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Haha I love their robes! I wish I had one..</3

Lol I have an ASTIGMATISN, don't judge. Haha

I can read it, I'm just too lazy too. xD

Lucky girl! I want a Mac.



Oh God. Elaina's nerves were completely on edge once his father had descended down the stairs. He was clearly more up-tight and reserved than his mother and the lack or resemblence between his son somehow made it a tad worse. But, she hid her nerves away deep inside and plastered another smile on her face. She needed his father to like her. "Bonjour, Monsieur. It's great to meet you." She kissed him twice on his cheeks and then took a step back - feeling a bit odd about being close to him, since Christien was even physically further towards his mom at the moment.


Audrina certainly adored the phrase 'frequent company' and struggled to keep a huge smile from showing up on her face. "Well, thank you. It's the same with the male models. They're all secousses peu profondes; shallow jerks. I do like eating dinner with you, Caden, and talking. You're very...what's the word...wise, I believe, for someone so young."

Well, now I know what to get you for your Sweet Sixteenth xD

I'm not judging. Only that your use of "an" makes it seem like it's a physical thing in your eye, rather than a condition :L

Fair enough. That's holiday syndrome if ever I saw it.

I got one for my birthday. It's awesome <3


"Bonsoir," Christien's father said, returning the kisses to Elaina's cheeks, and the shifting slightly, as if slightly uncomfortable. All the while, he was judging her, comparing her. Christien could see it, like he always did, and he hated it. The man was judging her when they had exchanged less than ten words with each other, already deciding whether he liked her or not. And the next thing he said? Well, Christien had to keep his composure afterwards.

"She doesn't speak French?" Of all the things in the world. Not even a 'nice to meet you' or 'welcome'. He said it in French, too, which further aggravated his son.

"Papa, she is our guest, and you will speak English when you are around her, even when you are talking to me," he said firmly, through gritted teeth. "And, no, she doesn't. She is learning, but even that is wonderful, since she wasn't expecting to be in an accident and then end up with a French boyfriend and staying with him in Paris."

All the while Christien's mother was looking at her husband, first anxiously, and then angrily. His behaviour was frankly rude and unacceptable, particularly because, from the little time that she'd known her, she thought Elaina to be very nice indeed.

"I see," said Christien's father. "Forgive me, and welcome. I hope you will enjoy having dinner with us." It sounded a tad rehearsed, like he'd been told what he should say to be polite, but, hey, at least he said it. "Speaking of which, are we going?" He asked it as a question, but he was already heading for the door, and so the others followed.

Christien took Elaina's had and led her along while they all took a short walk to the restaurant of about five minutes. He leaned near to her ear as they walked and whispered to her, "Please don't take it personally. He's always like this at first, with everyone. Just be yourself, don't get nervous, and.. que sera, sera.." The worst possible thing she could do was to think that his father had already decided he didn't like her-- that always came later. But he really hoped he would grow to like her. His mother thought she was very charming, and very beautiful, which pleased him to no end.


Caden smiled widely at her compliment. "Thank you," he said, "You are very profound, too. And I'm very glad to have met you." He paused for a moment, before he suggested, "Well, if you like having dinner with me.. or just talking with me.. We could do this again sometime, while you're here, if you'd like." He knew he would, he really liked being in her company, as he'd expressed to her.



YAY! Btw, I drove yesterday and accidently went off road for like five seconds! So scary.

Lol, well maybe it is? I have no idea. I don't ask the questions.

Haha, Holidays make my life better. Christmas so soon!

Darn you and your nice birthday presents!


Elaina's smile faltered after Christien had spoken frustratedly towards his father, whom clearly did not enjoy Elaina's company as she hoped. But miraculously, the smile returned after a few long seconds, where she became determined to make him like her. She did not want for herself to make an even tenser situation between Christien and his father, so she would be as wonderful as possible. She had taken Christien's hand and did not stray from him very much even when they'd arrived at the restaurant. She nodded to make Christien understand that she understood. God, she wished she could speak French so much. Not only to please his father but just in general. Clearly his father's tone was aggitated when he'd said what he did in French, so obviously it wasn't in the least bit praising her or anything. This dinner, she was determined, to make fantastic.


