My opinion is as it stands, that a women should always be given the option of abortion, and she will make the choice to abort or have her baby, based on her personal values. She shouldn't have either choice forced upon her.
Agree 100%. I don't think there's really a right or wrong here, except only when someone pushes their beliefs on another. A pro-life person shouldn't push it anymore than a pro-choice. One can agree to disagree, just be respectable about it. A healthy and respectable debate isn't too bad to have either as it forces some to think outside the box and hopefully learn from each other's perspective.
@Tiffany: But the thing is, it's biology and no one can go without it completely unless you're the 1% that is considered asexual, or you take care of needs in different ways.
I have a scientific mind, which is very cut and dry. I am not religious, at all. I used to be. Went from Lutheran to Kemetic to Wiccan and now Athiest. I've gone through many phases and changes of beliefs. I understand different mind sets. But I am pro-choice.... to an extent.
My extent is this: if you abort it early at say a month or so, it's still just a collection of cells. It's not sentient, it's not human. It cannot survive outside of the womb. If you try to abort at the time winder where say, if it was prematurely born it
could survive, then that is murder. And yes I have seen actual fetuses in test tubes at museums. I know how they develop.
I also believe that it is none of my business about what a woman decides. If she keeps it or aborts it, I don't really care, i only care about my own body. I don't want children, period. But someday I would like to have a close and loving relationship. Unfortunately, that will involve sex sooner or later, lest the guy eventually leaves because his needs are not being met. I have tried to talk to doctors about having a tubal ligation, which they refuse until i am pre-menopausal (about age 40-45), or have already had 3 children. I honestly have a phobia of living things inside me, and a fetus is the worst feeling of dread I could have. I can't use hormonal birth control due to disorders. I take medication I cannot stop due to disorders that could really harm a baby if i were to get pregnant. The medication can also interact negatively with hormonal birth control. Having children is just not an option for me, and if I were to become pregnant, yes, I would opt to abort. Why? Because of my disorders/phobias and medications I take will essentially ruin the fetus and cause either physical or mental problems, or both. Yes, I could very well stop my medications, but it would be very hard to function and I would probably end up institutionalized because I get extremely unstable mentally. Because of this, should I forgo any and all relationships because of the 'chance' of having a baby? If something happens, must i really give birth to something that more than likely would be a vegetable or an odd misshapen mass of deformities?
As I said, everyone has their reasons. I have mine, you have yours. The difference is, who has the right to tell others that their views and reasons are correct? Everything is based completely on circumstance alone. It is good you took responsibility, and I'm sure it was difficult and I am in no way trying to bring you down. I wouldn't have made the same decisions in your situation (as first off my father would kill the guy as soon as he got wind of the accident), but you took initiative and there's nothing wrong with that. It worked for you, but it doesn't always work for others. Be proud for your decision, though, but please also be humbled in the fact that not everyone shares the same view.
EDIT: Also a little tidbit: i was supposed to have a sibling older than me, but it was aborted. My mother's decision. My dad agreed and didn't want children. Second accident happened but this time on purpose. My dad wanted me aborted, but mom refused. She purposefully got herself pregnant to force my dad to stay with her and pay her money to raise me (which she never did, but that's a whole other story, plus she tried killing me at the age of 2 or 3). I had a hard life. At times yes, i wish i was aborted. My mother never even loved me. Wouldn't an abortion have been better than for a woman to have children only to try to beat them to death or drown them and use them for a source of cash flow? And mind you back when I was born, law had it set up where after divorce, women got full custody of children, practically no questions asked. She did not show up to custody court, so my father got me automatically.
EDIT2: Ah! Sorry for the wall of text!