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and then she jumped into a hole but the hole led to h*** and then the devi* came and ate her and the the deviltamas started slicing and smashing her cuz she liked south park

But it wasnt a dream she teleported back home she was relieved exept a bunch of creepy animal things that kept saying "MA-MA"

OoC:Can we stop saying it's all the dream then next post is a dream and on and on and on...

then the animals took off their heads!

Then, It was just A dream...

This time, she woke up in her bed, and nothing was bad. She ran downstairs, her parents were fine. Her calender said march 14th. It...Was...ALL...Just...A....DREAM!?!?!?!?

She sighed, and felt both exhausted and relieved. Suddenly, a voice said "You only have seven days to live!!!"

She screamed, "NOOOO!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then suddenly.................................

7 Bloodstained baby dolls with blood drewling down their chins that were a sick green came and they started saying the curse of tails doll is on you....

(Wats a tails doll im only 9)

Then one held up a knife, the 2nd held up a chainsaw, and the rest made her realise that 7 is the killer number!!! The one with the knife held up a doll that was like Grace and stabbed the voo - doo doll in the eye, nose and heart. Grace lay dead on the bed. But out of knowhere, a purple ghost appeared - and had a pretty baby doll in her hand. The 7 dolls screamed. Then the purple ghost said: This was you before. The girl that had you loved you. When she grew up a bit, she didn't play with you. You got over - dusty.

The doll she held turned dusty.

"The dust made you mould and kill the girls who LOVED you. It's your fault you feel so miserable!Then, you ate their flesh and drank their blood. You are stupid female dogs!!!"

Then she snatched the voo-doo doll and ripped it up. Imediately, Grace came back to life! The 7 dolls ran into the wall and disappeared. The ghost told Grace they would come back tomorrow night, so don't stay here tomorow! If you stay in the same place for too long, they will hunt you down, you must camp somewhere different each night. I will help you... and with that, she floated away. Grace.....

went on a little camp hunt she found a camp and sleeped there but..... A GREMBLIN STARTED EATING HER SLICEING SLAPPING her and even.........

She thought she would die but later, a Kuchipatchi suddenly appeared and rescued her! She told him to bring her back home. He said "Sure." but later on, Kchipatchi (Russ) passed Grace's house but he didn't stop. "Excuse me, you just passed my house!" she said but Russ didn't say anything! She got scared!

Grace got shredded and got wounds all over her body! She barely survived from it. She felt so sad and miserable because ever the time she just skipped happilly along the road, doing errands, horrible things happenned to her. She went home. Her parents were sleping already, and she realized that it was 11:00 PM. She locked all the doors, hoping nothing bad will happen to her. She was fine the whole night, but when she woke up in the morning...

Their was this mysterious figure."I'm here to help you,Grace."

Though,Grace didn't think he sounded very convincing...

The figure was Matt, a nice Shimashimatchi. He had to do surgery to heal her. After she was healed, devil mametchis surrounded them, trying to kill them.

Kurokuchipatchi summoned them.Then, a dozen of -_- s surrounded Grace and Matt, sacrificing themselves.

Kurokuchipatchi came and said "Loons if you cannot kill them, then I'll kill you!"

Kurokuchipatchi killed the devils, then commited suicide.

*Topic changes from scary to romance*

"Grace, I never knew I had the courage to say this... but I love you."

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"I love you too." Grace said. They married, and then a devil mametchi brainwashed Grace!











`/```\|__|`|` |__|/```\(o) (o)



`````/____\`/____\````` lolololololololololol
lolololol kyle

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