Well-known member
Sure, the more the merrier! Just chime in when you can. I know you're all busy with your lives and all. Is this the wedding trip you were telling me about a while ago?I'm so sorry, but since I'm on vacation in America right now, I couldn'tparticipate I had totally forgot about that and didn't even bring a ready tama... Then,this thursday one of my v3's (one of the three tamas I brought) died, during a feast and Istarted a new one that has been paused a lot. It is currently a mizutamatchi, and is about as old as if I'd hatched it early yesterday, can I still join in with it? I probably won't be able to post much until I'm home, but still, once in a whileJust in case I can join with it, I'll unpause it immeideatly
I hope you get one someday!@ oldschooltama your devilgotch is so adorable!! I want one!
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days, you guys. I've been really busy with school and all. Just finished with things, so now I'm free! Not much has been going on with Adrian, since he's so low-maintenance (which is absolutely great for me and my schedule). He beeps when he wants a friendly handshake from me and when he needs food or some cheering up, but that's about it. Sometimes I play the game with him. He's been really patient with me, considering sometimes I leave him like this (oops

Yesterday, he morphed into a really frightful creature, Bakedebirutchi. Here's what he looks like now:

Here's Adrian, sticking his little fist out when he's asking for a virtual handshake (thus lowering the DP) and the second picture shows him being a tricky devil

That's it for now, folks! I love reading about everyone's progress.