Amelia and her Children


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Dec 13, 2009
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Welcome to the log of Amelia, my TMGC+C 6th Gneration baby girl! This is a new log because Ayaka, my previous 5th Generation Lavzukintchi, died when my mom took her :( so now I'm starting with a new baby girl! I got her up to 6th Gen. after I posted the Tamagotchi Memorial topic about Ayaka, so I'm starting from here. Here is a list of my previous Generations:

Gen. 1: Mametchi

Gen. 2: Furawatchi

Gen. 3: Memetchi

Gen. 4: Kuromametchi

Gen. 5: Kuchipatchi

Now I have Nokotchi, as you know, and she is on 6th Generation. Here are her stats:

Hungry: Full

Happy: Almost full

Points: 3940 GP

Weight: 8g

Generation: 6th Gen.

She just pooped and lost a Hungry bowl. Now her Happy bar is full again! Odd...she must have liked all that attention, me scrolling through her stats and typing them up. Babies are so needy! She's so cute...I hope she'll evolve into that really cute toddler character, Memepetitchi, and then Chamametchi, then my favourite on the TMGC+C, Furawatchi! Aww...I fed her the HapiHapi heart thing and her happy bar extended! I've been saving up for generations to buy all the most expensive rooms...and now her house has become a palace! I'm gonna take perfect care of her to get Furawatchi, I've decided. I hate all the okay/horrible care characters except Kuchipatchi, so I'd better get Furawatchi! Lol, Amelia just pooped again! That's the second time she's done that while I'm writing this log! I'll do that Tamas-saying-things-on-log thing on here, like I did on my old log...

:furawatchi: (Amelia): Wow, I'd never have guessed that I would get to write something in a log that everyone on TamaTalk can see!

dazzilitchigirl: Well, I used to let Ayaka's ancestors write on logs, when they were little Nokotchi's just like you!

:furawatchi: (Amelia): What about my mom? Was she featured in a log?

dazzilitchigirl: Nope. I only just got round to typing up the start of your log!

:furawatchi: (Amelia): Wow. So I'm the first in my family to get my life written down in this log?

dazzilitchigirl: Yup.

:furawatchi: (Amelia): Cool! So I'll be famous?

dazzilitchigirl: IF this log gets popular, yeah. Hundreds of people will read all about you!

:furawatchi: (Amelia): I'm so excited!! Will you post pictures of me so they can see how cute I am?

dazzilitchigirl: Lol, I will if you stop being so vain!

:furawatchi: (Amelia): :( Sorry...

I can't help loving Amelia! I'll update when she becomes an adorable Memepetitchi!

- dazzilitchigirl & Amelia

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Aww...the sleeping animation is so cute! Amelia is having a nap in her little pink cot next to her balcony overlooking the grey, cloudy sky...Amelia, you'd better learn to pull the curtains before you take a nap! You must be freezing with all that cold air blowing into your bedroom!

- dazzilitchigirl & Amelia

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Sorry for no updates in the last few hours. It's 7 PM here so this will be a short update. Amelia has been paused and while I typed this up she got a care miss. :( Hope I'll still be able to get Furawatchi...

She is sick and has 2 poops. Poor Amelia...I fed her a couple meals to regain Hungry hearts and right now she is eating the HapiHapi heart which makes the Happiness bar shoot up to full. There she is now, as if nothing ever happened to her!


Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 3940 GP

Weight: 20g :eek: Better play a few games to get it down...

Generation: 6th Gen.

Right now Amelia is using her telescope to look at the stars in this lovely clear night sky. What a clever baby, being able to use a telescope!

I have a weight loss drink, a plant growth speeder, a box thing used to gain Patchiman from Kuchipatchi - wait! She evolved into Memepetitchi just now! Aww, what an adorable character. Anyway, continuation...

I have a weight loss drink, a plant growth speeder, a box thing used to gain Patchiman from Kuchipatchi, a palace and just about every luxury you could think of waiting there for Amelia. Now that she's old enough to take the weight loss potion, I'll give it to her. The drink appears to be tasty; it made Amelia very happy!

