Amelia and her Children


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I have news. I will no longer be featuring my TMGC+C and iD L in this log! I'm gonna log a new Tama. Introducing...


Amber is my V4.5 1st Gen. baby girl. I've typed up the whole story of how I got her:

When I first received my V4.5, I got a baby girl that evolved into Kuchitamatachi then UraYoungMemetchi then UraVioletchi. Pretty much a coincidence I got the character I wanted first try! Anyway, this one whose name was Isis soon proceeded to second Generation. She had a baby girl named Diana. Unfortunately, once Diana became Hitodetchi, she died of accidental neglect. :( I can't recall being sadder about a Tama dying, even on the first time one of mine died (that first time was just by coincidence on my 6th birthday. Not a nice birthday surprise!). I obviously pressed A and C then ended up with a new baby girl. She became Tamatchi, then UraYoungMemetchi, then UraMemetchi. I reset her because I was bored and now I have Amber.

Sorry UraMemetchi named Sky that I reset you.

Anyway, right now here are Amber's stats:

Character Type: Girl Petitchi

Age: 0

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Weight: 8 lbs

Points: 400 GP

Generation: 1st Gen.

Training: 0

Friendliness Points: 3

Beauty Points: 0

Spiritual Points: 7

So that's the end of today's update. If you want the last news about Nathaniel and Josh, neither has done anything. They are both paused.

- dazzilitchigirl and Amber

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Amber just started crying so I praised her. Her Training is now at 1 and she has 20 Spiritual points from playing games!

It's 7:55 PM so I'd better get off here before my mom yells "OFF THE COMPUTER AT SEVEN DESTINY GET OFF NOW!!"

- dazzilitchigirl and Amber

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Only VERY VERY short update - sneaking on computer at night for an urgent reason. Amber evolved into Kuchitamatchi and is asleep. No time for stats! Got to go now, I'm in a rush...

- dazzilitchigirl and Amber

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Right now it's 7:58 AM and I'm in a rush (again...) because I need to get to school soon. Anyway, Amber is still sleeping (they wake up at 9 AM :angry: so I'll be at school when she wakes) and also I'm trying to complete the Hardest Tama Challenge ever - the one I failed in ages ago. The one where you risk the death of a Tama. The one where you risk losing all your friends. That's right, I'm sneaking Amber into school.

I've got it all planned out.

Step 1: Pretend I'm leaving Amber in the car when I go to school.

Step 2: Hide Amber at the bottom of my backpack when no one's looking.

Step 3: Ask for toilet break/drink quite often, and while drinking/using the loo, tend to Amber.

Step 4: Each lunch/morning break, check Amber while getting out food.

Step 5: Play the game Climb only, since you can take breaks from that.

Should I risk it? Should I risk losing my 3 friends, which is the most I've ever had at one time? SHOULD I RISK MY ENTIRE TAMA COLLECTION? My mom will throw them all out if she finds out. Plus, Amber will die and I will have no Tama to log! I'll lose my favourite version forever! Put that way, it's no hard decision. Amber, you're coming with me.

Wish me luck in my second ever Tama-sneak-in...

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So, uh, bad news! I took Amber into school AND A BULLY CAUGHT ME PLAYING WITH HER IN MY BAG SO I GOT CAUGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME AND AMBER IS DEAD! OMG I'm so mad. But at least my 11 other Tamas remained safe, apart from my iD L which is paused and has been taken for a week by my mom. She did yell a lot, yeah, but you don't want to know about that. This is the first time one of my Tamas has died at school. First time I've been caught.

R.I.P. Amber.

I'd better go post my Tamagotchi Memorial topic. And after that, I'll begin logging my new V4.5 pet. Her name is Aura and she is currently Kuchitamatachi, just like Amber was.

- dazzilitchigirl

Sorry fot not updating in ages! My Internet connection has been broken, so I couldn't post for a bit. Aura has evolved into Kuchitamatchi like Amber but is paused right now.

