YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3?
I have my favorite shirt on
It is gray with a cross on the lefthand side, that is black and thorney
I named my shirt,(my own personal one) Parade X^P
nope, the lie was actually two. My favorite shirt is gray, but with a parade of scribble hearts down the front and they fade and black3
• I am wearing all pink
• I have no sister for the weekend
• I lie at home
Yes.oh well then its the last one
no my lie was the last one
i am eating cereal
i got a netflix free trial thing in the mail
tomorrow im going to Chuck E. Cheeses (YAY ^^)
I know I didn'tYou didnt post a 2 truths and a lie.
Heres mine.
→ I have 2 annoying sisters.
→ I hate school.
→ I know everyone on TamaTalk
No, It's the second one. In Australia Its a Saturday.The lie is that it's Saturday
There is a TV playing in a different room in my house
My sister is listening to stupid music
My cat is all black
Yup! XD3
I wish war was like it was back in WWII
im an insomniac
The Black Parade is my favorite MCR cd`
no it was the last one!!!Yes.
Ducky, is your lie
the very