Animal Crossing: Wild World


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Another way to stop them from leaving is so dig holes around their house as close as possible
That won't stop an animal moving away from your town.

It will only stop the animal from entering or leaving it's house.

*Edit: until the hole refills - which is when you enter or leave a building or save your game... ;)

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Yeah.... on AC:CF, my friend was always asking for money when I needed to pay off my mortgage! I had already given her 30,000 Bells and she was pestering me and it was SO!!!!! ANNOYING!!!!!!!! "Oh, can I just have 30,000 Bells more?" "No, I need to pay off my mortgage." "Please can I have 30,000 more?" "No, I need to pay off my mortgage." "Please can I have 30,000 Bells more?" "No, I would like to keep that money for myself." "Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?" "NO! MAKE YOUR OWN FRICKIN' BELLS!" ;) See what I MEAN....?

On an upper note, on AC:WW I have 2.000.000 (2 million) Bells in the bank! :D

I am evil when it comes to visiting towns. If anyone leaves the room, I use there character and put all there stuff outside and my character takes it. XD

^ You know, you don't have to give her the money. xDI need bells, too. I paid one of my mortgages yesterday so I'm poor now. ;)
Well, actually my sister is more poor than me. I have like, 300,000 in my bank. [i am helpful! xD] And my mortgage has only 100,000 left! -dancesaroundtheroom-

I am evil when it comes to visiting towns. If anyone leaves the room, I use there character and put all there stuff outside and my character takes it. XD
That's just on DS>DS visits with a friend who also has a DS and is in the same room as you, right? (I don't think that's possible on the Wifi visits) :rolleyes:

Thanks for letting us know. I'll remember that for any future visit requests you might make :lol:

Hey ppl :) my fav is the regal series too. OMG I just shot down Gulliver in the UFO, AWESOME!!!! :p

^ Coooool. :D

I've only shot him down once, he moves so fast in the sky. D:

The other times I saw him I didn't have my slingshot on me. xD

So now I carry it around all the time, & I hardly see him now. >:/

^ Coooool. ;) I've only shot him down once, he moves so fast in the sky. D:

The other times I saw him I didn't have my slingshot on me. xD

So now I carry it around all the time, & I hardly see him now. >:/
Here's a tip to shoot Gulliver more often :)

If he appears at all, it is going to be within the first 10-15 mins from your first play of the day.

He always flies across the top of the town at xx.x2 or xx.x7 past the hour (within that first 15 mins of play).

He will not appear if there are other special characters in town that day, so don't expect him if Redd, Gracie, Wendell, Lyle, Katie/Kaitlin, etc. are around.

I usually come out of the front door with my slingshot and head up to the gates. If it is not xx.x2 or xx.x7 past, I ask Booker what's new. If nothing is going on in town, I hang around at the top of town until the right time and see if he flies across the screen.

It's pretty reliable :p

I've managed to collect quite a few of the rare items from Gulliver now.

^ Aah, yes. I think I've heard that before.

I've heard one similar for the present & balloon trick, too. I think it's every xx.x4 minutes?

Anyway, thanks for that, TamaMum. [:

OMG I finished off my mortgage! Now I have my left room, I made it as my kitchen. [And my sister is the housekeeper O_O] I give her money for working for me. I drop it on the floor. :] The main room is the living room. I have 2 spotlight items in there and a row of my friends pictures. Maybe it'll get a lot of points from the HRA. I put my bug and fish trophy in there too. Upstairs is my beautiful bedroom. Not really beautiful, I put tons of stuff in there. I have the regal and some other sets mixed together O_O [Lol, I don't know if I sound like I'm bragging or not, sorry.] But I have more mortgage! Man.

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