A Dog and a Tama


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The Cynic

Jun 13, 2007
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It has been awhile for me. I came here to TamaTalk when the V1 had just come out, when everyone was excited and Mimitchi's forums weren't done for. From that time, until now, I've only gotten two Tamas other than my V1. First, I bought a keitai on eBay and just two days ago, I went out and snatched a V4. This is its story:

I came home from getting my V4 (black and red with sparks, the manliest design I could find) at Target on monday, around seven o'clock or so. I'd had my keitai going for the last week or so; my Ringotchi had just became Violetchi. However, I decided to shut it down to make way for my brand-new V4. After all, keitai Tamas can save their own data. I found a pair of scissors and sliced open the package, hardly taking the time to read the instructions.

So I pulled out the tab and had a foreign, yet always familiar, egg rustling on the screen. After setting the time and the date and my birthday and enduring the peaceful five minutes, the egg hatched to reveal a newborn Tsubutchi whom I named Amore (after Dean Martin's song, That's Amore) We had our fun; jumping rope and eating cereal and jumping rope and cleaning poop and jumping rope and getting sick and jumping rope and taking a nap. Yet after all the amazement, young Amore cried out, became a stout Puchitchi and turned out the lights to end his day.

(Actually, I thought this Puchitchi was a Marutchi at first, but I discovered that I was wrong after looking at the character chart.)

Amore and I had a fine day tuesday. He came along with me to "work," which is more like charity labor than anything else. He woke to find himself in the dark of my pocket. Yet at lunch he saw the light and we played a few vigorous games of Mimic. None of which we conquered. However, afterwards Amore had a good, fresh meal bought directly from the Shop: Corn, Bread, Sushi and a Melon. He also received some mail, but unfortunately Amore is not at all fond of snakes.

After lunch, Amore hung around in my pocket for another hour and a half or so until a short fifteen minute break. Whereupon Amore had a snack of Cereal and enjoyed himself with jump rope and fooled Ojitchi in a game of Mimic. I hadn't thought of it before, but I realized, I hadn't sent Amore to Pre-School yet! So, right away, I sent Puchitchi off with that Teacher of his to sing a tune. Amore had mail when he got back, the Gotchi King had sent him 2000 points! That's a nice gift, after that treacherous incident with the snake, I think.

Amore had to go back into the pocket again, but this time only for another hour. When I was all finished with work, sweaty, dirty and tired, Amore and I met with a friend of mine, Issac, to drive off to another friend's house for a Zombie-fest. I placed Amore in Issac hands for the ride and they played some nice Jump Rope. We arrived at Doug's house, after an ordeal of being lost thanks to Issac's poor navigation. I took Amore back and he ate some Sushi and a Muffin. We all watched two zombie movies, but Amore wasn't scared.

We played some more Jump Rope and received some mail: a fortune and a terrible pile of excrement. Amore didn't like the poop, so we had to play a few more games of Jump Rope and buy him a flower pot (which, nicely, dropped 300 points!) and fishing rod (he's a very skilled angler, he caught 200 points!). Afterwards, as we started on the third zombie flick, Amore went to sleep.

Amore hadn't noticed, but we didn't arrive at home until eleven o'clock. I cleaned up and went to sleep after a hard day's work, flesh-eaters and a pleasant toddler, Amore.

I woke up today, around 8:05am, to Amore snoozing on the windowsill and racket from a garbage-truck outside. I got dressed, had a meager breakfast, placed Puchitchi in my pocket again and drove off to work. When we arrived and I started working, it was past nine o'clock. I decided Amore must be awake so I sought to check up on him, but to my surprise the face looking back at me was a Gourmetchi's! I was slightly puzzled; is it a hamburger? a biped square with a bandana? I was excited, however work didn't stop for Amore. So we had to wait until lunch to have any fun.

Lunch came and Amore and I went out to my car to get away from all the other workers' chatter. We played a few games of Shape and Amore ate some fresh food from the Shop. I had a bottle of lemonad, listened to Franz Liszt's Tarantella and admired the scenery of the parking lot while Amore went to School for the first time. He was confused, however, so he lost Mr. Turtle's game of tricks. Work continued and break came, at which Amore and I did not do much. He had another class at school and ate a bit until work came around again.

After work, we came home and played a great amount of Shape. I took a nap and later we went to Tamatown, where Amore bought a Ball, a Bow and an Action Figure. After that, Amore received mail from the King. It was a present, a bouquet of flowers! Amore went to sleep then and thus ended the night.

I'll not elaborate;

Amore became a Tosakatchi, became a Scientist and after that, a Doctor.

He "married" a Pukatchi and had a little baby boy.

Amore left his child, whom I named Plato (after that glorious philosopher).

However, Plato grew exactly like his father except during his Toddler stage; first Tsubitchi, then Mizutamatchi, then Gourmetchi.

At that point, I was disappointed. I wanted some change. To have the exact same character for another week would have killed my enthusiasm. So, I decided to reset my V4 entirely.

That was yesterday morning, when I reset it. I spent most of that day trying to get a male toddler besides Mizutamatchi or Putchitchi or a female toddler of any type (after all, in that case I wouldn't get any repetition). More accurately, I wanted a Harutchi.

But no Harutchi came to me, so last night I settled with another male Mizutamatchi, who today changed into another Gourmetchi. So, all my effort yielded nothing.

However, just a few hours ago, I decided to reset my V4 again.

Which I did, only to get yet ANOTHER Mizutamatchi.

But finally, an hour ago, I got my Harutchi, a girl.

Although, when she evolved from Shirotsubutchi, I had the sound off so I didn't get to see what gender she was, so I named her Kaleb, after myself, guessing she was a male.

So, now, I have a sleeping Harutchi named Kaleb.

And I'm rather happy about it.

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Kaleb, my Harutchi, has been doing just fine.

She went to preschool, had a few run-ins with the robber and the Gotchiking.

Typical toddler stuff, you know.

But last night, as I was sleeping, she changed into a nice Young Mimitchi!

Which is exciting, for I've never had a Mimitchi before.

This morning she went to preschool one last time and we played some Shape.

She also bought out all the food in the Shop.

At this very moment, she's brushing her teeth.

Something I should probably do, but I've just woke up.


I just looked down, and Kaleb is crying.

But now she's alright with a little Praise.

That's all for now.

So, yesterday was a bad day for Kaleb, I think.

I had to work and breaks were sparse, so her happy hearts depleted twice.

Nevertheless, she changed into a Mimitchi today!


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