Here are her stats now she has evolved...

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 4040 GP

Weight: A nice average 7g.

Generation: 6th Gen.

Right now Amelia is just bouncing around indoors enjoying her huge palace. She will probably go to sleep soon.

Hopefully Amelia will evolve into Chamametchi tommorow. I'll update next morning!

- dazzilitchigirl & Amelia

I just felt the need to update, even though it is now 8:15 PM. Anyway, Amelia is asleep, now in the proper gold and red bed that came with the 300 GP luxury room. The sleeping animation for Memepetitchi is soooo cute! Here are her stats:

Hungry: 3/4

Happy: Almost full

Points: 4040

Weight: The lowest weight possible, a good 5g.

Generation: 6th Gen.

Right now Amelia is asleep. It's a lovely clear night (I can see because of her balcony).

It's 10 AM and Amelia hasn't evolved yet :( . She's still an adorable Memepetitchi, except now 1 Tama year old! Here are her stats right now:

Hungry: Full

Happy: Almost full

Points: 4040

Weight: 10g

Generation: 6th Gen.

Right now Amelia is outside celebrating Mayday. There's a pole with two flags at the top: one red, one blue and yellow. What a nice animation! (If you're wondering why she's celebrating it the day before Mayday in your place, NZ gets all the events like that first! Yay!!!)

So that's about it for now. I'll update again later!

Another update already! The screen went black (as always when you leave it for 30 seconds) and I wanted Amelia to be able to enjoy the celebrations for a bit longer, so I sent her outside once more and found the heart in the sky! This is a special item! Yay, now I have 2 special items!!

Sorry for not updating last night! -_- :( but this morning, Amelia evolved into Chamametchi, the character I wanted! :D She's my 2nd/3rd favourite character AND she's Perfect Care! Obviously Amelia's care misses as a baby didn't really count...

Here is a quick record of Amelia's stats right now:

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 4530 GP

Weight: 10g

Generation: 6th Gen.

Right now Amelia is using a red book (can be used by her only!) and it makes her dress up in a Snow White outfit and get thrown about by other Tamas :eek: but she seems to like it anyway.

That's about it for now! I'd better go to school now :( term's started again.

Sorry for not updating last night or this morning! Amelia has not evolved yet :( and nothing significant has happened except...oh yes! Amelia was featured in my weekly Tamagotchi Video Newsletter, which is a video newsletter I send by email to all my friends and they get to watch my Tamas' recent happenings and I also send out any Tama cheats I have recently discovered/found on TamaTalk. Usually, I feature my V4.5 and iD L, but I thought it was time to let Amelia have a taste of being in this video newsletter! I made her use all the items and even discover a special item - right in front of my Webcam! My friends said she's really cute and would like to see more of her in my Video Nowsletter! Yay!

Here is what Amelia says about this:

Amelia: So now you can't deny it, I'm a famous Tama!

dazzilitchigirl: I can deny it. You'd be famous if your lousy slow growth managed to get you the highest Generation on TamaTalk!

Amelia: Don't call me lousy! You know, Chamametchi always stays Chamametchi for a long time 'cause I'm such a cute character!

dazzilitchigirl: Yeah...but back to the subject of being in my Video Newsletter; what was it like?

Amelia: Tiring. First I make a snowman, then I have to squint through a telescope, then I simply MUST be thrown into the air by other Tama's then dropped crying on the ground!

dazzilitchigirl: Yeah, but I got your first piece of fanmail. My best friend said you are really cute!

Amelia: REALLY?! You never call me cute. I wish SHE was my owner!

dazzilitchigirl: AS IF I'd give my $100 TMGC+C away to someone who would probably reset you!


dazzilitchigirl: I said SHE would, not me...

She;s developing her personality really quick. Lol, a Chamametchi can sometimes be harder to manage than a Nokotchi!

Here are her current stats:

Hungry: Full

Happy: Almost Full

Age: 2 Tama yrs

Points: 4530 GP

Weight: 14g; oops, over average!

