A Spooktacular Tamagotchi Hatch!


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I'm really sorry, but something personal came up, so I was not able to hatch. If it would be okay with you, could I still hatch late?

You guys can hatch today if you want. Granted, it's not the exact day, but it's close. As long as you still want to participate and don't delay any longer, it should all be good. :)

S'all goood. :3

My tamagotchi is going to take longer to grow because i have to pause it during the day because of school. Sorry.

Happy November, everyone! Quick update for you all. Adrian has not been giving me a lot of trouble, though he does cause mischief every once in a while when I let his DP get too high. ;) Once in a while, he beeps at me so that he can shake my hand (it's another function that lowers DP). The following is what his screen looks like when he wants a handshake. He's smiling! The other picture shows him sleeping, at around 9 pm.


Once he woke up today, he played the usual tricks on me. Most of the time though, he doesn't require much care at all! Oh, and Sakura (my Music Star) says Happy Halloween as well. :)


Tonight, I'm going to try and take a picture of the bat that comes from Devil World after the Devilgotchi goes to sleep. The neat thing about the Devilgotchi is that there are certain timed events that take place during the night or early morning, cute animations accompanying it. The first time I ran the Devilgotchi, the bat came every half hour! That's when I started turning the sound off during the night. Surprisingly, that didn't happen this time around. Maybe I sleep too deeply. :p

Well not much has happened yet but if the something happens before 10pm PST I will edit this post xP


They evolved last night into Mattaritchi, Belltchi and Mousetchi.

Cute guys right? Well their bonds went up to 10% like woah! x3

Just got a call from them telling me to give them so drums to beat down >0

Sorry I didn't get a picture of it D:


I snagged a few pictures of the family taking a shower o_O


Then Matt tried to sneak food from the fridge!

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Spooks has evolved!


Spooks is a horrible little monster as I had hoped. Despite her outward ugliness, she decided to go to the park to make friends, and made an awesome sand castle.


Can you help but love the little squishie?


I am continuing the path to bad-character-hood, although Spooks has mysteriously picked up two more training bars. Which is odd, since I have been ignoring her so.

See ya!

Yayy!! My little Avery, who was a Kinakamatchi, turned into a Nikatchi. I think it's adorable.

Today we went to court, and while we waited for my case, we played some games of jump and bump and listened to the silly things people said.

And we just did some shopping.. But TamaTalk won't let me post my pictures.

I love her!! I'll post more tomorrow when she is olderr.

And to all of you, your Tamagotchis are adorablee!! I envy OldSchoolTama's Devilgotchi.

Nighty night. :furawatchi:

Lol LittleChocoWolf I'm highly impressed by your ability to capture photos of your Tamagotchi family doing things like taking showers and such; whenever mine starts to do something cute like fridge-raiding I start desparately fumbling with my camera (my phone's camera is useless!) and switching macro mode on whilst franticly trying to find a distance/angle that allows the screen to be seen clearly enough :p By the time I've got it right, the show's over, and I have four or five blurry pictures of the screen. That or you can see the reflection of the camera on it and nothing else T__T

Anyway that was a long tangent. The Smith family (lol still sounds random to me) may be horrificly ugly, but ugly Tamas are the best ones, right? They need twice as much love as the pretty ones! Still, I'm determined not to end up pausing mine at all if I can help it- I reckon I can keep them going without pausing.

Now for some examples of my shockingly bad Tama-photography skills :D


Breakfast this morning. You know it's the good life when your breakfast magically levitates before you, and it's macaroni cheese, every time.

Next we have Ahirukutchi pouring the tea. I swear that game requires you to have reflexes suitable for a postman! (A GIANT cookie and my eternal love for anybody who understood that reference) XD


I actually find this game really hard. Chuck Norris himself can't pour tea that fast! Hot beverages have never BEEN so hardcore!

I addtion, the points you win from playing the games are unbelievably stingy! I saw a fish tank for sale on the TV shopping channel and decided to get my game on to save up for it. About half an hour later I still only have 840 points >_<


Look at him. He's mocking me!

Goood afternoon everyone! If it is afternoon for some of you guys... xP

Boo has been doing great, and this morning I woke up and a few minutes later heard him evolving! Yay!

Boo is now an,

Obotchi! How cute! x3

Well no, not really that cute. Oh well, hopefully when he's an adult he'll look better for the ladies. >.>


Haha, Boo went crazy for that steak, he loved it. xD


We played heading after I got home and won on the first try! Sadly, he only has 2 training points, gah. D:

Heeeres Chamametchi!


