*~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Sorry that I kept making repeat Tama logs!!!! I just couldn't find one that I liked!!!! Hopefully, I will keep this one. (I'd better. :) Otherwise I'll be sad with myself. :( )

EDIT: No posting, please! If you want to, send a PM with your comment and it will be mentioned in the Music Star Report!

ALSO.... this will be sort of like, but not as humorous, as the Rick Mercer Report.... OMG I love that show. *obsesses over Rick Mercer's shows of politics*

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-


"So, there you have it -- the authentic V6, or in other words, Music Star Tamagotchi toy. The ultimate in Tama music, it's gonna cause a storm of notes! Look out for quarter notes falling on your head in the next few days."

A young adult Hanatchi sits behind a desk in a chair, the microphone on the desk in front of her.

"Today we crack open the mysteries of the Tamagotchi V6, or Music Star, to find out for ourselves what goes on in a newly-enhanced Tama Life."

The Hanatchi finishes and nods her head solemnly, closing her eyes. The audience in the background cheers and claps as the channel switches to commercials.

"We'll be back after the break."

Yeah, I liked that start to this. It was fun. Expect more of the Music Star Report every time! (Centered on my Tama, of course.)

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Entry #1

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-


An egg appears on the screen, surrounded by three present boxes. The egg has a music note on the top of its shell. It slowly bounces up and down, forming a tiny crack.

Everybody waits. Suddenly, the shell opens and a little baby pops out! Judging from it's colour (it's white), it's a girl.

"Amazing! A true singer!" the Hanatchi announces. The audience laughs.

The little girl beeps and her owner gives her the name 'Anna Lee.' What a pretty name! For the next hour, the baby beeps for food and drink, to play games, to go to the bathroom, and to be loved.


An hour later, she beeps again. Her owner (Lisa is the name) glances onto the screen to see her evolve into a Tamatchi!

"Awesome!" Lisa crows. Soon, Ms. Frill comes and Anna Lee heads over to school. Lisa has some trouble with the jumping rope game. Her little pet meets a small circular child with a beak. She looks pretty unhealthy! Lisa hopes that HER pet will never look like that.


They go to sleep when night-time falls.


In the morning, Anna Lee can be found playing with her toy. Later, Lisa discovers that she turns into a Chamametchi as a teenager! Anna Lee DOESN'T get to go to school yet.


Later, they visit the Tamagotchi Town, and Anna Lee makes a new CD, and has some fun.


"That's all for the Music Star Report!" says Hanatchi, and the audience roars as the screen fades into blackness.

SO?! How was that?! PLEASE send me PMs to comment!!! PLEASE!!!! :( :)

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Aww, still no PM comments? Come on, people, I really want to know how this is doing! :D Oh, and today the MSR (Music Star Report) will be in the past-tense. Probably all other days, now, too. I'll let you know!

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-


The Hanatchi sat up in her chair. "This just in," she said. "Breaking news. Anna Lee has become a Chamametchi and formed a band! Lisa, tell us what happened."

"Well," Lisa said breathlessly, "today she beeped at me, so I opened the door for her. It turns out it was one of her teachers! He gave her a trombone. It looks very cool. Soon after that, we went to the Music School, and she met two other Tamagotchi teenagers--an Ichigotchi and Ringotchi! Ichigotchi's name is Lydia and Ringotchi's name is Lisa--ironically, just like mine." Lisa smiled. :p "Lydia and Lisa play the trombone, and our little friend Anna Lee plays the harp. Once I can get a guitar or something from Music City, Lisa will play it!"

"Thank you, Lisa," Miss Hanatchi said, smiling. "Thank you for your report. And now, we will watch their first encounter." A TV clicked on behind Lisa and Miss Hanatchi, and they turned to watch it. The movie zoomed in.


Anna Lee ambled along into the school-grounds. At the gate, a teacher stopped her.

"Welcome," he said. "I, am the main music teacher. Do you have a band yet?" He smiled warmly.

"No," Anna Lee said quietly. "I am new here. My name is Anna Lee." She smiled shyly.

"In that case, Anna Lee, I shall introduce you to two of the newer students here--at the moment, they both play trombone. Here is one of your own." He handed it to her, and Anna Lee hefted the heavy thing in her little arms.

"Lydia, Lisa!" the teacher called. "Come here!" A small Ichigotchi and a larger Ringotchi came hurrying towards Anna Lee and the teacher. They both ran gracefully, side-by-side.

"Is there a problem, Teacher?" the Ringotchi asked in a musical voice.

"No, of course not, dear Lisa," the teacher chided gently. Anna Lee giggled. At least now she knew that the Ringotchi was Lisa and the Ichigotchi was obviously Lydia. "You three are going to form a band." The three girls just looked at each other. "Anna Lee, this is Lydia and Lisa. Lydia and Lisa, this is Anna Lee."

"Hi, I guess." Anna Lee stepped forward and shook Lisa's hand. Lydia nodded.

"I guess that we should start practising soon?" Lisa proposed.

"Yeah," said Anna Lee. Lydia chuckled quietly, and ndoded in agreement.

"Okay, let's get to work! I play the harp," Anna Lee told them.