Audrina bit her bottom lip, her grin now morphing mischeviously. "Are you asking me on a date, Caden?" She was teasing him and she made it obvious, but, she wondered if it was a friend basis or more. Not that she honestly cared if it was simply a friend basis - really, she would like Caden either way. And if it was just friends she would just have to get over her immense physical attraction for him.

Oh my. I bet that was petrifying.

I believe it's just a condition called Astigmatism.

I know! I can't believe how close it is now =D

Haha, yeah, it's been a godsend.


When they arrived at the restaurant, Christien pulled out a chair for Elaina beside him, and his mother on the other side, seating himself when they were sat comfortably, and when his father did. He was glad to see that Elaina didn't seem disheartened by his father's behaviour. That was good. A few of his past girlfriends had given up at the first hurdle, and that was their falldown with him, because they were then lost for the rest of the evening, and so her determination was encouraging. Somehow, deep down, he thought things might turn out well this time. Christien's mother was helping by asking her questions, as well as them both, about what they'd been doing while they were in Paris. "So, do you like Paris?" she asked Elaina.


Caden liked her approach to his question, as a matter of fact, and it made him smile. He leaned forward slightly and said, "Only if you want it to be. But, if you'd like me to be honest as to what I'd like it to be.. Well, I asked it in the hope that you would accept it, as a date, and not just a friendly dinner."



My mom like flipped out even though I definately had control.

But when people say you have it, you say "I have AN astigmatism" Haha.

I know. But I'm not tooooo Christmassy and whatnot, not too Holidayish. Haha

Oh sheesh, I love that term. "Godsend". Hee-hee


"I absolutely love Paris!" Elaina was extremely thankful for Christien's mother helping her out, and surely felt like his mom liked her a lot - which is definately what she needed. His parents reminded her of her own, except gender roles were reversed. It was Elaina's mother who was the tense, overly pushy one. But they would cross that bridge when they got there. "The Eiffel Tower was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. We took so many pictures. Also, everyone is so gorgeous here, as are the buildings."


"I think a date sounds great!" Audrina really was excited that Caden wanted something a bit more than friends, and judging how well their dinner went this evening - she felt as though it'd be nice as well. "I'd like that a lot." It was so easy to converse and enjoy his company that there was no way she'd decline such an offer.

Mine would, too. She'd, like, scream or something.

But it works in the same way as saying 'I have autism'. You don't say, "I have an autism."

I know. I hate people who are just like, "Oh I'm ridiculously cheerful and nothing's going to get me down and I'm going to be all in your face gleeful because it's Christmas!"

Haha, really?


Christien glanced at his father. He actually seemed to be listening quite intently, and pleasurably, in fact, to what Elaina was saying. He seemed at least glad that the girl liked France and Paris, that was a start. And Christien's mother, of course, was very glad to hear of her positive opinion of the city. Christien added, "She loves it so much that she hopes she can spend some more time here between school terms. I'd like that very much."

"Oh, so you're going to University? That's good," Christien's father pitched in.

"Yes, Princeton, too," Christien added, just so that point was out there, so that his father could think highly of the intelligence that she clearly had to get into a school like that.


"Great," Caden said, smiling with relief that his request had been well received, and happiness at that they were really going to go on a date with each other. He smiled and took a sip of his wine. "When is good for you?"





Yeah, it was VERY stressful that car ride.

No! For an austigmatism it's a physical condition so you do. Haha

Haha seriously! I'm like school..that's pretty chill.

It's awesome! Legit, right?


Elaina also noticed that Christien's father was was becoming more involved in the conversation, which pleased her greatly. "Yes, it's a great school. I got a scholarship based on academics and also my tennis. Do people play tennis up here in France?" She hadn't seen any tennis courts and was curious if anyone even really knew what it was. "And Christien's right, I really, really hope I'll be able to come here on every break I can get. Maybe bring my parents up here one day." As she said this, she wondered if her parents would get along with Christien's. And, to be honest, she wasn't exactly sure.


"Well, I really have absolutely no plans on my break here so any day that's good for you." Audrina had finished her Chicken Parm and was now starting on her salad, which was impecible as well. She would have to mentally note this place so she -and maybe even Caden- could come back some time. An amusing thought of the waitress crossed her mind - about how she certainly would be pleased even Caden came back.