Generation: 6th Gen.

Right now Amelia is drinking the Weight Loss Drink to lower that 14g down to 10.

That's the end of my update for today! ^_-

I accidentally left Amelia unpaused at school today. I was worried that my precious little Chamametchi would be dead when I came back, but when I rushed to my room after the long car journey, she was sick and had 2 poops and - was Furawatchi! OMG, how can it evolve into Perfect Care at the ONE TIME you take horrible care of it?

Anyway, now Amelia is back to normal (phew) and I can stop thinking of what to put in my Tamagotchi Memorial post since there won't be one. My TMGC+C lives on!

I will also be logging my iD L here too. Right now, her name is Crystal and she evolved into Lovelitchi today. I'm trying to get all the special items so that Crystal will be added to my TamaTomo list. ^_^

That's it for today.

Another update already!


Amelia hasn't been doing much recently, except for connecting with Crystal. I managed to make them connect! They gave gifts (at first these were flies and poos but as they became ood friends the started giving hearts) and once they were good friends they play a couple of games. Crystal won 4 and Amelia won 1, so obviously Crystal is better at it.

iD L

Read Amelia's news to find out Crystal's.

Amelia and Crystal just HAD to say something. So here it is:


Crystal: Yeah, it was quite forgetful and mean, since I was only a little Painaputchi and Amelia was just a Chamametchi!

dazzilitchigirl: It was a mistake and I'm REALLY sorry...I'll never do it again, I promise!

Amelia: Good, 'cause I hate being left.

Crystal: Yeah. It's amazing we turned into perfect care characters when YOU took HORRIBLE care of us today!

dazzilitchigirl: Hey, Crystal, you're getting features in my next Tama Video Newsletter!

Crystal: Really? I'd love to be in it!

Amelia: What about ME? Am I not cute enough anymore? :angry:

dazzilitchigirl: I have big plans for you, Amelia. Tomorrow I'm going to marry you to a Kuromametchi and you'll have a baby - and I'm going to video the whole scene and put it in my newsletter!

Crystal: What about me?

dazzilitchigirl: I have similar plans for you, Crystal.


Amelia, why don't you want to marry? The dating place is not available yet so I just have to keep on taking care of Amelia as she is. Come on Amelia, remember it's a race between me and my brother to get up to 10th Generation!

iD L

Crystal, same goes for you, except you are not in the race. Hurry up and get the Dating Place tomorrow!

Tama Stats Right Now


Age: 4 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: Almost full

Points: 4920 GP

Weight: 23g

Generation: 6th Gen.

No. of Special Items: 2/7


Age: 3 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 1330 GP

Weight: 19g

Generation: 1st Gen.

No. of Special Items: 2/4

That's it for now. Stay tuned!

- dazzilitchigirl, Amelia and Crystal

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Amelia and Crystal just played some games together. Crystal was victorious - my little Lovelitchi won 10/10 games. Sorry Amelia!

- dazzilitchigirl, Amelia and Crystal

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Very exciting update now! Don't stop reading at this point!

I have discovered (yeah, not found or heard) a very useful cheat for the TMGC+C. Set the time to 11:59 PM, and when it gets to 12:00, your Tama will be a year older! I left Crystal unpaused when I went to school (sleeping of course), so she is now 4 yrs old - marrying age! The cheat got Amelia up to 5 yrs old - marrying age! They both married Kuromametchi's. Crystal had a lovely little baby Choribotchi, and Amelia gave birth to a little boy! Exactly what I wanted; so I can raise them to adulthood and marry them together! Crystal's baby is named Athena and Amelia's baby is named Josh. I will be logging them from now on.

Unfortunately, one needy baby Tama is the most I can cope with. For now, I will be only logging Athena until she turns into a child. Sorry Josh!

It can be quite stressful if your mom is yelling at you to tidy your room when you have a cute baby Tama on your hands, so I'll pick a good time to raise Athena to childhood. Now is not the time. I'll update as soon as I get time to unpause Athena!

