2016 New Year's Hatch


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Glad you're feeling better Retrotamagotchi! Rose has been doing alright today... she actually almost died but I saved her! :p (Busy with school work.) Since I had to download her she will be even MORE delayed in evolving. (And I say more because I've been putting her on pause quite a bit. I'm a terrible tama mama. -_- )

Current Status:

Hunger: 4/4


Training: 5/10 (or 1/2 :p )

Age: 2

Weight: 16lb

Umi has joined the popular dating place and found a hubby. They had a baby girl, danced around a bit and than left her behind in my care.

Now we have a new girl, Maki! She pretty much went to sleep as soon as her parents left because I waited so late to marry off Umi.

Hello everyone! Rose evolved! She became a Purimatchi (just like I wanted :D ). Rose also got a job at the airport. Bad news, I have a cold and had to miss seeing the new Star Wars today. :( Good news is I've already seen it. ^_^ So because of that Rose and I have been at home today watching Captain America: The Winter Solider. That's all for now!

Current Status:

Hunger: 4/4


Training: 6/10 (or 3/5 :p )

Age: 3

Weight: 49lb

Maki is doing quite well. She ended up turning into Hanafuwatchi. I find it funny that she has flowers in her hair even though her hair is a flower. I guess it similar to humans wearing hair extentions...

Maki the Hanafuwatchi

32 lbs

5 years old

Gen 2


So sorry I haven't posted! Very busy. Anyhow, Kira, who was originally a Tamatchi, turned into Chamametchi! She formed a band with a strawberry thingy and an apple thingy. I named them the "Sisterz." Maybe I should've named them the Fruits instead! Today, she turned into Memetchi! She didn't pass the first audition unfortunately, or the second :( . . .

Wel, my headache is gone and I'm feeling a bit better. So I decided to continue with this hatch for awhile. First, in my first update, sorry when I said "predecessor," I meant "ancestor." What was I thinking?! Anyhow, My Muisc Star is very cute, and I hatched it on the 3rd.
I got a baby boy, and named him "Ruson," thanks to the name generator on here! I explored the many things to do, and soon we were having fun jumping across blocks and racing against music notes. An hour later, I got a Kutchitamatchi. We played jump rope a few times with another toddler at preschool. 24 hours later, Ruson turned 1 yrs and became a monkey (Kikitchi). They didn't have any bananas in the shop though. But the Nazorotchi did visit him and bring a fish and some gotchi points from the king! As a teen, Ruson went to highschool and met a strawberry thing named Lydia and another guy named David. It took me awhile to figure out how to play the mini game, so I only won it a few times. I named his band the "Emojies."

Finally, the monkey evolved into a Mametchi! :D I immediately made him practice at the music studio, with now a Chantochi and a Tarakotchi. The buttons are a bit unresponsive, and I kept losing! :angry: :( Literally, for 6 hours, I was using my tamagotchi practicing and practicing, and googling cheats on how to pass the debut judges. They keep giving me two O's and one X. :( Finally I decided to give up. Tomorrow's another day.

P.S. Sorry if some of my grammar/spelling seems off right now I'm a bit sleepy.
How ironic! I ran my V6 around Christmas and had the exact same characters! Kuchitamatchi, Kikitchi, and Mametchi!

However, I was able to find bananas at the store.

*Rolls Maki in*

Ho boy I let Maki get really fat today! I was busy sewing away on a project I'm working on I didnt have time to play any games with her. I just kept feeding her snacks to keep her happy meter up. She's quite a chub chub. I'll also be sending her off to the date place soon so hopefully there's a guy there who likes some love handles! (I'm also a chub chub and I found love, I believe in you Maki, you can do it!)

Maki the Hanafuwatchi


7 years



So sorry I haven't been posting lately! I've actually been doing a very bad job taking care of Rose. :( (She almost died again the other day.) I have finals coming up so I've been really busy studying for them. When I finally have time for Rose, I just end up ignoring her! -_- I will still try my hardest to keep her alive and happy!