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Still, at least you are legally able to drive. -bitter-

Well, there's no clear answer on the internet, it's all different. Therefore, inconclusive.

Yup. Lots of good food, fun times, lack of homework :)

Er, yes?


"Yes, we have the French Open here in Paris," Christien's father replied, in fact more politely than was expected-- Christien had thought he might say it matter-of-factly, as if Elaina should know that. But it wasn't like that at all, which was a good sign. And what came next surprised Christien even more. "And, we have a certain female tennis player, Amelie Moresmeau, but you wouldn't know it," he continued, a small, amused smile spreading across his face, "She looks very much like a man with long hair." Sharing an amusing anecdote? Were his ears deceiving him? The madness continued then. "And I also think that France deserves a beautiful tennis player to represent them. Perhaps you would consider playing for France and not America," his father chuckled. Christien and his mother shared a look of surprise which turned to relief and happiness at the same time. These were inklings of the good things he'd spotted in Elaina, hinting that maybe he would grow to like her if she kept this up.


"Well, I'm asking you to pick a day, since choosing when you'd like to see me again seems the most polite thing," Caden said to her. He would rather have her pick a day that suited her best than him pick one that for whatever reason might not work quite so well.


Very true. I just CAN'T WAIT to get my liscense and be able to go awayyy alone.

Fine, I'm content with such inconclusion as long as I can say an astigmatism. There were commericals and they say that.

AH Homework makes me depressed.

Don't judge. xD

HAHA "The madness continued then."


Elaina laughed along to Christien's father's amusing statement, noticing excitedly that he was warming up to her every minute. Triumph! Elaina could not be more joyful at the moment and she refused to mess it up. "I think playing for France is a great idea! Also it would be much more of a challenge since absolutely no one is over-weight here and America contains nothing but fat people." She smiled and tossed her golden hair over her shoulder, also noticing that his father called her beautiful. She hadn't expected him to be so nice so quickly - judging on her first meeting with him but she definately was pleasently pleased. "If ya'll were interested, maybe we could someday go for a nice family game of tennis!" She knew she wasn't exactly family yet, but she had intentions of being - even if only Christien and her knew it. She wasn't sure how to mention them all as a group so she decided 'family' was acceptable.


"Oh, alright then, how does two days from now sound? Tomorrow I was planning on looking at some agencies and seeing if I could arrange something after my break. But after that I'm completely free and have no idea what to do since this city is" Audrina would like to see Caden as soon as possible again, so she hoped only a day and a half separated from her wouldn't be so soon in his opinion.

Well, you run along and enjoy that. I'll just get a Vespa and look awesome when I ride into school on one >;D

Commercials? Wow, interesting. I'd never heard of that condition until you mentioned it but you have commercials that talk about it? xD

Yup. Me, too. There's just so much of it.

Don't worry, I'm keeping quiet :L

Seriously, Elaina should be flattered, this is crazy talk from him. Though the last comment would have sounded like he was coming onto her if it had been someone else xD


"That sounds like fun," Christien's mother said with regards to the suggestion of a tennis match. She didn't at all mind the use of the word 'family' either. She was good at reading people, and she saw the way the two of them looked at each other. She had a suspicion that this was it. He was smitten with her, that was for certain.

Christien didn't want to jinx it by being too pleased with how things were going. And it was just as well, because the next moment, what was at first a compliment to Elaina turned into a spiteful comment towards Christien. "You'd do well to keep her for a little while, Christien. Hopefully you'll do better this time, and you'll be able to keep her happy, which you couldn't for Florentine."

Christien's face fell into an expression of discomfort and discontent at his bringing this up, especially around Elaina-- yes, she knew all about this, but his father didn't know that, nor was it polite in any case. And what annoyed him more yet was his use of, "a little while", as if he didn't expect them to last, or want them to, as a matter of fact. "Papa, please, let's not bring this up now," he said, slightly exasperated, amazed at how much it could still hurt when it was brought up by him. "That was a long time ago now, things have changed a great deal. The truth is Elaina means a lot more to me than you could comprehend, and I'd like it if you would get to know her, grow to like her, but do not interfere with my relationship with her." He knew it wasn't the sort of thing usually discussed over dinner, but he had to say it then and there, because he was not prepared for anything like that to be brought up in Elaina's presence again.


