2016 New Year's Hatch


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2015
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Hunched over my iPad texting up my next novel
Hello! With the new year coming up soon, I thought it'd be fun to celebrate by making a group hatch! :D

You can use any amount of tamagotchis, and of any vesion. Don't forget to comment in advance of which ones you will use and how many. Other virtual pets will be fine.

I'll be using my V6.

Try to record their progress daily, but it is TOTALLY okay if you can't catch up (seriously I'll probably be the late one). You can record in any way/style you like!

It begins at 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2016, whenever that is where you live. It ends whenever your tamagotchi character leaves or dies.

Please follow all TamaTalk rules about Group Hatchings.

Thank you and have fun!

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I don't know how to word this, but is it one time zone for 12 or is it when it hits 12 in any country?

I hope that made sense but I don't think it did c:

Okay kewl, I'll run a V3 but I work full time so I'll have to pause it during my hours so I may not log everyday :3

Edit: I may run a V4 instead, I know I'll only run one tho lawl

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I will join! This will be my first group hatch. I'll be using my dreamtown. I was already running it but I have sacrificed my knightchi to get a fresh run haha.

YAY! LET THE HATCH BEGIN! Btw, you don't have to wait until I post first. Actually, my V6 won't arrive until tomorrow, so I really want to use that for this log. I can't do two tamas at the same time, so I'm gonna wait until then to post. But you can all post now if you want! Alos, late/early hatchers are welcome to join.

Oh sorry, I was called into work a week early to start and so I can't run a tama. Sorry, I really wanted to do a hatch ;-; but yeah...

I have officially started. Once again I am using my Dream town and I started with choosing the center egg with a heart. I'm lacking girls in my "memory" so I assumed this would be one. It was and now I have Terupotchi.I think I'll name her Umi.

Umi the Terupotchi.


20 lbs

Gen 1

Sigh! I thought I'd be able to start my Music Star today, but it never came. :( Oh well. I don't want to be too late, so I'll use my Friends Dream Town. I really like that one, and it's my favorite modern tamagotchi so far. I actually hatched it when my last character died, but then I decided to pause it. It's still in baby stage, and I think it's only like a few seconds old. I didn't want to reset it becuase I didn't want to erase all my jewelry, characters, and games.


-So he is an Aokumotchi!

-Yes! And I am hungry . . .

-I shall feed you very soon. I'm doing someone important right now!

-Writing about me I assume? On that crazy website where everyone is older and have many more tamagotchis than you?

-Yeah. Now, let's give you some bread.


-Poo! That food was boring! I want sushi! You always fed my predecesors sushi!

-Not all the time. That was only because raw fish is always available, non-fattening, and it filled two of your hunger hearts up.

-Waa! Now play a game with me! *farts* Wait I think I have to go to the bathroom!


-Woo that felt good . . . now, excuse me, but are you gonna name me? If you are, please don't name me "Debug." That was a terrible name to give someone who now lives in hyperspeed and can't speak.

-How did you find out about that?! *sighs* That baby girl on my V3 can still speak, you just can't hear her. And she doesn't constantly live in hyperspeed. Anyway, I think I shall name you "Tamo."

-That's like naming a goldfish Goldie. And I feel bad for that girl . . . now play with me!!!

-Fine--wait, by the way, the Friends series can't connect to the Connection series.

-*stays silent*

-Okay let's pop some balloons!


-You were making me jump too high! I was getting sea sick!

-For one, you weren't on water, and two, I was trying to get a good action shot!

-Hm . . . you were using an iPad. You can't get good shots with an iPad camera. *yawns* Well I am very sleepy now, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a quick, 5-minute nap. ZZZ . . .


Well, that's all for now.

NOTE: I first got the idea of role playing from tamaninjacat and Rukitchi. Kudos to them. Very creative!

Can I join or is it too late? I would like to use my V4.5.

Umi had a pretty bad day today, she managed to get sick twice! I shot her up with meds and she's doing fine now. She turned into Nokobotchi and is enrolled in robots classes. Sorry for letting you get so sick Umi. I'm on winter break and slept until noon today >▪>

Umi the Nokobotchi

17 lbs.


Thanks! So I started up my V4.5 today (that randomly reset itself for no reason -_- ) and got a baby girl! :babytchi: I named her Rose (like from Doctor Who) and immediately began to feed and play with her. She got sick once and started crying, but after one long hour she evolved into Kuribotchi. :kuribotchi: I look forward to watching her grow!

Current Status:

Hunger: 3/4


Training: 1/10

Age: 0

A star has been born! Quite literally because Umi has turned into Hoshigirltchi! Oh little Umi your so adorable. Taking all the robot classes ended up getting her to space. She kept me company while I got my hair cut today.

Umi the Hoshigirltchi

Year: 2

22 lbs

Sorry I don't think I can continue posting in this hatch. I just got sick yesterday and I have a bad headache, so I don't feel like staring at a screen. :( But you all can continue!
Get well soon Retrotamagotchi! ;)

Rose evolved today! She became a UraYoungVioletchi a half hour ago. I'm going to raise her humor points so she'll become Purimatchi. That's all for now!

Current Status:

Hunger: 4/4


Training: 2/10 (or 1/5 :p )

Age: 1

Weight: 14lb

Feel better Retro! If your still running the Tama you could always just continue posting when you feel better.

Umi is doing pretty good today because I have discovered her favorite snack is candy! She's thinking about picking up a hot stud tomorrow.

Wel, my headache is gone and I'm feeling a bit better. So I decided to continue with this hatch for awhile. First, in my first update, sorry when I said "predecessor," I meant "ancestor." What was I thinking?! Anyhow, My Muisc Star is very cute, and I hatched it on the 3rd.

I got a baby boy, and named him "Ruson," thanks to the name generator on here! I explored the many things to do, and soon we were having fun jumping across blocks and racing against music notes. An hour later, I got a Kutchitamatchi. We played jump rope a few times with another toddler at preschool. 24 hours later, Ruson turned 1 yrs and became a monkey (Kikitchi). They didn't have any bananas in the shop though. But the Nazorotchi did visit him and bring a fish and some gotchi points from the king! As a teen, Ruson went to highschool and met a strawberry thing named Lydia and another guy named David. It took me awhile to figure out how to play the mini game, so I only won it a few times. I named his band the "Emojies."

Finally, the monkey evolved into a Mametchi! :D I immediately made him practice at the music studio, with now a Chantochi and a Tarakotchi. The buttons are a bit unresponsive, and I kept losing! :angry: :( Literally, for 6 hours, I was using my tamagotchi practicing and practicing, and googling cheats on how to pass the debut judges. They keep giving me two O's and one X. :( Finally I decided to give up. Tomorrow's another day.

P.S. Sorry if some of my grammar/spelling seems off right now I'm a bit sleepy.

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