I'm with you there, TamaMum. ^^ I'll be getting Animal Crossing (for real) on June 8th.
I live in China most of the year, but I stay back home in the US for the summer. My dad went back there a month and a half early to go to a job meeting and pick up my brother from college. So, he'll be picking up my mom and I at the airport when we get there, and he'll be BRINGING ALONG THAT LONG-AWAITED-ORDERED-LONG-TIME-AGO ACWW THAT I ORDERED! Yay! I plan to play it in the car to keep me awake and entertained so I can try to beat jetlag. XD Seeing as tons of DS players say that it's the best game ever, I'm excited! *hops up and down*
If you ask other ppl for suggestions then they will be naming your town and you kind of lose ownership of it (if you see what I mean).
Some ppl name their town after their real town (that they live in) or after their state / county. Some ppl name their town after a favorite food or place they have visited, some use planet names.
Try visiting a few ACWW forums. You'll get inspiration from them
I like Olivia the cat. She's pretty because whenever she wears this blue shirt with flowers on it, it makes her look Hawaiin and really pretty ^ ^ Also her paws are purple so they look cute with her outfits.Lol.
Question about Town Tunes. When you set a Town Tune, that pretty much means it's just going to play the same short piece over and over right? Yeah I know the answer seems kinda obvious, but I want to be sure.
^ Whenever yew talk anyone in town, they play that tune in there own "Voice"
& Krysteh, Mint is cute, But she a STALKER! Shes closes to my house and shes always hanging around my door and huntting me down. I WANT HER PIC THO 8D
Warriorcat_girl; The town tune will be played as a chime when the hour changes. Also when you talk to an animal it'll play it. And if you press A on any instument in your/a neighbor's house, it'll play your town tune. =]
I'm working on planting more trees in Swirly. I want to have a nice green town.
This is usually my to-do list that I try do every day:
Plant a tree.
See who's moved in/moving.
Water some flowers.
Send a few letters.
And while I'm doing that, I usually have my gates open. I'm always willing to do WiFi.