Now thats cute.

I'm so sorry, but since I'm on vacation in America right now, I couldn'tparticipate I had totally forgot about that and didn't even bring a ready tama... Then,this thursday one of my v3's (one of the three tamas I brought) died, during a feast and Istarted a new one that has been paused a lot. It is currently a mizutamatchi, and is about as old as if I'd hatched it early yesterday, can I still join in with it? I probably won't be able to post much until I'm home, but still, once in a while :blink: Just in case I can join with it, I'll unpause it immeideatly :lol:

@ alicefly Your commentary makes me giggle. What a pretentious fish!

@ littlechocowolf that's super-cute the way they all get into the bath together :p

@ oldschooltama your devilgotch is so adorable!! I want one!

So today was generally uneventful for Spooks. I was working so she had to fend for herself for most of it. I finally got to log onto tama-town tonight, and bought some adorable monster costumes! Here's her fantabulous room:


It kinda looks like a cartoon episode of hoarders, I know.

And here's the costumes. It's a little late for halloween get-up, but it's adorable anyways. The soccer uniform came with a soccer ball that she kicked in front of her, and bounced on her head when she was still.


After that I sent her to the park, where she made another friend!



Can't wait until she evolves so that I can stop ignoring her. I know it's only electronics, but I still feel bad :p I'm hoping for the little ninja girl, or the crazy flying thing with hearts on it's head (too lazy to look up their names). Hopefully tomorrow morning!

Also, my Mimitchi says hello!


G'night folks!

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its now a baby girl!!! ive never had a girl so this is a great moment in my tamagotch history

well shes healthy 5 lbs

hugry:3 hearts

happy 3 hearts

dont wanna get over weight on her first few days

went and played some games we now have one freind ship :) well thats all for now


Woot :D The family evolved into some cute tamas.

Bakutchi, Mamekatchi, and Chamametchi.


Later last night I bought them some chocolate, for a late

Halloween celebration.

@****oo1: You got my faveourite V3 character :p I had one once and nicknamed him 'the Fonz' XD Looky

@PretzelNymph: Spooks looks perfect for the Halloween hatch! And the costumes are adorable ^-^

I had attempted to go online with my Familitchi yesterday but part way through, I got a message saying there was too much traffic on the website ¬_¬

Managed to log in again today and play some (rediculously hard) games for (meagre) gotchi points before it happened again.

Seriously, how do people earn enough money for the shopping channel? Everything costs upwards of 3000 points normally, and, playing the in-built games, on average, wins you about 30 points! Even if you somehow manage to complete the game you only get 100 T__T

In other news, evolutions occurred!


Here we have Korokotchi (the Beatnik cool-cat with the scary eyebrows wearing the beret) Shelltchi (self explanatory), and Mamekatchi (Mametchi's deformed cousin).

I also did buy my first item! Oooooooh. It's a bubble blower, and unfortunately the animations were too fast for my camera, so all I have is this blurry pic:


I just noticed as I was writing this post, that the sound Familitchis make when they, um, poop, is the same as the sound the postman makes on other versions when he drops the mail into the postbox. So all those times you've found poop in your postbox... perhaps we now know where it came from...


sorry for my late posts and no pics shes a hoshitchi :3

full happyness and hunger

41 lbs 1 yr


dats all :)

Today was very eventful for Spooks! She has evolved into an adorable wing-ed monster, Pipotchi!


Are those little things on her head antennae, or hearts? Or both? Whatever they are, they are cutes. Today she took a nap with a teddy bear, and went out to the yard to tend the bonsai tree. A very skilled bonsai artist, if I do say so myself.


For being practically the worst character, I think Spooks is one of the cutest characters. I have been giving perfect care to make up for all the neglect. She also got to blow bubbles.


Hoorah! Tama-gos seem to evolve much quicker than the other versions.. I actually prefer the slower life-cycle, but I couldn't be happier with her final form. :D


I think those are dual hearts on her head. Being the winged spawn of Halloween that she is, it would make sense for her to have bloody respiratory organs on her face, no? Clearly she also has ears in place of a heart. Terrifying!


Oh yeah, and as for the bubble-blowing... it's not a competition! lol XD

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Sorry guys, didn't post yesterday. Extremealy busy, and yes, I did let Boo's happy and hungry hearts go down quite a bit. But he's okay now. ^^

Aaah gotta go! cyua!

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