Ams102 v5 Log!


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ok , this is the last post.

They are asleep... Is this spam ? I don't think so.

Spam belongs on hamburgurs , not the internet O_O

anyways ... nighty night. im gonna hit the hay myself

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Woah. next day. Pms ( no , not PMS , plural of pm lol )

pm's are coming in by the dozens :eek:

Anyways. I woke up today at eight 40. I didn't expect my tamas to be awake , BUT THEY WERE! so the wake up erlier than I though. Sneaky little things. i fed them a fried egg . Yada Yada.

I went back to sleep. They called for training at ten. Which woke me up 0.0"

I trained them. Then I realize d, today they will evolve into teenagers!!!

more later

I just got some tips from TamaGirl08!

Ok , so , my current stats are

Omega family

Belndid Family

20 % bonds

470 ¢


Now , they would like to talk .

Lala in sky blue

Po in light green

and Dippsy in pink

Hey y'all! its me again! I missed you. Me and the family are gonna be teenwagers! or , teens! lol


I don't wanna be a teen ager yet o.o

Thats ok! You'll always be mama's little baby :eek:

Yeep! Ok , so , they called for training at 12 ... I did it correctly and now they have 30% training!


Uh ya , yaaay * unenthusiasticly *


They should evolve in less then 30 mins , if im correct.

Ok . I went to the store. in stead of this dorky guys with glasses , there was this talking cash register that said " GOOD PRICE" i bought something. it was a snack. im not sure what it was. I wish they would lable these things :eek:

I think my family is gonna turn into the large family >_< ive been feeding them alot ~

but we'll have to see

they havent evolved yet! they should though. i'll be patient.

waiting waiting waiting waiting

i just looked at the post where my tama first evolved into a child. it was 101 , so maybe theyll evolve today at 101

ok , so I was a little mad. but now im just thankful that I have a tama.

its kinda ok because I get to spend a little more time with my Bellitchi , Sakuramotchi , and that other one . lol. Hopefully they'll evolve soon. I wonder if its broken o.o

remember when my bonding wouldnt go up , i though my tama was broken. but it eventually did go up. so maybe enventually my tamas will evolve.

nothings happening. I got a totem pole though. I won tea time , once again :(

I wish I could play the new games. DAMMITY !

- Asa

[SIZE=17pt]OMG!!! they evolved![/SIZE]

just when i was loosing hope , they evolved!!!

My first born is a shellitchi ( her head looks like a sweating shell )

my second born is a Korokotchi ( he has big lips )

and my third born , who use to be a bellitchi , is a Chamametchi ( my second fave character! )

But i still cant play the games :( this sucks.

but im really happy they evolved!


Yesterday I got a v5 lanyard ( the wal mart calls em' tama leashes ) it matches perfectly with my Tamagotchi shell design.

hopefully before I go to CA i can get an extra battery and a charm ( like mametchi or something )

more later !!!!!!

oH! stats

Family name : omega

Blendid Family

Bonding : 30%


Happy : <3 <3 <3<3<3

Hungry <3<3<3<3<3

ok. I went to the grocery store. now im back. all I got were some jelly beans. i was supposed to get a C 2032 battery for my tama for future refferenses , but me and my folks had a little miss understanding. anyways , i did some training at 4 ( which wasnt to long ago ) Bonds are still the same. As soon as I got home the tama town page was open. I decided to just go on tama town since it was already there.

I just stopped by Tama Town. I didnt get anything. But when I came back , I bought this thing from the tv shoppping channel. im not sure what it is , b ut its an item. it has something to do with painting. im gonna examine it closer.

at six today , the omega family didnt call for training. oh well.

they just pooped. I cleaned it up.

Ugh >_< I just spent 1350 on something I already had!! it was a cocktail. DANM! ( pardon my french )

anyways. not much as happend ( as usual ) you-know-who was talking to the fridge again o__o;;;

They had one hungry heart down.

I fed them a shrimp **** tail.

Just to celebrate on them becoming teens.

Its 8 now. they are doing the little bath/shower animation.

I wonder if they go to bed later?

I doubt it.

its so cute.

ill let them bathe for like 3 mins.

they are probably "developing " now.

they shouldnt be taking baths together anymore

My tamas were yawning by the window again

i did manage to snap a pic though

i cant post it now

anyways. i interuppted to check their stats

they were hungry

i fed them something that looked like a giant sushi roll

it wasnt though

maybe it was a cinnamon bun

they pooped

well , one of them did.


i cleaned it up.

dosent matter.

in one min they'll be asleep

good night my little angels ^^


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