Ams102 v5 Log!


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2008
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... Nowhereness ...
only pm me if you have comments

I pulled out the tama tab out of the side today at 11:25 am.

I set the date, and the time . Then I entered my birthday into the thing.

( Im a leap year. But since my B-day dosen't come every year , I just put the 28th)

I sat there for a while. Staring at three eggs on the screen that had hearts on them. ( sorry , no pics ). I waited till the first one hatched ( the middle one ) It was a girl. The second one was a boy . ( on the far left) the third was another girl . ( the far right )

The family's name is : OMEGA. For some reason I didnt get to name the characters o_O" maybe thats how its supposed to be. I played " Tv surfing" I only got up to 7 though =[ I got 50 ¢

My characters :

First born : girl ( mimifuwatchi )

second born : boy ( Fubatchi )

Last born : Girl ( Omutuchi )

Note : dont go by " color" with the gender.. Some of the girl characters are shaded black o_O" my mistake. lol

Anyways. For those who dont have a v5. ill tell you about it.

When the babies call , it is way more of a "jinggle" than a "beep".

The buttons have slight differenses

You can change the contrast ( how dim/bright the light is )

The sccreen can hol up to 3 characters

TV channels ( which contains tv shopping , traveling , dating show )

only begin with 2 foods in each meal in snack

foods are bigger

Family shares foods , eats together

the food you buy , you get to keep 4 ever

I played tea time. I didn't get how to buy now I do! I only got up to seven as well though *.*

The triplets just got sick. SO I headed over to my " treasure box icon " and gave em' some meds. They all dance. Right after that one pooped. O___O;; It beeps when they poop lol.

Im going to Tama town now. More late

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Im baaack

Geeze. Tama town was hard... BUT SO FUN! * holds out hands *

from the whole expierience I only got 30 ¢ -___-

Im about to enter some codes to get free stuff.

Linkies :

Ok! More later. Sorry this wasn't a "long one " lol. Here are my stats.

Hungry /happy hearts : full

Blended family

Bonding : 0 % ( WHAT AM I DOING WRONG ? =[ )

Family name : Omega

Generation :1

Yay! They evolved ! to sakura mutchi , matttaitchi , and a Belittchi!

Alsoo , I used some " special codes " to get snacks and meals.

No new stats. But I will mention that im getting better at the games.

OMG! there is a cute easter animation ( sorry , my mac dosen't have a web cam ) it has to eggs and a bunny! so cute!!!!!!

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At 2:00 pm the training bell rang. I did train them. Someone told me that it would make the bond percent go up , but it didn't. Anyways. I entered a " special " code that was on my instruction manual , all I got was like ... a baloon in a box. its not even in my items O___O

anyways , not much is happening. No new stats. I have 330 ¢ Not enough to buy anything form the store. I think i'll go to Tama town. I'll let you join as well ^^



I finally got all the way to the tea time game and got 100 ¢ ! Now I have 610¢

I finally have enough to get something from the shop , or even better , tama town !

- More later


at 3:00 pm exactly , my first born character did a little animation that looks like she is looking through the fridge for some food. I've been warned of this. Well , not really " warned " because its not bad , but I knew it was bound to happen , as I have read other people's logs.

I interupted the refridgerator rading by pushing a button.

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Aww! I just used the cell phone. I didn't have to dial anything really. It was just talking to this thing with a square head. Thats all. Im scared to use the magokorotchi cause I dont know what it does.


My first born was rading the fridge again at 6:30 pm

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AWWW! at eight O' clock I saw my 3 little kids taking a shower together . It was so cute. ( ... and kinda gross m if you think about it )

I guess the v5 characters go to bed later then all the other versions. Which in my case , is a benefit ^^

My friend Jessica has a v5. She says they'll go to sleep at nine. I have one more hour of fun! I dont know what time they wake up o.o" im gonna try to stay awake till 5:00 am ...


Tomorrow we go to this place called Sience City. im gonna take pictures there with my tama

I have some pics of me with my v4.5s

Im gonna try to enter more special codes b4 they fall asleep. or else I can do it tomorrow


at like 8:50 pm all the babies were infront of a window or something. and you could see the stars ( and obviously showing it was night ). my first born was yawning , the other w ere looking tired.

Before they went to bed. I decided to go over all my items, etc

Items : cammp fire , text book , dvd , aquarium ,disco ball , sterio system ,dancing pears ( thats what they look like , ) king dvd ,girls dresser , horn , basket ball, maggic hat, tennis racket ,yoyo , sand toys, sail boat , mirror ,fooz ball table

Rare : heart key , paint , plane ticket ,( unknown item ) ,special water , ( unknown item ) ,yatch ,travel family set , cell phone , Mogokorotchi .

thats not even half of the items/rares/suvineouirs the v5 can own.

