Hi! My name is Nate and I have 3 Tamas
1 Version 1- Girl named Tammy. She is (excuse me because I don't the character's names) the guy in a mask

. She's 5 now and she only has 2 games, dance and jump. I like dance better. She likes to make her face really big on the screen.
I have 2 Version 2's- Boy named Nate who is a year old and looks like an apple. I also have a girl named Kat who is 2 and looks sort of like a duck

. They have 3 games heading, bouncing, and jumping. I like jumping the best. Nate is a great jumper. He got an excellent and got 100 points in one jump. I was so proud. Kat is very fussy. If she loses a heart, she sometimes won't participate in a game. she refuses.
Unfortunatly because of my job I have to put the little guys on pause a lot. But, I make sure to give them lots of attention when they're on. I have been having problems connecting with IR and having them become friends... but once I figure it out, I hope to have at least 2 friends for each Tama. I was debating getting more tamas but, toysrus didn't have different colors and I don't want to buy the same egg. It's 1am my time and they won't wake up for another 8 hours at least. Tammy, the oldest, stays up the latest. She's up until 10pm! The rest go to bed around 7-9pm. The youngest one, Nate goes to bed first.