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People think I have a half-Scottish/half-Canadian accent.

Canadians don't even have freakin' accents.

I say "not" like "nowt" lol

Okay, heck, lets just make a list:

List: Leh-st

Scotland: Sku-t-lawnd

Just: Jeh-st

egg: Ig

But: Baw-t

Toilet: too-lot

Laugh: Loh-ff

Omigod: Aw-mi-gud

Um: Awm

Tamatalk: Tum-ih-tuk

Bagle: Bag-gul (apparently its supposed to be pronounced "bay-gel"

Bored: Bo-ard

and then other ones I listen plus ones I forgot.

People think I have a half-Scottish/half-Canadian accent.Canadians don't even have freakin' accents.
I know right?

People say that different provinces or areas have different accents. I don't notice.

I don't notice American accents either, except New Jersey/New York and Southern. Those stand out a lot.

I know right?People say that different provinces or areas have different accents. I don't notice.
Yeah they do. Newfie's have an accent. (hehe Chewsday.) :)

Anyway, I was walking around in a scottish accent today and the teacher was like "does she do this often" and I'm like "Oui, Madam. Esca Joux Poux Allier aux toilettes?" (or however you spell it in french) in a french accent and she's like o.0 And my friend Indie was like "Yus, that's natural."

Today was such an accented day for me. xD

Anyway, people say I'm the least accented person in the school, and I'm like "Have you heard me read shakesspear yet?" because you can really hear my accent when I read shakesspear quotes. xD

Anyway, I was walking around in a scottish accent today and the teacher was like "does she do this often" and I'm like "Oui, Madam. Esca Joux Poux Allier aux toilettes?" (or however you spell it in french) in a french accent and she's like o.0 And my friend Indie was like "Yus, that's natural."
"Est-ce que je peux aller au toilette?" LOL, sorry, had to correct it.

I really don't know what I say weird.

I'm from here in ol' Scawtlayund.

Okay so I dunno wtf that^ was.

I'm from Scotland, so, of course, I have a SCOTTISH accent. 8D

Is win.

Uhh. Words I sayyyy.

Mum. M-uh-mmm. [but I've taken to saying Mommy, whenever I'm being sarcastic.]

Rawr. Rah-wuh-rrr

I dunno. Ask me and I'll tell you. xP


I have this speech thingy. And I can't say sounds like, 'juh' 'shh' 'chhh'. They come out all.. You know when your mouth is numb and you have that pool of spit in your mouth and you say it and it sounds all watery and odd? Yeah, that's how. xP

Speaking off accents, whenever I sing don't trust me, my accent completely throws off important lyrics (Don't trust a "who") (Do the Helen "Killer" and "tuck in" your hips) xD and (She's got money from her "parrots")

And when I sing "fire burning" you'd be all omgwtf is she saying!? xD

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I'm bored so Imma make a list of how I say things

Okay: Oh-w-kay

Not: N-ot (as in rhyming with hot)

How: Ow

Twenty (for example: Twen-e

Can't: Car-n

Glass: G-lass (Not g-lar-se)

Fire: F-iy-er

You: Ya

Ball: Baa-l

Air: Ehhr

Yeah, we (people round here) Don't really pronounces gs on the end of verbs (Going=goin) and we say twen, thir-iy, not with the T xD

I have a Canadian accent, with a bit of British, because my dad has a British accent and it caught on to me xD

Words I say Britishly are: stupid, room, and some other stuff. Can't remember them all now.

I can talk with a British/Austrailian/Somewhere around there accent.

It's so fun to say hello like Ksenia does. xDDD

I don't know what I say weird.


Dance; 'Dance'?

Plant; 'Plaahnt'?

TamaTalk; 'Ta-mah-tawk'?

I think I say everything properly. I dunno. Tell me what I say weird. o:

I often put on accents without knowing it so even if I do say something weird, it turns out normal.

Edit: Just saw Krystal's post.

Do I say hello oddly, do I? xD That's funny.

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I would say that I have an American accent. I'm not sure of any words I say differently than normal. I used to have trouble saying brown, I would say bray-own, but I usually say it normal now. So not sure.

Oh yus. I can immitate pretty much any accent besides Chinese/Japanese accent, Indian accent, and Irish accent. haha

And all my life, I've been saying "talk" like "tock" but now I'm saying it like "Tuh-lk" yes, pronouncing the "l" sound, and nobody's noticed. Odd.

And I never pronounce "ING" like ing, I say "en" Like "driven" instead of driving, and "playen" instead of playing. But with the exception of words with "ING" in the middle. Then it sounds like "ig" So instead of "singing" It sounds like "siggen" lol

I have a Southern England accent. (I moved up north. Oo-arrrhh)

I dont pronounce my H's, and I have really lazy pronunciation of most words :furawatchi:

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