☼Sunshine Tamagotchis☼


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Drift's Having a bath.

Pecan is a'brushing her teeth.

Kody has bleeped. Oh bad Kody! You bleeped for absoloutly nothing!! *times out* He's still ok.

Ok, Drift is now out of the bath. He's got his back to me. Um... Are you ok Drift? *praises* All better. He's really Full, Happy and Right down to weight. Yippee!

Well, Miss Pecan is Fine.

Kody is Sleeping.

...and of course little Rocky is asleep.

All tamas are fine.

Drift just turned 3.

Well, I have to go now. I will hopefully update tommorow.

Bye Bye.

~Tammie and the Sunshine Tamas~

Yay! We have over 200 Veiws and we are on Page 3!! Double wammy!! Heh heh.

Well, we had some Mail from sodapopcandy.

Here it is:

Aiieee!!! This log is awesome! Your log is awesome!

I ♥ Animal Crossing too! Aieee!!!

Say 'hi' to the gang for me!

Do Pecan Sunshine, it sounds warm and yummy (after the pecan nut)
So yeah, She voted for Pecan Sunshine.

Thanks sodapopcandy!

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*coughs* EEEEEEEEPPPPPPP I'm so sorry for not updating.

It hasn't rained in ages now! Yay! I must be dreaming....

Drift has evolved! He is now a :lol: Pochitchi! He's rather........ Dog like.

Pecan is 9 and is going to evolve into an Oldie tommorow! Yippeee!!

The PM Voting has finished but it's a Draw between:

Pecan Sunshine and..

Pecan the Otokitchi Sunshine Tama.

So I'll try and choose. Hmmm.... ummmmm.... Pecan Sunshine!!

Well, Kody first evolved into a Daiyatchi. Now he's a Celebtchi. Yay!

I'm afraid I've had to give Rocky back to my Brother. So now It's going to be my V3. Here's a bit about it:


Well, It is Black with Silver Firebolts up the side and Red Buttons. I'll keep With the same colour so don't get mixed up.

It's a Boy Adult called Liam who is a Mametchi. He is 6 but didn't get the matchmaker today.

Oh Guess what, My Brother gave me back Rocky but I think I'll keep Liam in the Log.

I think we are finally getting good weather now! Yay!

Well, I still have a slight cold but I'm getting alot better.

Oh, I've just realised, Drift is 7! *sets time to 10:29am and waits one minute*

Matchmaker! *presses A button* She gave Drift a Wooltchi and I pressed LOVE.

Fireworks. ...and Drift gets a Baby Girl!! I think I'll call the Baby Girl Melba(Ok, I'll let you guess.

Yup, It's Animal Crossing).

I'll Give you Pecan's stats.













Yup, She's aged 10 and is going to hopefully evolve into an Otokitchi today.


Nothing to Report about Kody.

Yay! Liam got the Matchmaker this morning and got a baby Girl.

I'll call the Baby Girl Abby.

Well, 2 minutes and....


She is my first Oldie oh I'm so happy!! YAY!

..and the project starts from this day.

Liam keeps coming up close to the screen which is really cute!

Kody just got some mail.

It's a letter, a Love Heart! Yay!

I think I'll also talk about Animal Crossing too. When I'm Talking about Animal Crossing, It'll be in this colour.

Well, Here is who lives in my town.

Melba-Brown Koala

Tangy-Yellow Kitty

Kid Cat-Red Kitty

Elmer-Brown Horse

Savannah-White and Black Horse(Looks like a Zebra)

Gaston-Yellow Bunny

Filbert-Blue Chipmunk

I think someone is going to move into my town today.

I'm growing some Oranges(my original Fruit) and some coconuts! I have mailed some short letters to my Villagers as it told my to on This website. It says that If I mail some short letters to my Villagers with a Gift then They will send me either a Shirt or some fruit.

I'm hoping for fruit. I need some different fruit. I'm getting bored of only coconuts and Oranges.

Well, the Replies should come today.

I just got the Replies from my Villagers.

Melba gave me a Peach.

Elmer gave me a Peach.

Savannah gave me some Cherries.

Filbert gave me an Apple.

Kid Cat gave me a Polar Fleece.

Yay! It's raining at the Moment. I've got my Mint Umbrella up. My Character is wearing a Dutch Shirt with a Red Ribbon. She has pink hair which I think is cool.

OMG! I just looked on my Map and Alli has moved in.

I'm going to see them!

Alli is an Alligator. She kinda scares me. She's Blue and I think her personality is snooty. Yup, she's snooty. Oh Great. I have never liked snooty people.

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Kody just got the Matchmaker and got a Baby Girl. I'll call the Baby Girl May.

Now all of the Sunshine Tamagotchis have Baby Girls except Pecan who is an Oldie.

Alot has Happened today with my Tamagotchis.

I'm going now.

~Tammie~ ♣Drift and Melba •Pecan Sunshine• ♠Kody and May♠ -Liam and Abby-


Yeah, They ate most of their food during the night. Oh well, nothing can be worse than cleaning them out(shivers)

Drift left his baby Girl this Morning. I woke up to a Crying little Girl.

