Ams102 v5 Log!


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I went to church this morning

i woke up super early

can you believe the kids were up at seven !?

( I woke up at 6 )

anyways , around 10 my first born ( as usual :hitodetchi: ) was talking to the fridge

she seriously needs help

no one called for training :(

im still at 30 % bonding

I feed my children ( teens ) alot , so i'll probably get the Large family <_<

once , today , i fed them so much they all got tooth aces

I bought some weird looking food from the shop

right now I have 600¢

I feel bad , I was playing my tama in God's house :eek:

more later ,

asa and her famiy

ps- the triplets wanna talk you remember the colors!

Whats up!? i finally got over my "older kid " thing and I made a new friend! The fridge! We usually talk at 10 , 12 , and 6:30 !

See! Thats why im mom's favorite. Its things you do like that that kicks you outa the lead ^^

* wispers * I already know im her fave. im her baby , duh!

We can here you ya know <_<

ok ! bye !

At exactly 12 O' clock , they called for training. I let them play the triangle and they now have 40% bonding. the animation is different now. The run accross the screen and fall on their faces. I fed them mango pudding to make them feel better. But they didnt want medicine. They are all kinda grump right now. I dont know why.

But anyways. I think its because I left them at home while I went to the books store ;.;" I got them a journal though ^^


Ok so . they just called for training. i did the "smart" building block. Lol

thats all for now. no mail :ph34r:

nothing has happend. but I did print some charts for when I take my big trip to CA.

EEP! at 3 the fridge was being raded ! and ... they had one happy and and hungry heart down. there was also a poop. I fed them dumplings and soda. Then I cleaned the poo.

At 5 im going to church ( again ;) )

That stupid easter animation came up again




but its not us ...

yah! its not!

then who is it ? o_O~

its the easter bunny !

<_< ya right

I went to church again , like I said I would

i put them on the travel channel this time :(

They earned 50% bonding while I was in the car on the way

they were doing that yawning thing by the window again

they should be asleep in 15 minutes.

ok! so !

They woke up this morning WAY before I did. they woke at 7

i woke up at ten fourteen

they called for training , i didnt miss it. YAY!

anyways , i think they'll be adults today

YES! i am so excited

I heard somewhere you cant play the other two games if ur still on ur first gen , true ?

anyways , when I looked at them , 4 hngry hearts down and 4 happy

i fed them one fried egg and one mushroom ( each give 2 happy hearts ) and one ginger bread house and played with the Pottery ( filled up ) ok ! all for now!

Oh! Its 12! my tamas just called for training. now their bond is 60 percent.

the little animation is them kissing now! ^^

I have my fingers crossed for them turning into a-dults

Recently , my grandmother found this REALLY floppy bunny in cute pajamas that I use to have as a child.

she washed it and , aside from tamagotchis , it is the cutest thing!

so , this long will be shared with my bunny ( with a human body o_o )

he will talk in AQUA

Eto that how he says hello I was stuffed away in the attic for a while , im out and free! Asia didn't descibe me very well , so. I have a while furry head , a pink nose , and eyes.

Im floppy , and think , I have the bosy structure of a baby. anyways , i am sooo jealous of those tama >_>


they evolved

First born is a Onputchi

second born is a Mumutchi

\and my little girl ( last born ) is a leafetchi

I am so proud of them all

I still cant use the dating show or play the two other games , but , im happy!

to celebrate , i fed them all sushi !

I could get a pure family is I marry a sukatchi , uhyotchi , or a Mumutchi ^^

but Thats in two more days , and as you know , im leaving , so , wish me the best of luck !

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sorry i havent written alot :kuribotchi:

im working on a special project for Tama Talk :kuribotchi:

anyways , at four they called for training. now they have 70% bonding

im thinking of getting another v5

but i dunno yet

more later

they might "call" again at six so be ready

Yay! Im in CA

I get to be online!

so , two days later they had a babies!

I mated my onptchi with a kuchipatchi

they had two girls and one boy ( again )

they becama a mememamamemetchi and a papaptchi...

Then , the babies evolved into a torotchi , mattaritchi , and a bellitchi.

more later !


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