"Two days from now.." Caden paused to check the calendar on his phone. Clear. "..Is perfect for me. I'll meet you in the lobby of your hotel at.. How does 7 o' clock sound to you?" That was all he was telling her; he would surprise her with where he was going to take her to get dinner or anything of the sort. "I'm really looking forward to it."



Ugh I'll never get a car until I leave for college!

Yep, there are contacts for it, or something. Therefore they must be advertised.

Honestly! All the teachers think that they're class is the only one so they give us killer amounts of homework.

You better! xD

Haha well Elaina is quite flattered. She has superhuman old man charm I suppose xD.


Elaina was also taken off guard when his father mentioned Florentine and immediatly tensed up inwardly, though keeping her composure on the ouside. Because, as she saw it, she needed to keep Christien's father's liking of her and then maybe he would forget all about Florentine and focus on the good in Christien and her relationship. She reached under the table and rested a hand on Christien's leg hopefully to comfort him as he seemed thuroughly frustrated by his father's innapropriate topic choice. "I really love your son, Monsieur, and I don't intend on leaving the relationship any time soon. I really adore him, I just would like you to know that." She did not want Christien's father to think that their relationship was merely temporary but also did not want to offend him.


Audrina smiled and nodded, "That sounds absolutely splendid. Here, let me see your phone, I'll write in the address of the hotel." She noticed that he refused to say what exactly they were going to do but she liked that. Surprise was much better in Audrina's mind.

Well, I'm not sure when I'll get one, to be honest. I'm still not even sure if the driving age changed for my year or the year below xD

Fair enough. Usually they'd get prescribed rather than advertised here.

I know, right? And sometimes it's like, "Um, hello, I have an essay that counts towards my grade in English. I do not need this silly little French test!"

How's French going, by the way? =D

Clearly she does :L


"Oh, you do, do you?" Christien's father smirked slightly in amusement, looking almost cruel towards his son, as a matter of fact, as if the thought of someone being in love with him was absurd.

"Yes. And I love Elaina very much, as well. And so I'd really like it if you could just be happy for us. You said you like her, then, please, can we just put all of this behind us and enjoy the evening?" Christien said. There was a pleading look about his expression that made his father stop for a moment, and reflect on everything he'd said to the two of them. The truth was that, yes, Elaina seemed very nice to him. And he had been unfair to Christien.

"I'm sorry," he murmured to them both. It seemed sincere to Christien, and while it didn't quite cut it for everything he'd said, it was a start. Hopefully at least now the spiteful comments would stop, even if he said little else for the evening.


I'm sorry, I really don't know what else to write, my mind has jut gone totally blank xD


Caden handed her his phone. He didn't need to call up any menus or anything, since his was an iPhone, the same as hers. He waited for her to type in the address while he finished off his final glass of wine.


Ugh, okay, that is my last failpost. I shall write properly from here on in.

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So the driving age is when, exactly, up there?

Haha, well I'm sure prescribed is better than avertised. For the sake of curing people. xD

Haha seriously!

GOT AN A ON MY SAMESTER EXAM IN FRENCH! I'm a beast, not gonna lie. ;D

Haha it's okay about your fail posts :) We all have those days.


Elaina wasn't exactly quite sure about what to say at that particular moment and she inwardly thanked their waitress for arriving a few short seconds later. "Salut, je suis Marie. Je serai à votre serveuse pour ce soir. Que puis-je vous aider tous à boire?" Their waitress was intimidatingly pretty, not that it was of any shock to Elaina. Like she'd observed before, most everyone in France definately had the potential of being models. Elaina was lost, of course, as to whatever question the waitress had asked and threw a helpless glance at Christien. Mentally, she cursed her mono-lingual state.


"Alright, done." Audrina announced, slipping the iPhone back over to his side of the table. She had finished off her wine as well, in addition to her salad, completing the meal. Though, she very much did not want Caden's company to go away so she suggested they might go on a nice walk after dinner. She told him that she had spotted a lovely park on the way over and speculated that it would be beautiful in the dark, which it most certainly was now.