Now I got the Names mixed up so when I imputed the Name I called her May.

Well, I fed her and played a Game of Jump with her and then I had to put her on Pause whilst I was at school so she's a Baby now. *unpauses*

Well, she's All fine and weighs 6LB.

Last Night I sent Pecan Sunshine to work. The Gotchi King apeared with the Judges. The Judges held up 3 o's. The Gotchi gave Pecan Sunshine a Walking Stick and now she only sits and watches the School. Oh well, She is an old Girl now.

12 :p

Kody left his Baby Girl this morning too. I imputed the name Melba.

I fed her and Played a Game of Climb with her before also putting her on pause. *unpauses*

She's fine and weighs 7LB.

Liam left his Baby Girl yesterday. I put in the name Abby.

I played with her, fed her and cared for her as a baby for 1 Hour. She then Evolved into a Kutchitamatchi. YAY!

Hai! I went to watch my Dad play in his band! He was brill!!

Even if he had lost his voice a bit.

It was cool!!

Ok, May is still really cute! She's now a :D puroperatchi!!

She is really cute.

Exactly what Pippy was as a Teen.

Pecan is 14 now. She's exactly like Pippy. Quiet and Cute. Always calls me when she's upset.

Awww, and old Tama.

Melba evolved into a sweet little Ura Young Memetchi.

She is on the 5 Generation now! Wow.

Abby has also evolved! She's a Hinatchi(I think) I'll check the Character chart and see.

My Best Freind and I are nearly finished with the Christmas things.

I just designed them, My Best Freind made them. I just have to draw pictures to hang on the Tamagotchi's christmas tree.

Nothing has happened to the Tamas lately so I'll just give my Update of what they are doing right now.

May is 2 now. She weighs 20LB which is her minimum weight.

She reminds me so much of Pippy. I even typed Pippy at the start of my Typing about her.

Pecan has Mail and is missing 1 Happy Heart.

I'll do the mail first.

She's got a letter.

The Gotchi King has come.

He's given her a Chocolate heart! Yay!

Now to make her happy. *feeds Cake and Scone* *starts game of Shape*

We won! We won! She's happy now. Yay!

She's 15 now.

Melba's having a bath.

Abby is now 3 and is going to evolve into an adult either Today or Tommorow, I'm not sure.

I bought her a Chest the other day and it gave her a TV. Those cost like 5000gp which is hard to earn on the V3.

Well, Making present boxes was a real challenge but we did it.

Sshhhh don't tell the Tamas.

May is now 3. I hope she evolves unexpectedly like Pippy used to. That was funny...

Well, she's missing a Happy Heart so I'll fix that.

*feeds 1 meal and 1 snack* *starts game of Jump*

We didn't press any buttons so I'll feed her a meal and play again.

*feeds treat(The same as a meal only under a different section)* *starts game*

UHG! I cannot play this game!! *feeds another treat* *starts game*

I pressed 2 buttons in time! Yay! She's fine now.

Pecan's still 15. She's missing 2 Happy Hearts and weighs 32LB so I'll play a game of shape with her. *Feeds meal* *starts game*

We lost on 19 so I'm going to play again. *feeds snack* *starts game of Shape*

We won! Yay! She's Completly ok now.

As soon as I woke up Melba evolved. And what did she evolve into? A Purimatchi! She looks like an Angel! It's really cute. She's missing a Happy Heart and has mail. I'll open the mail first.

It's a Fortune cookie.





Ok, Now to play a game. *feeds 1 meal and 1 snack* *starts game of Climb*

We lost on 24.

She weighs 31LB so I'll feed her a snack and try again.

*feeds snack* *starts another game of Climb*

We lost on 20. Ok, I'll try again. *feeds snack* *starts another game of climb*

Yesss we won it!

She's fine now.

Abby has evolved too. She's a Hidatchi. She's really sweet and looks Human.

She has pooped and is missing a Hungry Heart. *Feeds Meal and Snack* *clears poop* *starts game of Get* We Won! Yay!

I'm going to read my log from the start now.

Hmm, the Present boxes got squished in my School Bag. Oops.

I'll make more. It's quite easy.

May Evolved!! She's a Whaletchi! Ok, I have to admit. She's ugly.

Well, she's missing 1 Hungry Heart.

*feeds 1 Meal* *feeds snack* *starts game of Jump*

I managed to press 2 buttons in time.

She's Ok now.

Pecan is now 17! Well, she's missing 3 Happy Hearts. *feeds 1 Meal and 1 Snack* *starts game of Shape*

We won! Yay! She's happy and isn't Hungry or overweight now(She weighs 30LB Which is her minimum).

Melba is missing 1 Hungry and 1 Happy Heart and has pooped. *feeds 1 meal and 1 snack* *clears poop* *starts game of Climb* We won!

Abby is 6 so I'll set the time to 10:29 and I'll qait 1 minute for the matchmaker to come. *sets the time* Nope, No matchmaker.

I'm afraid I won't be posting in this Log again.

The Tamagotchis say 'goodbye'.

I'm going to start a New Log for just 1 of my Tamagotchis.


~Tammie~ ~Pecan~ ~Melba~ ~May~ ~Abby~

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