Selena said, "I think she's just... confused right now, you know? She doesn't have many friends... or someone to just be with..." She shook her head sadly. "It must be sad."
ooc: Mehh.. shipping by myself is way not fun. Oh well!
Am I the only one who sees the face behind your avatar?
Eli knew that if he didn't go to her, she would kill Luca, and likely him, too. So he, staring at the ground with his ears drooping , walked over to her slowly and reluctantly.
Grey said, "Oh, go ahead." He lifted her hand and kissed it. "Did I mention I love you more?"
Shadow put his wing around her, warming her in contrast to the cool night air. "I think I know why.", he said and pulled her close. "You've been starved of another's touch for so long..."
Luca looked at Eli, shocked at what he was doing then grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her. "I'm not gonna die, not yet, lady fate probably has other plans for me to suffer from."