Though they have a couple of the same things , they do diffrent things and have MUCH better graphics. more detailed :)

Well, its nine . the children as asleep now. I fed them some mango pudding before.

more tomorrow ~

WAIT ... Y is there only 1 z where there are three sleeping kids!? o_O''

shouldn't it be zZz ?


oh no! I woke up soooo late ( since its my spring break ) I woke up at eleven! My tamas had woken up 2 hours earlier. 4 hearts down in hungry and 2 in happy. I heard somewhere that the fried egg brings up 3 hungry hearts. So I fed them that. IT WAS TRUE. then I just get them some milk ( I got these items from binary's cheat code ,( link already given )) . Then I fed them mango pudding and played a game.

Poo! Still no bonds. But I have 500 ¢ That 1000¢ thing cheat dosen't work for me.

Ok , the triplets want to talk , for the first time ^^ its sounds more like beep beep .. but ill translate.

#1 born : Hey y'all! Match maker says I can't go on the dating shows , cause' im to young. Well , if you ask me ...

#2 born : Oh put a sock in it . You know , im not much younger than you :D

Youngest : Hi hi hi hi hi hi! Mommey!? can I have some milk ??

Ok , I just gave Belli milk. Makes her really happy :lol:

I played with some of the items ( actually , alot of them ) I think i'll visit tama town later. Today Me and the Tripslets are going to science city like i promised.

More later , I guarentee

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Addition ....

I just got alot of souveniers using the cheat codes of binary.

ok , so , im tired of adding this for nothing. so ... just know that I have most of the items. And when I use them , don't be like , " where'd she get that !?" cause either I bought it or cheated it :D

anyways , I can't let a good entry go to waste. here are the stats .. You may be disapointed with my bonds :lol:

Family Name : OMEGA

Blendid Family

Bonds : 0%

First born : Sakuramotchi

Second : Mattaritchi

Youngest : Bellitchi

Points : 500¢


at 12:00 pm my babies called for training. I did the crayon icon. they were really happy! Expecting some bonds... I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING ! do I need to reset my tama ? whats wrong. Pm me !! I need help.

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my bonding just went up to 10% its not broken after all!

i'm sure glad I was patient and didn't reset anything :blink:

the animation is still the same. but , i'm just thankful.

OK! Sorry guys , I let for about 2 hours.

Well, im sure you all are pleased with my sucess !?

anyways , at 2:00 pm they called for training. Again at 4. I beat a couple games of Tea Time and and still struggling with Tv surfing.

Anyways , im back on the computer for the night. Probably till 11 or so.


They really like the mango pudding.

At 5:00 pm , my first born ( as usual ) was rading the fridge. I better feed her.

Oh! I forgot to say this in my last post.

My tamas were making this face earlier today. I knew one of them had to go to the bathroom. I thought is was my first born ( cause she does all the animations ) but it was MY SECOND BORN ) and the others were chearing him on O___O

Wow! Your log is really good! I like it. It has Information, and interesting things. Good job! Keep Going:]
Quinnk sent me thanks. ( nice name :] )



Oh , the easter animation came up again O_O

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I just got a T shirt , a computer , and a book.

I love the computer . Its cool.

Well , at 6:00 , they called for training again. So yea.

Now Im at 20% bond! YES!!!

Now when I push the C button and hold it down , my first born ( sakuramotchi ) comes up to the screen and goes , buhbeep , buhbeep .


Ive now memorized all of my characters names. They should change to teens tomorrow around 12:00 pm or so. I hope im awake by then O_O

ok. so , shes rading the fridge AGAIN. she does that every day at 6:30.

I was puting codes in my v5. I got alot more foods ^_^

more later , I promise.

Ugh! bad news everyone. It only has to do a small amount with my Tamagotchis.

IM MOVING. we wont have internet till the summer :[

I move tuesday :blink: Im going to miss everyone. I will continue playing tamagotchi , but my log wont be anymore ;_;

Nothing much has happend. but I just realized that tomorrow they will be teenagers. I have no idea what they are gonna turn into. * sniff * my children are growing up so fast ;_; This is only one of the last entrys of the day. More later , promise ( again ) ok ok . I know I havent been posting much lately . but I will. probably tomorrow because

1 they evolve

2 ill get more games ( I think )

and 3 its a new day!


well , ive decided to name my Tamas

I know I know , its a little late. but better late than never , right ?

ok so the first borns name is Amanda

the second borns name is John

and the third borns name is Lilian

in about 6 mins they will be asleep.

well , see ya 2morrow!

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