A different kinda hatch.


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Hey ppl! OMG debugging actually works! i have a version 1 but i got a version 2 character because of debugging! it works but its hard here is a link that shows you how step by step!

click here


Hi People! :blink: It's my very first time here in Tama Talk! I decided to join your group hatch since it has alot of people! I would like to join if you guyz wouldn't mind :p Well, today my tamagotchi just became this kind :blink: . I'm not sure what kind of tamagotchi this is [ :blink: ]. Well, that's it you guyz!

well that sounds great so here it goes 8/15/05

both of my V2's look like Carmel Apples!!! Their names r Jeby and he's 2 and there's Beth and she's 1 well they haven't done much so I'll write tomorrow Bye :furawatchi:

Hi! My name is Nate and I have 3 Tamas

1 Version 1- Girl named Tammy. She is (excuse me because I don't the character's names) the guy in a mask B) . She's 5 now and she only has 2 games, dance and jump. I like dance better. She likes to make her face really big on the screen.

I have 2 Version 2's- Boy named Nate who is a year old and looks like an apple. I also have a girl named Kat who is 2 and looks sort of like a duck :D . They have 3 games heading, bouncing, and jumping. I like jumping the best. Nate is a great jumper. He got an excellent and got 100 points in one jump. I was so proud. Kat is very fussy. If she loses a heart, she sometimes won't participate in a game. she refuses.

Unfortunatly because of my job I have to put the little guys on pause a lot. But, I make sure to give them lots of attention when they're on. I have been having problems connecting with IR and having them become friends... but once I figure it out, I hope to have at least 2 friends for each Tama. I was debating getting more tamas but, toysrus didn't have different colors and I don't want to buy the same egg. It's 1am my time and they won't wake up for another 8 hours at least. Tammy, the oldest, stays up the latest. She's up until 10pm! The rest go to bed around 7-9pm. The youngest one, Nate goes to bed first.

well my tamas name is tim.o cause hes a boy i like at scool and is on his 6th generation he a pochitchi :angry: they are my fav charactor and when ever i connect him with my grampa tama he give him poop

he is soooooooo naughty

i just got a v2 secret character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gozarutchi: :unsure: <_< :mimitchi: :wacko: :blink: :lol: :) ;) B) :lol:

Well.... today I just got my V2 Tamagotchi Connection..... So I have 2 Tamagotchi Connections Ver.1 and Ver. 2...... Im trying to make both of them have babies.... :wub: :D :D :D :D :D :D :p :p :p :p :p :p

my tama is on the 2nd generation and its an adult but i cant make it have tamababies! i keep connecting with my other tama and it says that they are partners bu they dont have babies and now the matchmaker wont come because ifound a mate....help!

Well, I just bought a V2 Tamagotchi Connection today! :mimitchi: and now I have two Tamagotchi Connections... A V1 and V2! :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi:

Ok I Just Got A New Tamagotchi Today Because i broke my other one that was so cute and i have a version 2 now and i named it sam and i dont know what kind of tamagotchi it is... so now it revolved and now its sleeping ok.. :huh: :unsure: B) :D

ive decided to join so i hope u wont mind so here goes:

i have a :) called jambo which is a boy and is in love whith becci my friends tama with full hearts!!! he is only 4 yrs so little while till mating yet he is 1st gen and eager for luv update soon maybe tomoz!

my first tama was a mimitchi.

i have a twin pack so i have 2 look after 2 tams anyways my pink tam is a star and my blue tam is a duck in a panda suit.

I'm just starting OK.

9/10/05; 5:52 p.m.; sunday; orlando, florida

>My ichigotchi is 0 years old. 3 training bars all happy and full and is 20 lbs. she doesnt sing but never stops dancing!my sisters tama is trying to mat with my tama she has hanarotchi which i figured if u dont take care of your tama thats what u get. we started connecting them since they were babies and when their adults i hope they can make tamababies.they r so cute to take care of andwhen their parents r there i just clean their poo and done everythig is taken care oif well for 24 hours and i make sure that their all awake even the baby and me to see her go away ya ichigotchi is a girl and my sisters is a boy.

I have the verson 2 tamagotchi! i got two of them and one is a toddler and i am very worried about her! I got her like four days ago ( and i paused it only once....when i take a shower which is every day in the morning!) and she won't become a child or teenager or adult! please reply! i also have a new born that was born today and i love her! She is adorable! I am new to the verson 2 tamagotchi and to tamatalk so can someone give me an intro please! :hitodetchi:

ok i'll go with this idea too not a bad one either!

well my gotchi's name is lola... yes after run lola run

well anyway right now she is a hinotamatchi i had other things going so she didn't end up being the greatest character i could get but any way she is 3 now i'm waiting for her to evolve

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