"We are trombone-players," Lisa told Anna Lee.

"Girls, start practising," the teacher said gently, looking flustered. "We haven't got all day."

"Yes, of course, Teacher," they all chorused together, then giggled. They entered the school together, laughing and talking.


The screen changed to that of the reporters again.

"More of the Music Star Report tomorrow!" Miss Hanatchi announced happily, and the screen went dark.

Wow, does anybody even READ this log? Please PM me if you do, and thank you!!! :nazotchi: I just want to know how popular this is, you know....

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-


"BREAKING NEWS!!!!" Miss Hanatchi shouted. She turned to Lisa, who was sitting in the chair behind her. "When you woke up at around 8 this morning, what did you find out?"

"Well, Miss...." Lisa shifted in her chair. "Anna Lee had turned into a Mimitchi! :huh: Very cool, seeing as I can usually NEVER get one...."

"And what did the others turn into?" Miss Hanatchi pressed, VERY excited now.

"Umm.... one turned into a Memetchi, and the other one I don't know the name for. It looked sort of like a female Mametchi." Lisa made a face.

"Ahh, okay." Miss Hanatchi smiled. "What else interesting happened today?"

"Well, umm.... I.... uhh.... Oh! Oh! I know! They performed their first concert thing today at a farm." Lisa smiled.

"And what happened?" Miss Hanatchi asked inquisitively.

Lisa's face fell. "Well.... I think that they failed," she admitted. "Nazotchi said that they did bad."

The audience burst into peals of laughter around them.

"Oh, well." Lisa shrugged. "It doesn't really matter, anyway. I think that they did good."

"Now what is your Tamagotchi doing?" Miss Hanatchi enquired of her.

"Ehh, she went to TamaTown. Music City, to be more specific," Lisa said dismissively.

"Okay. Tuning out!" Miss Hanatchi said, and the lights went down.

Well?! How'd you like THAT?! Tune in next week for more! <_<

So, SO sorry!!! I've been very busy lately. :rolleyes: ;

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-


Miss Hanatchi turned to Lisa, swiveling around in her chair. "Why did we not get an update for so long?!" she demanded.

"Anna Lee's been on PAUSE -- actually, TWICE when I went somewhere I forgot to PAUSE her and she got sick!" Lisa's eyes looked kind of sad.

"What happened before that, though?!" Miss Hanatchi pressed.

"Well...." Lisa looked thoughtful. "They passed their big debut -- Lydia, Lisa, and Anna Lee in Rock On! are now an official band. Also.... after performing a lot.... they made over, um, what was it again?.... Oh, yeah, over 1 million Gotchi Points, or something. It could have been 10 Million...."

"Ha-ha," Miss Hanatchi chuckled. "Looks like you haven't been paying much attention to your Tamagotchi! Anyway -- this week we have a new feature."

"Oooooooooooooh," went the audience.

"That's enough." Miss Hanatchi smiled. "Anyway, the new featu--"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah," shouted the audience.

"Be quiet!" Miss Hanatchi glared at them all, which shut them up. "We have introduced the feature, Comments."

"What's that?!" a little voice from the audience shouted.

"Well.... it's when people send in comments on the show. They comment on how much they like it and all that. Lisa, would you mind reading the first comment?" Miss Hanatchi smiled nicely.

"Sure!" Lisa smiled, and picked up a sheet of paper. "This is from Blupher: 'I read some of your posts on your tamagotchi log's.

They're really interesting and written much differantly then other tama logs I have read.' Thank you, Blupher!" Lisa beamed at the audience. "Now, here's a comment from somebody called x.Midnight.x: 'You Log is Nice~

I hope that you're now happy knowing someone has PMed you for your Tama Log~

Anyways It's good, so continue!

:angry: ' Thanks!" Lisa said.

"Remember:" said Miss Hanatchi. "Feel free to send in a comment anytime! We all here at The Music Star Report LOVE to hear your comments!"

"Yeah!" Lisa agreed.

Miss Hanatchi looked straight at the camera. "The Music Star Report," she said. "Tuning out!"

So?! How did you like THAT?! Feel free to send in a comment ANYTIME, remember! :eek:

MEH. ^_^ Sorry I'm not around much.... :furawatchi:

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-

"Tuning in!" Miss Hanatchi cried. She turned and GLARED at Lisa. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!"

"I've been busy," said Lisa, leaning back and folding her arms across her chest, "if you care so much to listen, I HAVE A LIFE TOO, YOU KNOW!!!"

"Uh-oh, it looks like Lisa and Miss Hanatchi are fighting!" said a weird voice. Both turned to see.... a Masktchi with a microphone?!?!

"BOOOO!" cried the audience, throwing rotten tomatoes at the speaker. "BOOOOOO!" Thus, he started screaming and yelling.

Meanwhile, Anna Lee snuck onto the screen with her mate and her baby!

"It's alright, peoples, I'm still here!!" she called, waving a paw. "My mate, Tomi Cha, and my baby, Swan Lee, are all okay!! Anyways, toodle-oo! More later, AFTER THEIR SCUFFLE!!!!" she yelled, pointing to where the audience and the random Masktchi were fighting.

