☼Sunshine Tamagotchis☼


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Well, Pippy has stopped brushing her Teeth now and is Fine. Oh, I forgot to say. She has FULL Training!

Jenny's out of the Bath and She and Pecan have Poison!!! *Gives 1 Dose of medecine* All Better.

Pecan has Pooped. *Clears Poop*

They are Missing 2 Happy Hearts! *Sends to work to play Minigame* We Won! Yay!

Elmer has finished brushing his teeth now and is Missing 2 Happy Hearts. *Feeds Snack* *Starts game of Apples* We Lost on 14 but he still wants to play. Yay! We won!

Tangy has also finished brushing her teeth and is Missing 1 Hungry Heart and 2 Happy Hearts.*Feeds Scone* *starts game of Apples* Yippee! We won!

All the Tamas are fine now. Yay!

Well, I have an excuse for not posting yesterday. IT WAS HALLOWEEN! Yup, I hope you guys had fun!

I kinda accidently forgot about the Tamas. Yeah so they're not so good cos I Paused them after noticing they were dieing. I NEVER DO THAT!!!!!!! *Unpauses, Teenagers and Adults(There's Babys but I'll unpause them in a Moment and there isn't any any toddlers)*

Pippy has a Poop, is missing 3 Hungry Hearts and 1 Happy Heart. *feeds 3 Meals* *clears poop* *starts game of Jump* We only managed to press 1 Button She weighs 32LB and is STILL missing 1 Happy Heart. *feeds Meal* *starts another game of Jump* We only pressed 1 Button again. She weighs 31LB now and is Fine. That's good.

Ok, so Jenny Left Pecan last Night. I Waited for Pecan to wake up before Confirming her name. I Looked after her for a bit before pausing her. I've just unpaused her and won a Game of Jumping rope with her. She's now Fast Asleep.

Elmer has 2 Poops, is Missing 2 Hungry Hearts, 3 Happy Hearts and has Mail. Well, I'd better get started. *Feeds 1 Scone, 1 Bread and 1 bowl of Cereal* *clears poops* *starts Game of apples* We lost on 37. Elmer is still missing 1 Happy Heart and Weighs 16LB. *Feeds Snack* *starts another game of apples* We lost on 30. He is all happy and Full and Weighs 16LB. That's good. The Mail is a Fortune cookie. *opens*





Pecan is awake and is Crying. *Praises* She is also missing 2 Hungry hearts and has pooped. *Feeds 2 Scones* *clears poop* She now weighs 7LB.

Tangy has Poison, has no Hearts at all, has 2 Poops and has Mail. Oh I'm a Bad Parent!! *Gives 1 dose of medicine* Oh Great, She got Poison again! *gives another dose of medicine* *feeds 4 Meals* *clears Poops* *starts game of Apples* Yay! We won! She weighs 21LB now which is 1 off of the Minimum Weight and she is fine.

The Mail is a Fortune Cookie and a Letter.

*Opens Fortune cookie*




That's ok. *opens Letter*

It's a Poop!! Grrr.

She's Missing 3 Happy Hearts now. *Feeds Snack* *starts game of Apples* Yay! We won! Oh Yesss! She's Fine now.

Elmer is Brushing his teeth.

Pecan is in need of a Game. *starts game of Jumping Rope* We lost on 11. She Weighs 7LB and is Fine now.

Pippy is 5 Now so I think she May get a Baby tommorow. Oh I can't wait!

Pecan has Pooped and is Missing a Hungry Heart. *Feeds Milk* Oh! It's her Favourite food! Aww, how cute! She did a Little Dance! *clears Poop* *starts game of Jumping Rope* Oh, I am pathetic at this Game. We lost on 6. She weighs 7LB and is Fine.

That was one Long Post. Well, Stats in a Mo!

Pecan Evolved! She's a Mohotimatchi. She doesn't look like a Girl but the Same as Pippy , I think she's Cute!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥










Well, I think a Snack and a Game of Jump is in need! *Feeds Snack* *starts Game of Jump* We pressed 2 Buttons and got winnings of 30gp! She weighs 30LB now which is her Minimum weight! She is absoloutly Fine now. Yay!

Oh Wait a Second! Elmer's Crying! Oops, I accidently pressed Time-out! Oh silly me!! Grr. *Bangs Head on Desk* Well, ouch. He's Ok though.

