.:10134's Tama Log:.


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
1 September

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, robot; instrument, guitar; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 00; weight, 5lb; Species, petitchi

Hi, my name is Umlaut. The first thing I saw was my owner, she fed and played played games with me. She says I can write this log myself when I know how to spell words. Bye for now! My owner is going to take me to this place to buy some stuff for me.

2 September

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, tamagotchi; instrument, violin; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 00; weight, 15lb; Species, Kuchitamatchi :lol:

This morning, my owner turned the time to 12:29 pm and waited for a minute, I think what my owner does is very weird and I FINALLY get to write this myself(I am very impatient). Then sudenlee suddenly the kindergarten teacher came to visit a she gave me a toy train, I wanted a U.F.O. Here is what we said:

Owner: [goes to the door and opens it] Hello Mrs Frill is Umlaut ready for School already??

Mrs Frill: Well yes, may I speak with him?

O: Sure

Me: Hello.

MF: Hello Umlaut, call me Mrs Frill. I have come here to tell you that you are ready to go to Pre-School and you may come later on today.

Me: Wow! Will that affect how well I do when I get a job?

MF: Yes. I would like you to have this gift.

(long silence because of unwrapping gift)

Me: Cool! A TRAIN! Thank you Mrs Frill

MF: I'm glad you like it. Well I need to go now, good-bye!

Me: Bye!! :D

In the shop, Nazotchi :nazotchi: recomended four things (like always):

Item #1:Loco Moco - 450p

Item #2:plant - 200p (sold)

Item #3:Fried Chicken - 320p

Item #4:pear - 200p

I went home right away and I watched the plant grow and I saw an evil skull! :angry:

Afterwards my owner and I played some games of 'Sing a Song'

heer here are the results:

Game 1:

Excellent! - Tone +30

Game 2:

Excellent! - Tone +30 :blink:


I really need to go to the toilet but my owner keeps it in her private store cupboard! I think im going to make a mess......

Oh.. too late.

How embarrasing -_-

3rd September

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, tamagotchi; instrument, guitar; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 00; weight, 15lb; Species, Kuchitamatchi: Genre, R&B;

Okay. I hope all of this practicing is worth it because my owner is making me practice a lot!

I wonder what is in the shop.....


Item#1- 150p - Corndog

Item#2- 200p - Corn

Item#3- 12000000p - Boutique

Item#4- 100p - Chocolate bar (x10 sold)


I also wnt to the shops I own and I got nothing/-300p/nothing/nothing :angry: :( :p

And if I formed a band I would call it .VORTEX. with two guys like me. :D :lol: :nazotchi:

Oh Yeah! on my tamagotchi v4 I have a ringotchi called Raven, I want her to be a Maidchi like Ryo's mom at preschool!

-oh gotta go, my owner needs to use the computer very badly for her homework.

Will write more later. :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi:


Whoa! I felt this weird tingle down my back and everything went blurry and I blacked out for a few seconds. When I woke up I looked at myself in the mirror and found ou I turned into a Kikitchhi!

When my owner saw this she was delighted, and she set the clock forward to 12:29 pm again and she answered the door. Outside stood my Music Teacher. He wont give me his name, but he gave me a Bass Drum!

So I went to music school and met two new friends! There is a Hinotamatchi called Daniel who plays the Saxophone and a Ringotchi called Elaine who plays the harp. Ou band name is .VORTEX. and we played R&B music! I am really happy!

And earlier Nazotchi :nazotchi: came and gave me a bag of points from the King with 2000p inside.

Now I have a total of 5900p. :marumimitchi: :nyatchi: :pochitchi:

- see ya later :nazotchi:

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4th September

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, tamagotchi; instrument, guitar; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 00; weight, 21lb; Species, Kikitchi: Genre, R&B; Age, 1yrs

Nazotchi just came over and gave me some fanmail, and inside was a HEART. :wub:

And earlier today I dug up a mini sun. How did that get there? I have always been wondering why there would be snakes, tarts and mini suns in the dirt. Oooh I reallly wanna be famous when I grow up! Ihope I will turn into a shimashimatchi!


