@****oo1: You got my faveourite V3 character

I had one once and nicknamed him 'the Fonz' XD
@PretzelNymph: Spooks looks perfect for the Halloween hatch! And the costumes are adorable ^-^
I had attempted to go online with my Familitchi yesterday but part way through, I got a message saying there was too much traffic on the website ¬_¬
Managed to log in again today and play some (rediculously hard) games for (meagre) gotchi points before it happened again.
Seriously, how do people earn enough money for the shopping channel? Everything costs upwards of 3000 points normally, and, playing the in-built games, on average, wins you about 30 points! Even if you somehow manage to complete the game you only get 100 T__T
In other news, evolutions occurred!
Here we have Korokotchi (the Beatnik cool-cat with the scary eyebrows wearing the beret) Shelltchi (self explanatory), and Mamekatchi (Mametchi's deformed cousin).
I also did buy my first item! Oooooooh. It's a bubble blower, and unfortunately the animations were too fast for my camera, so all I have is this blurry pic:
I just noticed as I was writing this post, that the sound Familitchis make when they, um, poop, is the same as the sound the postman makes on other versions when he drops the mail into the postbox. So all those times you've found poop in your postbox... perhaps we now know where it came from...