Back to stats.













That's good.














All good.














That's good too.

All good!

Well, I forgot to say.....PAGE NUMBER 2! Yippee!

Elmer's Missing a Happy Heart. *Feeds snack* *starts game of Apples*

We lost on 33. DOH! Well, He weighs 16LB and is fine.

It was nice and Sunny this Morning. Me and My Best Freind walked Next Door's Dog on the Beach. Then I went to a Boating Lake to feed Ducks and Have some Lunch. I came home and it rained. Oh why, WHY?????? Well, It was Freezing today so I don't think it made any difference whether it was Sunny or not. The dog still got us Wet in he Sea. Heh heh.

Pecan just beeped. Oh Bad Pecan! Beeping for nothing. *Times out* She's Missing a Happy Heart now. Oh, sorry Pecan. *Feeds Snack* *starts game of Jumping Rope* We won! Yay! She's all Happy, Full and Down to Weight now!

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Pippy's in the Bath now. Heh heh, She's having a good ol' scrub in the Tub.

Well, how the day has flown by. It's 19:47. *Yawns*

Pecan just got a Visit from the Postman! He gave her an Important Letter. *opens*

Oh! The Pre-school Teacher has Taken Pecan to Pre-school and given her a Bag.

She's now going to pre-school.

Well, Counting all 7 of my Tamas that I am looking after I have...



I have 7 Girls because of my 2 V5s(Dream Family-2 Girls, 1 Boy. Moon Family-1 Girl and 2 Boys), Pippy, My Brothers V4 that I'm looking after, Pecan and Tangy.

I have 4 Boys by my 2 V5s(Already told You) and Elmer.

Loads of Girls Again.

Ok, So My Cat is running around having a Funny Five Minutes, Chasing a Peice of Grass. How entertaining. :furawatchi:

Pippy's Pooped. *clears poop* Apart from that, she's fine.

Pecan is asleep.

Elmer is asleep too.

So is Tangy.

3 Very sleepy Tamas. I have to go now.

I'll update as soon as I can. Well, Bye from me and all of the Sunshine Tamagotchis.

Tommorow will be Evoloution and Matchmaker day.


Tammie and the Sunshine Tamas are here! Yup!

Pippy is 6 and hasn't got the Matchmaker. Grr! I think she might soon though. Come on Matchmaker! Pippy is waiting and so am I!

Pecan is Absosloutly fine. Here is what her Skill Points are:




She's not very intelligent :( but she's a Fashionista!

Well, It said in the Growth Charts that Elmer would evolve into a Celebtchi with Humor Points. All that has Changed. ;) HE'S A URA MAMETCHI. Yup. That's the Growth Charts wrong. Well, He has HIGH Humor so I'm going to work on getting him to a Hyyottokitchi(Is that the Name?).Well, It's a Special Character.

Well, At Least Tangy's Evolvoution went to plan. She's a Ura Yattatchi. Yay! She looks Really cute. After the Evoloution. I got Tangy some Love Potion and put it on her before connecting her to Elmer. They are now Partners! Yippee!

Well, I'm going to make Pecan an Oldie. I've already decided. :p It's going to be a Project. A Project to see how old I can get my Tama to be. Well, Pecan will be my First Oldie. :D

Pecan the Otokitchi Sunshine Tama. Heh heh that's a good Name. Maybe not. :unsure:

How about Pecan Sunshine? ;)

Ok, You guys should vote. :D

What name do you think Pecan should have?

1.Pecan the Otokitchi Sunshine Tama.

2.Pecan Sunshine.

3.Pecan Sunshine the Otokitchi.

4.Pecan Sunshine Tama.

Choose which one and send your Vote By PM ASAP. :D

Thanks Guys!

Oh, I am tired. *Yawns* *Looks out of window* YIKES! It's Dark already!

Pippy's in the Bath.

Pecan has pooped, is missing 2 Hungry hearts and 2 Happy Hearts. *Feeds 2 Meals* *starts game of Jumping Rope* Ok, We kinda Lost on 9. She weighs 12LB and is still missing a Happy Heart. *feeds scone(meal)* *starts another game of Jumping Rope* We Lost on 11. She weighs 12LB and is Fine Now.

Elmer's Brushing his teeth.

..and so is Tangy.