Well, that's the thing. It was 17, but it was going up to 18 for a certain year group, but I'm not sure if I'm the last year of it being 17 or the first of it being 18. I hope it's the former xD

I would have thought so, yes :)

Awesome! Well done :) In my French exam I was the only one in my class to get full marks, so at the moment I've only dropped two in all three exams I've done :3


Christien was glad for the waitress, as well, as it moved along things from the previous awkward moment. While his parents decided what they were going to drink, Christien told Elaina, "She'd like to know what you want to drink. If you tell me what you'd like, I'll let her know." In the meantime he decided that he'd get a beer for a change.


"Great." Caden slipped his iPhone back into his pocket. At her suggestion of a walk, he accepted with enthusiasm-- though, not with too much, obviously, that would look weird-- and said, "Ah, yes, St. James' Park, I think. It is nice there." He liked it there, he remembered his parents taking him there when he was young, and showing him the pelicans on the river, which he'd always thought a fascinating idea-- Pelicans. Wild. In London?" He got out some change for a tip for the waitress, but nothing else, since Audrina had told him that the agency were covering it.


Ah, eighteen? Sheesh. They probably made it 18 for the group below yours, it wouldn't make sense if they did it for your age group.

Oh snap! We are French geniuses.


"Oh," Elaina's puzzled look morphed into a thoughtful one, her thumbs twiddling on the table while drink choices danced across her mind. "Love, could you please tell her that I'd like tea of some sort? Like..sweet tea." She felt absolutely helpless, as the menu was in French and the only thing Elaina really could read were the prices. Blanquette de veau, Andouillette, Coq au vin; what in the world?


Audrina flashed him an appreciative smile as he laid some money down as the tip while she slid out of the booth, keeping her hands on her skirt as to not flash the entire restaurant. It was assumingly still fridgid outside, so she wrapped her scarf around her neck and closed the buttons on her leather crop jacket - her ownly skimpy means of staying warm, as her dress clearly was not useful in this case. A brisk wind caused heat to rush to Audrina's cheeks upon exiting the restaurant. She hoped Caden would offer his arm or something, not minding if purely it was meant to keep themselves warm.

Ah, and it was a wonderful day. How was your Christmas? :)

Ah, so I just did some research. Apparently it's a myth that goes around every year, and it's sticking at 17. Woohoo! That's especially good because I turn 17 at the very beginning of the school year =D

Clearly, we are.


"Of course," Christien replied, then turned to the waitress, "Salut, j'aime bien du thé sucré pour ma petite copine, et une bière pour moi, s'il vous plait." The waitress took down their orders, then his parents chose their drinks as well, and then she left them again to fetch them. In the meantime, Christien held up a menu between himself and Elaina, and he said, "I'll tell you what they mean, if that would help you." Of course, translating every single one would take a long time, so he just went through the categories with her first. "Here's the fish," he pointed at the heading, and then went through them all, "steaks, pasta, other kinds of meat.." And so on and so forth, so that Elaina could decide what she felt like, and then he'd go through all of the ones with that in it.


Caden saw that Audrina was cold, and so he removed his suit jacket and placed it over her shoulders. He was used to the colder weather of England, and, besides, being ever the chivalrous gentleman in her presence, he would rather give his jacket to her so that she could be warm even if he was freezing. Continuing in this fashion, he smiled and offered her his arm, and when she took it, he led her away from the restaurant towards St. James' Park. It was lovely at night around this time of the year; since it was getting darker earlier, they put lights in the trees and such.

It was alright. Meh. See, my mom promised me an iPhone 4 for Christmas but then she didn't get it for me because Verizon's getting the 4GS next month. So she thinks I MIGHT have to wait a month and then maybe we'd STILL go to At and T. So I was mad and was like NO I WANT IT TOMORROW..because I've already waited two months for another phone. So I better get it TODAY. Lol

And yes! I'm so excited for you! Haha

I'm so excited until I can speak it fluently!


