♥My Tamagotchi Log♥


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Age: 1 year

Weight: 20lbs.

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 25

Tone: 109

Rhythm: 68

Original: 77

Genre: Pop Music

1g , 7600gp


Age: 1 year

Weight: 20lbs.

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Stress: 41

Tone: 97

Rhythm: 109

Original: 88

Genre: Pop Music

1g, 6300gp

Evolution time!

Bec is now a Mimitchi :mimitchi: and Casper is now a Mametchi :mametchi: Good health characters! Anyway, in Bec's band, there is a hintotamatchi named Daniel and there is a nonopotchi named John. They evolved aswell! Daniel is now a Togetchi and John is a Mametchi. In Casper's band there is a ichigotchi :huh: named Thu and a nonopotchi named Daniel. They evolved! Thu is a sebiretchi and John is now a Shimashimatchi.

Bec and Casper are "betrothed." They are going to get married!

Bec and Casper got married! Woo-hoo! They had one egg, with 2 babies! (twins) 2 boys! Woo-hoo! :)

Okay, so when they evolved from a baby, they were both kutchitamatchis, bad character, so I was expecting the wrost! But the worst has yet to come...Yesterday the tamagotchi's evolved into teenagers! Bec's baby, Dylan evolved into a Kikitchi and Casper's baby Henry turned into a hintotamatchi.

Dylan is in a band the "Dudes" because it is an all boy band. There is a nonoptchi and a hintotamatchi. The hintotamatchi is called Toby and the nonopotchi is Daniel.

Henry is also in a all boy band which I am going to name, "Boys." In his band there is a nonopotchi named Paul and a kikitchi name David. :p

Woo-hoo! My tamagotchis evolved! Woo-hoo! I got bad and horrible care characters.

Dylan evolved into an androtchi :chohimetchi: In his band, Toby evolved into a toskatchi and Daniel turned into a Mametchi. First time auditions with his band and he got all "X"

Henry evolved into a toskatchi! Paul the nonoptchi evolved into a mametchi and David the kikitchi evolved into a kuromametchi. First time audition with his band and he got all "X" :gozarutchi:


This is going to be a very special post because it is TamaTalk's birthday!

Henry: Hey, Dylan? I still can't believe that I am an ugly Tosakatchi!

Dylan: I know I look cool though :furawatchi:

Henry: SHUT UP!

Dylan: So-rry! I was just saying that I look awesome this morning! Plus, all the girls at music school are just LOVING me!


Dylan: Name one?

Henry: Alisha?

Dylan: Nope! As if

Henry: Why would she not like me?

Dylan: One, she is a Maidtchi, Two, she's my girlfriend

Henry: I though that you were going out with Mandy the hot Violetchi :ichigotchi:

Dylan: Dumped her!

Henry: Can I have her then?

Dylan: Girls can't be bou..... fine, you can have her! Do you want be to call her up and be your wing-man?

Henry: What is a wing-man?

Dylan: I say something cool about you to make you sound better then what you really are!

Henry: Oh, ok *Throws phone at Dylan*

Dylan: *Punches in numbers* I hear a dialling tone! Hi... Oh-lovley..... new boyfriend,aye?....... Oh... Bye!

Henry: She has a new boyfriend? :hitodetchi:

Dylan: Sorry li'l bro.' I tried though!

Henry: I know *Walks up to his room*

Dylan: Awww..... :kuribotchi:

What a day for LOVE today!

Well first off, Henry married Rose the sebiretchi! If you guys haven't read wollipop's log yet, Rose is hers! :D They had one little egg and it was 2 boys. Rose got one boy and I got the other. I think that I will name that boy either Jason or Ryan.

Secondly! Dylan's turn for love! Anyway I used the time cheat ( :p ) and the band manager came to the door. I was so happy! :D I thought at first that he was going to give me money instead but then I saw the toy disappear off the screen I nearly yelled! Anyway, guitartchi moved into the centre of the room and he brought in a beautiful looking MAIDTCHI I clicked marry straight away! They had a boy that I will name wither Ty or Zeke.



P.S- I will be taking the batteries out of my tamagotchi while I am on camp so that they won't die :D


Sorry guys, I was at camp! Wow - lots of views! Anyway nothing happened as you probably would have guessed because I took the batteries out of my tamagotchi! :angry:

Okay, so when I was out, my tamagotchis passed band auditions! :eek:

Dylan is ranked 84th and he has 45,139,316 fans. Henry is a little bit jealous because he is only ranked 300th and he only has 16,483,058 fans.