"The Music Star Report, tuning out!" Miss Hanatchi said, smiling yet looking worried, and the curtains went down.

Sorry, I was rushed!!! Maybe, more later, for all you loyal fans!!! BUT YOU GOTTA PM ME WITH COMMENTS, AS WELL!!!! :furawatchi: Sorry for that, I'm just excited. ;) :furawatchi:

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-

"Tuning in for this week's report!" Miss Hanatchi cried. "We have decided on something -- reports will now be held on Wednesdays!" She looked at Lisa.

"My least busy day," the girl confirmed.

"Anyway," Miss Hanatchi said. "Now, how is your Tamagotchi?" she asked matter-of-factly.

"Oh, she's doing just fine -- Anna Lee and her husband left last night and left Swan Lee in my care." Lisa smiled widely.

"And how do you feel about that?" Miss Hanatchi asked.

"Swan Lee is so CUTE!!!!!!!!" And that's about as far as Lisa got, because suddenly the weird Masktchi popped up again and caused mayhem!

"Oh, no! Looks like we have to calm this crowd down! Looks like we're going to have to finish this later!" Miss Hanatchi looked at the camera. "Tuning out!"

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-

"Tuning in for the Music Star Report; today we have a special guest," Miss Hanatchi said. "I KNOW, it's Saturday, but we haven't done a report for a little while now."

"The special guest today is.... everybody welcome, Swan Lee the Kunoitchi!" Lisa said, ushering her pet up onto the stage. Behind the scenes waited Elaine the Onputchi with her Mic, Lydia the Mimitchi with her tympani, and Swan Lee's instrument, the trombone, leaned against the wall. "Today, they will play for us! THEY MAY have a bad status as stars, but WE can help them overcome that, right?!" The crowd cheered and roared, and police officers had to stop some from climbing up on stage and hugging them ALL in front of EVERYONE!!!! :eek:

"Introducing...." Miss Hanatchi began.

"The Supertams!!!" Swan Lee, Lydia, and Elaine cried, ALREADY holding their instruments in front of them. They began to play some Asian Music, and everybody cheered.

When they were done, so was the Music Star Report for the day.

"The Music Star Report, tuning out!" Miss Hanatchi said, nodding at the camera. Everybody left and the lights went down! :)

I have 214 views! :)

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-

"Guess what, Swan Lee got MARRIED!!!" Lisa shouted over the mayhem, BEFORE Miss Hanatchi could officially tune in the Music Star Report.

"Yeah, tuning in...." Miss Hanatchi said, with a glare directed at Lisa.

"Whoops." Lisa giggled. "ANYWAYS.... the band manager and helped a Gozarutchi offer her a hand in marriage. She said yes, fireworks came up, they produced an egg, and now they had a BABY BOY!!! I was like, "Yes, it's a BOY!"

"And what will you NAME that boy, I wonder?" asked Miss Hanatchi.

"Matthias," Lisa smiled. "STRAIGHT out of Redwall. :) "

"Well, then, I hope Matthias has a very happy life!" Miss Hanatchi smiled. "Are you done?"

"Yup!" Lisa grinned.

"Well, then, The Music Star Report, TUNING OUT!" Miss Hanatchi shouted, looking straight at the camera.

The crowd cheered and roared as the lights went down.

♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-

"Tuning in on the Music Star Report!" Miss Hanatchi said, facing the audience.

"You know, I just realized that this is like CBC The National: With Peter Mansbridge," Lisa said. "Or whatever his name is."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway...." Miss Hanatchi began. "So, what's going on with your Tama?"

"Tamas," Lisa said. "I have three running right now. Along with Matthias -- who is now an adult, by the way -- I also have a V5 and an Entama running."

"What are their names?" Miss Hanatchi pressed.

"Well, the V5 is a family of three, on the first generation; their family name is LUISA and they are a Tororotchi, a Mousetchi, and a Belltchi. I'm calling them by their names *without* the 'tchi' on them, so their names are Tororo, Mouse, and Bell. Tororo and Bell are girls, and Mouse is a boy. I haven't really played with them much, yet," Lisa admitted.

"And the Entama?" Miss Hanatchi enquired.

"Well...." Lisa hesitated. "It's in Japanese, and it's name is Sushitsu♥♥. She's a girl. She's a toddler, a Memepetchi. I haven't played much with her, either."

"But now, for your Music Star information. How's Matthias doing?" Miss Hanatchi finally asked.

"He's doing GREAT!" Lisa beamed. "He's a Kuchipatchi, but he used to be a Hinotamatchi as a teenager. His toy is a pirate ship and he plays the saxophone as his instrument. He seems to like it."

"Will you be taking him into TamaTown later today?" Miss Hanatchi asked.

"Yep!" Lisa said. "My Gotchi ID is MN0029, in case anybody wants to meet with me. If you do, why don't you PM me?"

"Okay, then. Lisa's Gotchi ID is MN0029, and PM her if you want to meet her and Matthias in TamaTown. The Music Star Report, tuning out!" Miss Hanatchi looked straight at the camera.

The lights went down.


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