Current Status:

Hunger: 2/4 (Or 1/2)


Training: 6/10 (or 3/5 :p )

Age: 5

Weight: 88lb

Tamaninja I'm not the host but I'm fine with you not posting mych. I also always fall behind haha.

So Maki ran off with a man and left me with a baby girl. She us currently a terupotchi still so I'll update when she evolves. I have named her Honoka. More love live woot!

Honoka the terupotchi

1 year



Dont have time to write much!

Anyhow, today, Kira passed her 4:15 p.m. debut! Hooray! I really had to keep a steady bablance of thungs. Since practicing with the band meant more stress, I had to play lots of music games to increase her skills and keep her stress low. At first, when I unpaused it today, I realized that tamagotchi is just a TOY. That becoming a rich and famous music star wasn't the only thing the V6 was about. And it was about fun. So I decided it would be fine with my character being just a normal tama, with some street concerts, too! (and playing with cool items and such.)

After it passed the pro debut, it is currently number 5th and has over 2 million fans! :eek: Kira performed one concert, and she did great. And I found out the secret of passing the auditions:

It is random and luck. For some, it could be really high music points, others it could practicing until your tamagotchi buttons fall off, and for some it could be changing the instruments around. And it could also be all three. But from evidence and what other ppl have to say on here about that problem, I think it is just random when the judges will give you the 3 O's. Practicing and kinda high music points affect it too, but won't gurantee anything.

Wait why did I just talk abput that when this is supposed to be a log/hatch. Idk, I'm crazy. :p

(Also sorry I know my grammar is way off here but I don't have time to make it better! :( )

Rose got married to a Matsuritchi and had a baby girl! I just set the time to 11:59p.m. and I'm watching her say goodbye... It's been fun being apart of this hatch, but now that she's leaving it looks like I'm out. I look forward to watching your tamas grow guys! She's gone so it's time for:

Final Status:

Hunger: 3/4

Happiness: 3/4

Training: 6/10 (or 3/5 :p )

Age: 7

Weight: 99lb

Don't worry retro I love when ppl go off on tangents about tamas. I feel like that's what this site if for, to get excited and gush over them!

Honaka has turned into coffretchi! I love Coffretchi but she was the only female beautician that I already had. I'm trying to fill out the whole memory log.

Honoka the Coffretchi

3 year




So today, I noticed Kira's favorite genre has been switching between rock and roll and hip-hop. Every time I try to get an award at 1st ranking, my plans are always foiled (homework, my parents, when it practices, the time, etc.)! :( Finally, I had to settle with an award for Hip-Hop, after cheating with the time ;) His majesty, the king, I have realized, is just a giant golden egg! :eek: He looks pretty weord, btw.

Honoka had a pretty good time with me! I started school again so I'm back onto a normal schedule. When I have work I have a few mini breaks so it's perfect for caring for my tamas. Honoka got married to a kuchipatchi and had a baby boy. I named him Steve. Steve is currently taking robot classes.

Steve is doing pretty good! He turned into Righttchi. Yesterday I forgot to take care of him for almost the whole day but funny enough the game got paused in my bag haha. Righttchi is always doing the right thing mehehehe.

STEVE the Righttchi

5 years

23 lbs

4th gen

Robotics Professor

Today I discovered that Righttchi's favorite food is Meatballs! Maybe they are Swedish meatballs since he eat's them by them self? Mmm now I want Swedish meatballs... Righttchi is now old enough to marry so I will Likely find him a gal either tonight or tomorrow night. I usually marry them off at night because I don't like caring for the babies haha. Shhh Just go to sleep...This is why I don't have kidsXD

Steve The Righttchi

6 years

22 lbs

4th gen

Robotics Prof!

So Steve got married and had a little girl. I'm getting a lot of girls this generation. (hehe Girls Generation ~Punny~) She has already grown up into Himespetchi.I was a little confused by getting her because I was taking cooking classes, but thats ok I needed her anyway in my memory! I have already discovered that have favorite food is chocolate. She has probably my favorite "close up" animation with her eyes turning into giant hearts. Also...I forgot to name her>.>


5 years




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