I know 30+ year old women who are pro life and under 15 year olds who are pro choice :l
I guess nobody would complain about young pro choicers though.
And anyway, according to the poll, most people who voted are pro choice.
Age has nothing to do with it to be honest, if one has enough understanding of a subject...I just act lighthearted most of the time because I'm happier acting like a child.

I frequently take part in more serious discussions like this on other forums. I've been through a lot actually, even being sexually abused... I sympathize to those who were raped but nothing is a reason for killing in my opinion. It's debatable whether an embryo/fetus is life but I think it is... because it develops into a human UNLESS we kill it.
EDIT: I forgot to mention. A 25-year-old I know on another website got an abortion,but when it happened, the women felt the baby kicking and thrashing... Is that not killing an innocent baby? And now she has depression...
That was a later term abortion but just because an early fetus is less developed and not humanlike doesn't mean it's okay to dispose of.