Angelgotchi(or angels) hatch group!


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^ Good idea. They're awesome so far! Definitely worth the extra money.

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OMGEE! :furawatchi: Athena is now 5 years old! Woop. At around 8:30 she already wanted to be praised :)
i hope she evlolves to the twins eppppp lolz :)

Hmm no evolution yet...maybe tomorrow
cant wait eppppp lolz if u post a picture of the twins i am not going to see it because i dont whant to ruine the surprise for myself lolz :(

oh and i also have another question u knoe the cheat where it makes ur tamagotchi older on the angel will it mess it up because when i did that to my p1 and he was 31 and all of his hearts where dessapering :eek: so will it happeen the same thing to the angel :( and when i did the pause thing on my p1 and i left it for like 10 days and died and it was still in the time seeting and the numbers where still blinking so i can change the time and then when i set it he died :D :( :( :( :( :( :( poor tamatchi!!!! :(

I wouldnt try to do anything "debug" like to an angelgotchi. You never know what'll happen. Better be safe then sorry. Also about your p1 I dont know what to say o;

I wouldnt try to do anything "debug" like to an angelgotchi. You never know what'll happen. Better be safe then sorry. Also about your p1 I dont know what to say o;

wach i was talking about this cheat will it make the angel die faster when it is an adult or not :(

Most likely. i mean if its aging faster its going to die faster. I just wouldnt do it if I were you. If you are I dont want you to join the hatch o: that takes the fun out of it

Most likely. i mean if its aging faster its going to die faster. I just wouldnt do it if I were you. If you are I dont want you to join the hatch o: that takes the fun out of it
i was just asking and i am not going to do that and that is true it ruins that fun XD sucks for the other ppl who did it to there angel lolz i just cant wait for mine to join and i am going to tack some pick but i need to find my memory card and can u put videos on the photobucket because i might put a video of him jumping over stars and stuff :)

Yes you can put videos on photobucket and that'd be cute seeing your tama jump over shooting stars
thats what i was going to do lolz ;)

Okay, so I have a quick update. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I'm kind of way behind because I've been busy with relatives and stuff. My Jake is still 4 years old and he had evolved from Maruten to the healthy teen Kodoten right before I paused him. NOTE: it says that Kodoten's highest possible AP/TP is 60 on, but it's probably a typo because I, and several others, can only get it up to 50. Anyway, that's it for Jake so far.

I had a little scare with Evelyn. You all know that I accidentally dropped her into my glass of water and quickly fished her out. :D Well, after blotting with paper, blow-drying, and a couple of days of air-drying, I started putting her back together. Something must have happened because there was a line of pixels not showing up. I was afraid to lose this one because I got my US Tamagotchi Angel for about $15, which is a steal. It's not perfect (I replaced its battery cover with a spare part because the old battery cover wouldn't hold the batteries in properly) but it actually looks kind of cool, all hybrid-looking and everything. :D Plus, this is one of the earlier ones I got when I started building up my collection, so it holds some sentimental value for me. Well, after much fiddling around, I finally got her to work properly. I will probably hatch her later today.

That's all for now! :D

P.S. My little Devilgotchi is doing well, as is my TMGC+C, which I am absolutely LOVING right now. :D

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Okay, so I have a quick update. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I'm kind of way behind because I've been busy with relatives and stuff. My Jake is still 4 years old and he had evolved from Maruten to the healthy teen Kodoten right before I paused him. NOTE: it says that Kodoten's highest possible AP/TP is 60 on, but it's probably a typo because I, and several others, can only get it up to 50. Anyway, that's it for Jake so far.
I had a little scare with Evelyn. You all know that I accidentally dropped her into my glass of water and quickly fished her out. :) Well, after blotting with paper, blow-drying, and a couple of days of air-drying, I started putting her back together. Something must have happened because there was a line of pixels not showing up. I was afraid to lose this one because I got my US Tamagotchi Angel for about $15, which is a steal. It's not perfect (I replaced its battery cover with a spare part because the old battery cover wouldn't hold the batteries in properly) but it actually looks kind of cool, all hybrid-looking and everything. :kuribotchi: Plus, this is one of the earlier ones I got when I started building up my collection, so it holds some sentimental value for me. Well, after much fiddling around, I finally got her to work properly. I will probably hatch her later today.

That's all for now! :ichigotchi:

P.S. My little Devilgotchi is doing well, as is my TMGC+C, which I am absolutely LOVING right now. :lol:
oh that happend to my p1 i opened it to look inside of it and put it back on and didnt show a line so i pressed really hard on the top of my tamagotchi and then it showed the line

oh that happend to my p1 i opened it to look inside of it and put it back on and didnt show a line so i pressed really hard on the top of my tamagotchi and then it showed the line
so yah and then i stoped pressing it and there the line showed :ichigotchi:

Hey, LittleChocoWolf, has your Angel evolved from a Kuriten yet? Just wondering. :ichigotchi:

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should we make a new topic for the tamagotchi angel group hach

should we make a new topic for the tamagotchi angel group hach
I'm confused. I thought this was the thread for the Angels (meaning Tamagotchi Angel and/or Angelgotchi) hatch. So we wouldn't need to create a separate thread for another Angels hatch, unless a different person was leading it or if the hatch was done at a different time from this one, right? I haven't been posting here for a week or so for nothing! :p

Anyway, my Angelgotchi, Jake, evolved into Kuriten at about 1 pm. Again, my Good Deeds meter was low :p but my TP was high, so that probably had something to do with it. Stay tuned for updates on Evelyn, my Tamagotchi Angel. :huh:

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