling things that won't hurt your customers.

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