Tamagotchi's Favourite Foods List (Music Star):


Tarakotchi: Fish

Mimtchi: Ice-cream

Hintotamatchi: Tacos

Hitodetchi: Fries

Kuribotchi: Ham-burgers

Nonopotchi: Ham-burgers

Kikitchi: Steak

Memetchi : Milk and Cupcake

Mametchi: Milk and Cupcake

Maskitchi: Hamburgers

Maidtchi: Sushi

Androtchi: Sushi


(If anyone is caught copying I will report! So please don't this is my own work, there are also other charts with more information then mine)

TamaPunky ^_^

Dylan and Henry left their babies this morning! I named Dylan's baby Romeo and I named Henry's baby Spooky! Anyway after one hour they evolved, and it was not what I expected. they were both kuchitamatchis and I don't understand how because I looked after them so well! :D I guess I will have to look after them better next time!!!

I will reply when something good happens! :D

They evolved! :D

Okay, so Spooky, which is the one I am not suprised at, evolved into a kikitchi! :D Romeo on the other hand, evolved into a nonopotchi! But I tried to take very good care of him to make sure that this wouldn't happen! They are still yet to be enrolled in school though, which I am so desperately waiting for! :D

Band Time!

In Spooky's band there is a nonopotchi named David and there is a hintotamatchi named Dino. Their band is called the "Oranges" Spooky plays the accordion, David play the trumpet and Dino plays the drums. In Romeo's band there is a ichigotchi :) named Elaine and a kikitchi named Daniel. Romeo plays the piano, Daniel plays the piano and Elaine plays the drums. Their band is called the "Apples."

Wow over 300 views! This is so cool! The Tamagotchis will be evolving very soon and I will post when they do evolve. I am really hoping that Spooky becomes a Mametchi and that Romeo becomes a Shimashimatchi (I don't know how to spell it) ;)


Spooky evolved into a shimashimatchi and in his band, David evolved into a gozurutchi :D and Dino evolved into a androtchi :wacko: In thier first band auditions, there failed! They got to "x" and one "o".

Romeo evolved into a tarakotchi and in his band Elaine evolved into a chantotchi and Daniel evolved into a shimashimatchi. In their first band auditions, the failed! They got the same as Spooky! :(

Nothing has happened yet! :(

Romeo: Hey Mum, at Music School all the ladies go nuts over me!

Me: Congratulations? :furawatchi:

Romeo: You don't care, do you?

Me: Well what about Elaine? Do you still like her?

Romeo: Please mum, this is a more present time....

Me: Sorry... ;) Where is Spooky?

Spooky: Just here! Hey mum, I got a new girlfriend!

Me: Awesome, what is her name?

Spooky: Chloe!

Me: Cute. Subject change! Do you guys still want waffles for breakfast?

Spooky: Yes please!

Romeo: Duh!?

Me: Okay... *Serves up waffles*

Romeo: Bleh! You burnt mine!

Me: Sorry!

Spooky: Shut up Romeo! At least your are getting something!

Romeo: I know! But she burnt it!

Spooky: Well then cook your own breakfast *Takes Romeo's waffles in throws them out the window*

Romeo: Urgh! I hate this family! *Storms off*

Me: Where do you think he is going?

Spooky: My guess, is anywhere but here! :p

Marriage time!!!

Okay so this morning I woke up and they were five years old and I decided that they were going to get married! So I changed the time and they got guitartchi at their door! Spooky got a wonderful Elaine the guitartchi from his band at his door and then Romeo got a wonderful looking Onputchi. Romeo had a baby girl and Spooky had a baby boy! Woop Woop!

Romeo: Mum?

Me: Yeah?

Romeo: Why is Spooky so annoying?

Me: Well, I can't answer that, but maybe it has to do with the fact that you are, well - obnoxious on occasions

Romeo: Well if that is the way you feel about me... I am leaving!

Spooky: FINALLY! Party! Party! Party!

Romeo: Shut up!

*Brawl beings*

Me: *Whistles* SIT! Both of you are acting ridiculous, I am grounding both of you! :angry:

Romeo: Come on mum, this is our last day with you!

Me: I don't care!

Spooky: Okay mummy... I am sorry!

Me: Thank-you Spooky! Now Romeo, do you have anything to say? :)

Romeo: Yes mummy, I am sorry that you every Spooky as a second tamagotchi!

Me: Urgh! That's it! I am sick of you! I am so happy that you are leaving tonight! Go to your room!