- dazzilitchigirl, Athena and Josh

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They both evolved! Athena is Kingyobotchi and Josh is Kuribotchi. What cute characters! Here are their stats:


Age: 0 Tama yrs

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: Almost full

Points: 4940 GP

Weight: 9g :eek: more than a bit too heavy...

Generation: 2nd Gen.

Athena is currently sleeping. What a cute animation!


Age: 0 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: Almost full

Points: 5280

Weight: 6g

Generation: 7th Gen.

Josh is currently just bouncing around the screen.

- dazzilitchigirl, Athena and Josh

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It's 7:30 AM, 6th May here and neither Tama has evolved yet! However, they are now best friends from connecting together something like 50 times! Here are their stats:


Age: 1 Tama yr

Hungry: Full

Happy: Almost full

Points: 1120

Weight: 11g

Generation: 2nd Gen.

Athena is right now just bouncing around in the new 1000 GP marbles and clouds theme room I bought her.


Age: 1 Tama yr

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 5340

Weight: 7g

Generation: 7th Gen.

Josh is right now just bouncing around the very old 3000 GP room.

- dazzilitchigirl, Athena and Josh

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Josh just evolved into Young Mametchi and Athena evolved into Painaputchi! Both Perfect Care, yay! I don't have time to post stats, so I'll just leave it at that for now.

- dazzilitchigirl, Athena and Josh

It's 7 May, 7:15 AM and neither Athena nor Josh has evolved yet.


Josh is still Young Mametchi. He is awake and bouncing around. Here are his stats:

Age: 2 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: 2/3 bars

Points: 5570

Weight: 14g

Generation: 7th Gen.

Josh is rgiht now just bouncing around in the lovely weather outside.

iD L

Athena, because her Happiness is low and I don't want to have to play loads of games with her, is currently asleep. Here are her stats:

Age: 2 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: Low :(

Points: 1650

Weight: 14g

Generation: 2nd Gen.

Sorry for not updating last night! I have A WHOLE BUNCH of news about Athena, but nothing about Josh today.


Josh has been paused since the last update was posted.

iD L

You're in for some great news! This morning, Athena evolved into Lovelitchi! I've been busy with her for an hour. I gained 3/4 Happy circles, adopted a cute blue fluffball pet and bought loads! Alright, I'll tell you how to get all the special items for Lovelitchi.

1. Feed the 200 GP ice cream sundae from one of the cafe's.

2. Wear the pink 4000 GP party dress.

3. Use the 1500 GP brown microphone from the TamaDepa.

4. Keep it unpaused for a few days.

Here are her current stats:

Age: 3 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 190

Weight: 20g

Generation: 2nd Gen.

No. of Special Items: 3/4

Pet? Blue Fluffball

Hopefully I'll gain the last Special Item soon. When I do, I'll get Mametchi on my TMGC+C and they will marry!

- dazzilitchigirl and Athena (sorry Josh, you're paused)

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Sorry about not updating last night! :( but I have loads of news for this morning.


I'm getting really annoyed with Josh's slow growth. C'mon, you're three and still Young Mametchi, Josh!

iD L

Now here's where fast typing comes in handy. At 7:12 AM, Athena got the Dating Place. After the Horrible Care boys cleared away, there was a choice between Mametchi, Kuromametchi and Kuchipatchi. I chose Mametchi, since I don't want TWO generations of Kuromametchi-married Lovelitchi's ;) and they had a baby boy. *looks character name up on growth chart* Apparently, he is Nittobotchi, the little blue blob with the yellow hat like a Nemutchi. Apparently, the two Perfect Cares you can get from him are Mametchi and Kuishinbotchi. If I can choose, it's no hard decision - I like Mametchi better all the way! Wait, Sunopotchi is available too! Still Mametchi...I wonder if I can choose my character...anyway, I have to name the new baby boy! Let's see...Nathaniel is the first thing that comes to mind. I'll raise Nathaniel after school, since right now it's 7:30 AM and I'll have to get going soon.

- dazzilitchigirl, Nathaniel and Josh

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