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I speak in an accent no one knows,including myself. English? However,people don't understand me including myself.

American, sadly. I hate american accents. But maybe that's because it seems like nothing to me. Though, people say I pronounce things weird.

But I absolutely looooove british accents. <3 And Australian accents. [:

My accent is kiwi as.

It's in between the average kiwi accent and the South Auckland accent [slangier and less understandable]

I don't pronounce my vowels as well as others, talk real fast and often slur words.

Yeah, just find a video of me, although I try to be more understandable in them.

I live in New Zealand and have never left New zealand, so obviously I have a kiwi accent like michelle. I'd say it's the average kiwi accent. We don't just have a different accent from Americans, we also spell words differently. For example "gray" is spelt "grey" "color" is spelt "colour" so when I'm putting colour codes, I have to get used to leaving out the u xD

I have an English accent from London - with a slight Thames Estuary twang (that means you sometimes hear the glottal stop when I'm talking).

I pronounce the word "London" as Landan but I don't say "Innit" (eva) :D

I have an English accent, but unlike TamaMum mine isn't a London accent.

Many people think that the English accent is the London accent, however it isn't. People from different parts of England have different accents. I can't really describe my accent. I think I pronounce things like most people, apart from the obvious American/English differences such as tomato, yoghurt etc. I think of mine as a regular accent, but of course since the world has so many, there isn't such thing as a 'regular accent' xD

American accent.

People from Australia and New Zealand are "fascinated" by my "epic" accent. xD


Oh yeah, and han sanitizer = hand sanitizer or anything like that.

I have an Australian accent. I don't know how to describe it though.

A super shmexy English accent.

I am from Norwich, I don't blame you if you've never heard of it. >_>

Now, there is quite a lot of farmers in Norfolk [county] and Norwich is in the heart of it.

Imagine West Country [another English accent], but with a different style.

I think that I speak perfectly normal, I hardly use slang, yet I do use the occasional bit of Naaaaarfuk slang. Observe.

Queens English = QE

Norfolk Accent = NA

Me = Me

QE= BoiNA= Buh

ME= Buh
QE= Oh-verNA= Uvver

ME= Oh-vah
Lecture over. If you want to read about more Norfolk Accents, check here. I don't speak like that at the moment, but I can assure you, I will when I'm older, and people speak like that around me,

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My crush has the CUTEST British accent. I think he's also part Spanish, so he has some mixed accent, but mostly British. For example, he says his "R"'s in such a cute accentey way, I just want to hug him. He's absolutely adorable!

As for me, I come from Indianapolis, but I don't live there anymore. But, my dad also came from there. So I guess I kinda have an accent. I just can't really tell because in real life, I'm quiet and kinda to myself so... Hehe

I say "Mountain Dew" like "Mountin Deuw"... I don't like it...

I ♥ British accents, though.

Uhhh, New Jersey accent for the win, with a twist of New Yorker.

Words I say funny:

Chocolate= Chauwclet

Talk= Tawk

Coffee= Cawfee

Strawberry= Starburry

Dog= Dawg

God= Gawd

Do= DDDu (dramatic D sound)

Shut= Shuh

And= Eenduh

Water= Waduh

New Jersey= Nuuu Jarzee

I tend to add a "w" effect to my words. And the people here in Delaware obsess with my accent. People say its cute, and makes me sound tough? I don't know XD

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I have a hispanic accent. it's not heavy though.

but when i say "like" or anything that starts with an L

it sounds SO mexican

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