And I'll tell you this little secret....

...I think I have a crush on Elaine.... :wub: :mellow: ;)

Promise not to tell anyone okay??? ;)

7 November

Lots of things have happened!!!

I didn't write because the internet isnt working.

Okay. I transformed into a Shimashimatchi in middle of the night, and when I went to practice with my band Daniel turned into a Dorotchi and Elaine is a Makiko! And we also auditioned and th results were X/X/O. I was really disappointed.

I have also met a Kuromametchi called Edward and a Memetchi called Rita.


10 November

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, tamagotchi; instrument, guitar; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 04; weight, 30lb; Species, Shimshimatchi: Genre, Rock 'n' Roll; Age, 5yrs; Auditions passed, 1

WOOHOO! :D :ichigotchi:

Guess what!?!!!

Me and my band went to a 7:15pm audition and we passed.


Our band is 4th in Rock'n'Roll and lovin it! Well... Id actually prefer being 1st. :p I hope I get an award before I return back to Tamaplanet with my wife, I really like Elaine I hope she feels the same way about me...

Am going to the my shops to get some points


Toy Shop - NOTHING

Boutique - 500P


oH. It's bath time.

-will write more tomorrow. ^_^

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11 November

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, tamagotchi; instrument, guitar; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 00; weight, 30lb; Species, Shimshimatchi: Genre, Rock 'n' Roll; Age, 5yrs

Good Stuff!!!

After my concert in Japan my band manager came for a visit and suggested a singer from a different band to be my wife; and I agreed. I was a tiny bit disappointed because Elaine is dating Daniel :p , but I love Esme much better anyway ;) . Esme is now my wife; she is a Violetchi that is the lead singer from a different band called SUNRISE. Soon after we got married we decided to have a child. And Esme gave birth to Romilda, our charming little girl (Petitchi). When I go back to Tamaplanet I am going to give her my Tamagotchi and Romilda says she wants to play the headphones when she grows up, ahhh... I am so happy! I already have a little girl of my own (I feel old!): I shall teach her how to write so she could fill in this log that I will ask her to pass down to all the future generations.

Oh I gotta go, or I'll be late for the 5:00pm concert. Man I'm still 4th place!

Will write more tomorrow. I am going to give little Romilda some English lessons. :D

Later - After english lessons

I went to another concert and I won a Rock'n'Roll award!!!

If you're wondering how I became 1st ranking I used all of the tickets I have (If you have 1 concert you will go one ranking higher).

Esme was so proud, It is the best day ever!

Reasons that today is the best day ever.

1. Had a concert in Japan

2. Got married to Esme


4. Went to London, New York, Sydney

5. Won my first award!!!!!! :eek:

13th November

Gender, boy; name, Umlaut; toy, tamagotchi; instrument, guitar; hungry ****; Happy ****; Stress, 00; weight, 32lb; Species, Shimshimatchi: Genre, R&B; Age, 6yrs

This Morning Guitaritchi came and gave me 1000000p for my efforts, and with that money I bought a standard car (It's too slow!!)

Tonight I will be leaving Romilda :( to go to my new Home on Tama Planet, I will leave out Romilda's headphones out on the table.

Im sorry this log is so sad, well so far.


I will be leaving her in the caring hands of my owner. She will be safe

Goodbye Romilda,

Goodbye Owner, thank you for caring for me for all these years!

I will no longer be posting here bu Romilda will.

Good Luck Romilda, Esme :furawatchi: and I will always love you

Au Revoir :( :mellow:

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14th November

Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument, Guitar; Age, 0yrs; Genre, Classical; Tama Iype, Petitchi; Weight 05lb; Favourit Food, Waffles.

I have woken up all alone with no-one for company except for the owner. I am really scared that my parents were abducted or if they abandoned me. There was really no point in moping around the house, so I searched around the house for traces of where mummy and daddy went. I found a couple of awards on the bookshelf for Rock'n'Roll and R&B, Sommething that daddy calls a 'log' in his computer documents, plane tickets, and a set of headphones on the table that the owner said my daddy put there. I kind of am more interested in playing the guitar like may my daddy, so I asked the owner to swap it.

