Animal crossing Q...


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Hey! every ones town different becuase its like my town is tiny (i have the biggest house & Nookingtons but..) yeah & that neerdy peep i told yall bout has like a bigger town and her house is really close to tom nook's store & mine is REALLY far away. Is there a way 2 make my town rearanged and possibley bigger?
All towns are the same size in total area. Just different layouts.

It might seem like your friend's town is bigger, but it's not.

The only way to change your town is to restart it - but that means you lose all the stuff you have collected / catalogued and you go back to the start - small house, one room, etc.

Oh...Oh well, so I bought some paint from Nookingtons and um...well How do you work it?

And Stitches (my friends animal) moved away and went 2 my town and she got stitches pic, so can I get Stitches pic 2?

Oh...Oh well, so I bought some paint from Nookingtons and um...well How do you work it?And Stitches (my friends animal) moved away and went 2 my town and she got stitches pic, so can I get Stitches pic 2?
Ok Ok! My roof is now Pale Green;first Q DONE!

About the 2nd one now in a less confuseing manner: I conected with my friend. She said Stitches moved out, but she got her pic. Afew days l8tr Goose moved out and Stitches moved in saying she was from LasVegas (my friends town) and that she has an enemy, Loretta(my friends chareter) So My Real Q is...CAN i GET sTITCHES PIC IF MY FRIEND ALREADY GOT IT?


Animals give out their pic to people based on the friendship levels with that person.

Loretta got Stitches pic because her friendship level with Stitches was high enough.

Unless you are using Loretta's character to play your game, then you can get a pic with your human character.

If you have 3 human characters made in your town, each one of them could get Stitches pic and you would have three pics.

Do you see how it works? ^_^

Ok so I have This Cranky Bunny "Gaston" in my town. He has been there 4 like months. I have sent him letters with presents and I talk to him ALL the time, but he just WONT give me his picture. I want it SOOOO bad! How can I EVER get it if he keeps being so stuborn?

Ok so I have This Cranky Bunny "Gaston" in my town. He has been there 4 like months. I have sent him letters with presents and I talk to him ALL the time, but he just WONT give me his picture. I want it SOOOO bad! How can I EVER get it if he keeps being so stuborn?
Some characters are just stubborn. That's how it goes.

If you've followed the step by step instructions referred to in this reply: then you've done all you can.

Keep talking to him and keep doing him favors.

Don't forget, he won't give you his pic if you always go up to him and talk to him first.

You've got to hang around nearby and wait for him to call out to talk to you.

Last time I bought Red radishes I bought a watering can, watered it over and over again. The next day they were dead...8^(

I bouht a pack today...I need to know how to proparly care 4 them...HELP!!!!!!!!!

Edit by TamaMum:

Answered in this post in the other ACWW topic:

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