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Have an original version of the iPod? (First Nano, first video...etc.) First nano version.

I never heard of it

Do you like orange juice. I am drinking it right now so...yea I like it!

depends on what it is...canned? no. Milk jugged in that juice jug thing (I know, it doesn't make much sense...so...) well, in the juice CONTANIER...yes.

Likes to play webkinz? Don't say I'm a retard, or say I'm stupid or anything, ok?

mametchi :furawatchi:

Yup! But I never go on it. I only have 7 members. TamaTalk is way cooler

Do You have the hiccups. I have them right NOW!

No...thankfully. Hate hiccups.

Prefers reading over TV anyday. I do....I make exceptions when it comes to: American Idol or the Amazing Race. But that's it.

somewhat....i know what they are...but not really...make sense?

Wears contacts?

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