*Sigh*, I still find no clues

So as a last resort I asked the owner (from now on I will call her Nightpelt because clling her "the Owner" seems a bit weird to me) Where my parents went and she said, that they went back to TamaPlanet while I was still sleeping and that they would sometimes give me presents!

Uh, I was about almost made a mess on the floor, Yeah, Why isn't there an easily accessable toilet instead of having to lose your dignity by using the floor as the toilet?

"It's Waffle time, It's waffle time. Will you have some Waff's of mine?!"

Nightpelt gave my grown up food; waffles!


- Now I'll just have a little nap, I'll write more later. ;)


Aha! I'm in schoool now, hehe!

Mrs Frill came over and gaveme a yucky dionsaur :p . In pre-school I played jump-rope with a Kuribotchi, Tamatchi, Kuchitamtchi and another Tamatchi. I ain to become a Chantotchi when I grow up.

Wait.... MAILTIME!

:nazotchi: : Is this Miss Romilda

Me: Yesss...

:nazotchi: : Here is a parcel from your father.

Me: Thank you

:nazotchi: : [Leaving]

Me: [Closing the door]

I wonder what's inside...

*Long silece of unwrapping parcel*

OOOH a bag of points!

*Another long silence of opening bag*

8000p for Me!!

Even Later

Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument, Harp; Age, 0yrs; Genre, Asian; Tama Iype, CHAMAMETCHI; Weight 20lb; new instrament, Mic; Band name, OUKIDONE

Nightpelt brought me and some other lowly tamagotchi's to dinner at a Restaurant. We also went to the human shop, where you can buy chocolate, bananas, pies and other stuff. While we were walking around the part of the shop that sells uncooked steak, beef, pork and turkey. I transformed into a......


Nightpelt also set the timen time forward so I can go to Music School, and the teacher came and then... and then...and then... he gave me a mic! Well I don't need one, I already have a dream mic. I am in a band with Lisa the Ichigotchi and Daniel the Nonopotchi. Our band name is OUKIDONE, we Must pass the Auditions I tell you! I wanna be rich and famous and that everyone knows my (Fabulous) name!!


Im...tired, that's enough ranting for one night.



th November

15Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument, Harp; Age, 1yrs; Genre, Asian; Tama Iype, CHAMAMETCHI; Weight 20lb; Band name, OUKIDONE

Earlier Dad came and gave me a Pear!

Nightpelt introduced me to one of her lowly Tama's. She is in a TamaGo version and she is a Makiko, she married a Mametchi and had a GIRL. She told me that her child is the fifth girl in a row out of 5 generations. I challenge Curls (My owner calls her Curls because you can't reaaly name Tamagotchi's that live in TamaGo's) to playing the keyboard and I won! Haha!

♫ I wanna be a Chantotchi sooo [insert word here] bad! ♫

I also wanna be famous too!

19th November

Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument, Harp; Age, 2yrs; Genre, Classical; Tama Iype, CHANTOTCHI; Weight 25lb; Band name, OUKIDONE; Auditions Passed, 0

I would have posted earlier if I could but the stupid internet stopped working and Nightpelt is too lazy to fix restart the modum thingymabobby. :angry:

I am now a gorgeous Chantotchi and Daniel is a DOROTCHI like the Daniel my dad knew and Lisa is a Memetchi.

Earlier I also went to my shops and lost 500p but gained 300p, so there is no difference except that I lost 200p.

Before Nightpelt FINALLY restarted the modum she started babbling to me about Briefcases. Here is what she had to say:

Nightpelt: Do you know why suitecases are also called BRIEFCASES?!??

Me: Nope

N: I don't know either, but another word for knickers is 'briefs' Does that mean that Briefcases are meant for putting your knickers in them?

ME: Errrrrrrrrrrrrr........................

N: Briefcases are HUGE so does that mean you are supposed to lug your underwear everywhere? Why do we even need big bulky cases to puts your underpants in????