- dazzilitchigirl and Aura

Okay, so I lost Internet for a bit. Sorry! Here are today's two updates:

12 May 2011 – Delayed, Sorry!

Idk why my wireless network connection broke (again!) last night, but anyways, I’m writing this urgent update on Word right now. I’ve decided to keep logging Josh but deactivate Nathaniel. You haven’t missed anything with Nathaniel, but there’s a lot about Josh!


Josh evolved into Mametchi this morning! Yup, the character I wanted! He is still 4 yrs old :rolleyes: and I was hoping to make him marry today (race to get Kuromametchi from perfect are of Even Generation boy haha)


Aura is still Kuchitamatchi and right now sleeping. It’s annoying how they sleep in until 9 AM :angry: so I have to leave Aura out of my morning updates. I’m hoping to get a teen in the Mame family, then either a Universal or a character in the Mame family. Heading off in a random direction towards the Mame family...

After School on 12 May 2011...

Sorry! Darn lost Internet connection! I apologise for keeping you waiting for so long. Aura evolved into UraYoungMemetchi and has a future as a Universal and Josh did nothing. It’s 4:50 PM here, by the way.

The "After School" update was typed up on Word just a few minutes ago.

- dazzilitchigirl, Aura and Josh

Hi! It's 7:45 AM here but I got news for Josh!


Josh married Memetchi and had a baby boy just now! The baby is called Kuro, since he's gonna turn into Kuromametchi! I've been waiting two whole human years to get an even generation baby boy on the TMGC+C! Yay, this is good news! Here are Kuro's stats:

Age: 0 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Points: 4510

Weight: 7g

Generation: 8th Gen.

Kuro is currently paused to stop him getting a care miss while I type this up.


Aura is asleep right now because they only wake up at 9 AM :angry: and I'm gonna sneak-her-in-to-school...hopefully this won't be the last time I post about Aura!

- dazzilitchigirl, Aura and Kuro

I got news about Aura (Kuro is paused :( ):


I accidentally left Aura unpaused for over an hour; the result was a crying UraYoungMemetchi with a poop and post. The post was just nothing and I got a Training bar for praising her!


- dazzilitchigirl *pauses Aura before she can sign her name*

*end of break*


Kuro evolved into Young Mametchi today! (Okay, I must admit I was cheating and keeping him unpaused during the break). That's pretty much all my news. :) Stats are boring.


Now, Aura is a fair and honest UraYoungMemetchi, so when I unpaused her, she refused to evolve or do anything interesting. It's almost as if she knows I'm cheating!

- dazzilitchigirl, Aura and Kuro

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I'm going to stop logging Aura, since I've got bored of her for now. Let's begin on Kuro's long update!

Kuro has not evolved, is 2 yr and is currently doing nothing.

- dazzilitchigirl and Kuro

N-E-W-S. Sorry for not updating in ages. The only thing that made me update was Kuro's evolution! Yes, he has lived up to his name and become my very first Kuromametchi! Now, time for my M A R R Y I N G A G E C H E A T. If it works, Kuro's baby is coming right up!

*tries cheat*

*tries cheat 5 more times*

*tries cheat once more*

Nope. It won't work :( . I guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow for 9th Generation.

Sorry for not updating yesterday! There was no news so I didn't update, but there's sure news today! My Marrying Age Cheat finally worked on Kuro, and he married Furawatchi. He just left behind a baby boy who I have decided to name Oliver. Okay, stats must come in here:

Age: 0 Tama yrs

Hungry: Full

Happy: 2/3 bars

Points: 4040

Weight: 9g

Generation: 9th Gen.

- dazzilitchigirl and Oliver

Let's scrap the whole TMGC+C thing and move on. I just got a new Tama-Go from Toy World. It's a Wave 2 and black with a Mametchi figure. I just started it and it hatched into a girl! I also restarted my old Wave 1 Blue with Memetchi TMGO and it is a boy! My new Wave 2 is named Jasmine and the old blue boy is named Poseidon. They're currently both paused and I'll start logging them the day after tomorrow, on the 23rd May.

- dazzilitchigirl, Jasmine and Poseidon

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