♥My Tamagotchi Log♥


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Spooky and Romeo left their kids this morning!

I named Spooky's boy Riley and Riley plays the accordion. He evolved into a kuchitamatchi :angry:

I named Romeo's girl Precious and she plays the piano. She evolved into a hitodetchi ;)


Yesterday Riley evolved into a Nonopotchi and Precious evolved into a Ringotchi! Bad care characters! AGAIN! -_- I decided that I would reset Riley now, so I reset him and I got a girl and I named her Rose. She is still a baby so I am hoping that it won't take too long for her to evolve.

Okay, so 2 days ago, Rose evolved inot a tamatchi! Then she evolved into a ringotchi and now I am currently waiting for her to evolve. Precious evolved into a Maidtchi and I am currently in the process of making her band bpass the auditions! By the way! Her band name is "Girlies" in her band was a ichigotchi :wub: named Thu who evolved intoa a kunotchi and there was a chamametchi anmed Elaine and she evovled into a Makkiko! In Rose's band there is a chamametchi named Jenny and a hintotamatchi named Paul. :huh: They are called "Gigglers"

Yesterday Rose evolved into a sebiretchi! In her band, Paul evolved into a tarakotchi and Jenny evolved into a violetchi :furawatchi:

I am getting Precious married right now! I am just waiting to see who comes to the door... GUITARTCHI! With a kutchipatchi! I will name the Kutchipatchi... Russel! :lol: So cute! Precious looks so happy! :p Anyway, they had a baby....BOY!

Russel: Aww... look at how cute he is! He so has your eyes!

Precious: Really? He has your..... chubbiness? :huh:

Russel: Haha

Rose: I hope that I can marry a gorgeous.... Kuromametchi or a gozarutchi! :gozarutchi:

Precious: Yeah! And I hope you have a girl so that our babies can have babies!

Rose: *Sigh* Though nobody would want to marry me! I mean look... I am fat, yellow and I should be extinct!

Precious: Don't speak like that! You are gorgeous!

Russel: You are! Not meaning to insult you, Precious!


Dear Diary,

I want to know why I ended up being the ugly

one when my twin sister ended up gorgeous!

No-one will want to marry me! I am fat and

yellow! I just hope that my child doesn't have

to go through the horrors that I go through...


P.S- I think Russel is cute! But Sssshhh...


Dear Diary,

I am so happy that I met Precious! But she is

just like every other girl I dated, I hooked up

with their sister! So, I am hoping that I can

hook up withRose! I think that she is gorgeous,

but I thinkthat she doesn't like me, so I don't

really have a chance!



Precious left her baby! I named the baby boy Max and he evolved into a kuribotchi! :eek: Rose died with I took in well. When the little egged hatched it was a girl and I named her Aqua. Aqua plays the harp and her toy is a book. Max plays the guitar and his toy is a rabbit :eek: I am going to get them both married to eachother!

They evolved!

Aqua evolved into a hitodetchi and then she evolved into a chamametchi! Max evolved into a nonopotchi! :D I am going to get them married to eachother! :D

Aqua evolved into a Mimitchi! I am just connecting them so that later on today, I can get them married, and they have a little baby each. I really want both of the bands to pass auditions because I want them o get some trophies. I am so close with them, it s 2 really big smiles ( :wub: ) and two smaller smiles ( :D ) I am going to make this post a very long post because I haven't been posting recently and I am only making short posts.

They keep getting mail when I am trying to connect them and it is annoying because I have to stop the whole process just to pick up some mail and it is usually poop!

In Aqua's band, "Jet" there is a Chantotchi an named Penny and a Makkiko named Lisa. Lisa plays the accordion, Aqua plays the harp and Penny plays the boom box! In Max's band, "ABC" there is a mimitchi named Lydia and a Chantotchi named Lisa. Max plays the guitar, Lydia plays the key-board and Lisa plays the saxophone.

Max's toy is a rabbit and Aqua's toy is a book! I am still connecting them! Aqua finally won something! :( Sometimes they get alot of points when they connect and win, I mean Max just got 200, but before he got 1500!

Max: Haha! I'm richer then you!

Aqua: Well, I am prettier then you!

Max: Well, I just won again! How do you get harp out of guitar?

Aqua: Well, I just have an active imagination! Ha, my band just beat yours!

Max: That means nothing! Urgh! I hate you sometimes!

Aqua: Then why do you want to marry me?!

Max: I don't!

Aqua&Me: :D

Aqua: *Runs to room and cries*

Me: Max, that was totally unnecessary

Max: But you are making marry someone I don't even like!

Me: Aqua does like you though! She wants to marry you for real! She likes you, desperately

Max: Yeah... really? Cause I always thought that she was really cute with that up-tight-

Me: Please don't go any further!

Max: I was going to say attitude...


Dear Diary,

I was really hoping that Max would like me but

I guess that he doesn't! It is really sad because

I reckon that he is so cute and cool! I just want

to marry hi and have a family with him! But he

likes Lisa, the saxophone playing Chantotchi!

Well, her and I are both good health characters

so why doesn't he like me aswell! I bet you it

is because I am fat! Yeah! Well he is fat aswell!

♥ Aqua


Dear Diary,

I am really hoping that I have the guts to go and

apologize to Aqua! She is so pretty and she is

always positive and confident, except for this

afternoon where I just ripped her heart out of

her chest! I feel so terrible! She will never

forgive me! I am pretty sure that she doesn't

like me either because she thinks that I am in

love with Lisa from my band, just because I call

her every afternoon to check if her and Lydia

have been practicing! This is so stupid! I really

want to marry her!

♫ Max


Max and Aqua finally got married! :p They now have a little baby boy each! I don't think that Aqua is very happy about being married to what looks like a potato! See, her favourite male tamagotchi is a kuromametchi or a mametchi or a togetchi, but Tarkotchi doesn't really top her list. On the other hand, Max loves mimitchis! :mimitchi: Though I think that they look really cute together!

Whenever I get mail for Aqua, it always seems to be from the king, a present then fries! I have three of them now, so I give the ones that I don't want to Max! I mean, just before, Aqua got a chest, and she opened it and it was.... FRIES! Urgh! And she doesn't even like them, and neither does Max! :angry:

The hard part is now naming the kids, I have no idea what to name them, though her is a list of names....











Max and Aqua left their babies a few days ago and I named one, Ryan and the other Luke. They both ended up evolving into kutchitamatchis. I thought because they were a toddler for two days that something was wrong. Then I woke up this morning and they are nonopotchis! I am so sick of bad characters!

Sorry that I am not replying much because school is on now and here is heaps of homework that I have to do!

Ryan and Luke both left me! Very upset! (Not) :(

Anyway, now there is one little egg on each screen. They hatched! There is a boy who I named Rae and his toy is a car and he plays the trumpet and there is also a girl I named Halle (Hal-ee) and her toy is a dress and she plays the guitar! They evolved into a kuchitamatchi and a tamatchi!

They should be evolving into teenagers today!

Sorry I haven't been replying in a while, school has started again and I have heaps of homework! :)