Me: No....Briefcases are not for putting your underwear inside of, but you put your things in them such as documents, holiday things, clothes..........

N: ...And underwear!!! :D

Me: Ugh......

After my 2nd failed audition I recieved (O/O/X) some fanmail and I got a heart!

I think the poos and snakes comes from the evil cupcake judge (The one on the Right).

AND GUESS WHAT!!!! The word Chanto in Chantotchi means 'PERFECT' in Japanese! I think.


After finishing practicing with my instrument I spotted Nightpelt dancing around the louge and I asked her what she was doing and she said she was practising for this performance thingy for her music class. Her life is a lot like mine.

In other news, I have switched to playing classical music with the guitar, I also went to my first Concert (In the park) and there was more people than I thought there would be. Instead of one person in the crowd there was at least 5 people watching OUKIDONE's first performance. ;)

I think this means that I am one step closer to becoming wildly famous!

And it seems like that whatever is tyoed in here comes true! Because my dad wanted to be

♫ I wanna be a Chantotchi sooo [insert word here] bad! ♫

I also wanna be famous too!
and it happened! But not the FAMOUS part.....yet. and my dad said...

I reallly wanna be famous when I grow up! Ihope I will turn into a shimashimatchi!
And he did!

-See Ya :wub:

Don't wanna be ya!


Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument, Harp; Age, 2yrs; Genre, Hip Hop; Tama Iype, CHANTOTCHI; Weight 25lb; Band name, OUKIDONE; Auditions Passed, 0

This morning I got a gift from dad which is a chicken drumstick, afterwards I went to the shop and bought HEAPS of waffles. One thing I don't understand is that why is a chocolate bar counted as a meal? It is cheap, and keeps you full, but isn't is made of sugar and cocoa?

Oh well, In the mail this morning I have recieved some fanmail and I got a poop, a heart, and a star.

Why would people send poop in envelopes? it is very unsaitary, this should be agaist the law, Like I said yesterday, I think the evil judge on the right sends the poops and snakes

My owner thinks it comes from the evil judge too is just a prank someone pulled off for me. ;)

Nightpelt is still doing weird dancing, while watching TV.

21st November

Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument,Guitar; Age, 3yrs; Genre, Rock'n'Roll; Tama Iype, CHANTOTCHI; Weight 25lb; Band name, OUKIDONE; Auditions Passed, 0

I'm sooo excited! it is almost Nightpelt's birthday! I wonder how I should celebrate it? Oh well, more thinking later; Nazotchi just came and gave me a present from the king which is STEAK. I still haven't passed my auditions, but hopefully things work out sooner or later in the end. ;)


Nazotchi also always gives me letters from my fans, they give me STARS.

And yesterday, dad gave me a plant which grew into a mini sun!!


22nd September

Name, Romilda Kyzyl Tjhan; Gender, Girl; Generation, 2; Toy, Tamagotchi; Instrument,Guitar; Age, 3yrs; Genre, R&B; Tama Iype, CHANTOTCHI; Weight 26lb; Band name, OUKIDONE; Auditions Passed, 0

Still no dice.

No Auditions passed. I can't bear to face my dad. I SAID THAT I MUST PASS! I am also running low on food; all that is left for meals are a BIG jar of Baby food, Lobster, a Chocolate bar, and steak. (Im saving the Lobster and Steak for special occasions, like WHEN I PASS MY AUDITIONS!! GAH!! $*%^@%@^*%!!!! WHEN WILL I PASS!!!?!? WAAHHHH!!!)

OK enough moping. In other news, there is a rumour that Nightpelt will buy more tamagotchi's, this time A FAMILY for her birthday. She says she will call them the TJHAN family*. I will not write what I am planning for her birthday because it will ruin the surprise because once I caught her reading the entree I posted on the 15th. And this may fall into the wrong hands. Hmm..

- Am off to the shop to check if there are any waffles.

Bye. Wish me luck on the auditions!

Curse you! You evil Judge!!!

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