Elaina chomped on her lower lip while she decided, eventually settling on some heavily worded pasta dish, not really caring what was in it. She always had some sort of addiction to pasta, so she figured she'd enjoy any of the options. And that way, Christien wouldn't have to translate all of the options for her. "Will you order this one for me?" She asked him, pointing to the first option on the page. She shifted her eyes over to Christien's father, who seemed to be studying her and Christien's interactions with an expression she couldn't exactly label.

He didn't seem upset so that was good, of course.


Oh Gosh, he was so sweet that it cought Audrina off guard a tad. She was certainly not used to being around someone so selfless - of course that might be partly because of her profession.y. She smiled and thanked him when he placed his jacket over her shoulders, which helped immensely. "It's so beautiful." She said, her sapphire eyes drinking in the gorgeous scenery of St. James' Park.

Ah, I see. Well, I hope you get it :) I'd love one <3

Me, too!

I know, it's really exciting. For the most part, I can get by in France now, which is cool.


"Of course," Christien said, just checking over it to see that there was nothing too ridiculous in it-- French chefs had a tendency to put in odd ingredients with strong tastes, and he didn't want it to put her off--, and when he was satisfied that she would like it, he went over it for himself to decide what he wanted. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his father watching them with an unreadable expression. But, like Elaina, he wasn't taking it too badly; he wasn't grimacing or anything, after all. He picked something out, and placed the menu back, then their drinks arrived, and the waitress looked ready to take their food orders. Christien's parents ordered, and while they did, Christien whispered to Elaina, "Would you like me to ask for it or do you want to try? You just have to say, 'Je voudrais [insert whatever it was that she picked], s'il vous plait."


"It is, isn't it?" Caden took her down across the park to where the Thames ran alongside the grounds. He smiled as he spotted his favourite thing about the place, his childhood memory, "Right over there, there's a Pelican in the water. I'm not sure who put them here, or why, but they live here now even though they're not native to England." As they continued to walk along he was surprised at how few people were out. Still, there was a nice atmosphere about the place, particularly with the cover of the lit trees and the array of gorgeous flowers. "So, how's your impression of London so far?"

I'm getting mine tomorrow! I was just informed. Yes. <3

Really? Oh my gosh, I'm jealous! How many years of French have you taken?


Elaina had a mental debate for a few seconds then finally decided that she would try and ask; risking the chance of being a fool in front of Christien's parents. When the waitress eventually returned and Christien as well as his parents had ordered, the attention was turned on Elaina. "Je voudrais," she paused before struggling to say the dish she picked, then, "s'il vous plait."


Audrina stared confused and yet equally fastinated at the Pelican peacefully swimming in the water until they'd walked out of view. As they continued, she allowed herself to slightly snuggle herself closer to Caden, leaning a quarter of her weight on him. "I really like London. Although, I could do without the cold weather." Her cheeks were a bright pink from the relentless caresses of the chilly park breeze. "Everyone here is much nicer than in France; where everyone, I admit, is really quite snobby. Also, the accents are très adorable."

Awesome. I'm jealous. If I could have any phone, that would be it, because I just love Apple stuff <3

About four years now :)


Despite her slight difficulty with some of the words, the waitress understood Elaina perfectly, and smiled appreciatively at her, just as a silent thanks for trying, before going to take their order slip to the kitchen.

"Well done, that was good," Christien's mother said to Elaina for encouragement. His father's look hadn't changed much, nor did he say anything, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. In the same sense that no news was sometimes good news, no reaction was also sometimes a good thing. Eventually, he asked her, "So do you think you'll learn French?" Christien wasn't sure if there were implications behind that, perhaps suggesting that she should, but at least he was getting involved with conversation.


Caden laughed a little, knowing what she said was true and common opinion. "It's not always quite this cold, but, well, I'm not going to lie, there isn't much to be proud of when it comes to the British weather. And, believe it or not, it's pretty much always a few degrees warmer in London than anywhere else in the United Kingdom." He smiled also because she had a positive opinion of the city already. "I'm glad you like it here, though. And there's a lot more to see. I'll pick somewhere to go that allows us to pass a few interesting things on our next date." As for his accent, he found that amusing, as people do when their accent is commented on, because it's normal to them. "Well, on the contrary, I happen to love the French language, and the accent, whether you're speaking French or English."


'Relentless caresses of the chilly park breeze.' I love that.

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