Elmer has finished brushing his teeth. He's pooped, is missing 2 Hungry hearts and 1 Happy Heart. *Feeds 2 Scones and 1 Bowl of Cereal* *clears poop* *starts game of Apples* We Lost on 39. He weighs 31LB and is Fine.

Tangy has also finished Brushing her teeth. She's pooped, is Missing 2 Hungry Hearts and 1 Happy Heart.(I'm going to do the same as Elmer). *Feeds 2 Scones and 1 Bowl of Cereal* *Clears Poop* *Starts Game of Apples* We won! Yay!

Pippy's out of the Bath now. She's Pooped, is Missing 1 Hungry Heart and 1 Happy Heart. *Feeds 1 Meal and 1 Snack* *clears Poop* *Starts game of Jump* We Pressed 1 Button in Time. She now weighs 31LB and is Fine.

Pippy's going to get the Matchmaker tommorow! She's Brushing her teeth now.

Pecan's going to evolve tommorow. She's asleep now. She's going zZzZzZzZzZzZ.

Hopefully Elmer and Tangy are going to marry tommorow.

I have to go now. Bye!

~Tammie~ •Pippy• ♦Pecan♦ ♣Elmer♣ and ♠Tangy♠

P.S. We haven't had any votes yet. PLEASE, PLEASE Vote!!

Woa! 150 Views! Thanks Guys!!

Alot of Fun today with the Tamas.

But It kinda was THE FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL FROM HALF TERM!!!!!!!!!! So I had to put the Tamagotchis to Sleep while I was doing my Work for most of the day. At least I didn't put them on the DREADED PAUSE! Oh, do Tamagotchis hate the Pause Button.

Ok, Pippy got the Matchmaker and Got a Sweet little Baby Boy. I think I'll name him ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Drift. Ok, I'll let you guess..What name is it from? Well. ANIMAL CROSSING again. I LOVE the Names!!

Pecan evoloved into a Young Dorotchi.

We have 1 Vote for the Name.


Pecan the Otokitchi Sunshine Tama=1 Vote

Pecan Sunshine=0 Votes

Pecan Sunshine the Otokitchi= 0 Votes

Pecan Sunshine Tama=No Votes.

Heh heh. At least SOMEONE Votes!!

The Voting will end on the 8th November.


Well, I'm going to Write Both Tangy and Elmer's update in this colour for this Reply.

Tangy and Elmer Married! Yup I said it, MARRIED!!

They got 2 Little Boys, 1 Each.


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Little Baby Drift has Pooped. *clears poop*. Oh I wish Drift was still Living in my Town on Animal Crossing. *sniff* He would have been so Happy.

Pecan's having a Bath.

I haven't named Elmer's Little Boy yet have I? Umm... How about Kody(Ok, ANOTHER Animal Crossing Name.) Well, Kody has Pooped and Elmer's Missing a Happy Heart. *Clears Poop* *Feeds Scone* *starts game of Apples* Yay! We are winners.

Tangy's in the Bath too.

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Tangy just got a job. Yeah, Just this second!! She now works as a Teacher! Yay!

Elmer is just about to get a job. He's Talking to Mr. Canvas.

Job Time!

I'm Trying for Hairdressers. Nope.

Pre-school? Yup! He got the Job! Yay!

Pecan's brushing her teeth.

Let's hope this is going to be on the 3rd Page!

WAAAAAAAA! Ok, I was Fiddling with the time and thought about maybe trying a little thing it told me on TamaTown for V4. I set the Time to 11:59PM and waited for 1 Minute. BAM! There was Pippy looking at Baby Drift. After 3 Minutes she had a little dance and jumped away. I was NEARLY in tears. Pippy was a great Tama.

*Moment of silence*

In Rememborance of Pippy. (I probably won't do this to the Other Tamas because Pippy was my Favourite.)

Pippy Lived a Happy Live with a Growth Like this:




She then got the Matchmaker. After Marrying she got a Baby boy by the Name of Drift. She left me Drift on the 4/11/08. *sniff*

Have a Good life on TamaPlanet Pippy.


Yeah, I had to look after Drift as a Baby for 1 Hour. He then evolved into a sweet Looking Hitodetchi :wacko: . I was so happy and Promised myself that I would look after Drift as best as I could.

Pecan is 2 and is still a Teenager. Hopefully she's going to evolve tommorow.

Elmer is going to leave little Baby Kody tonight, So I'll wake up to a Few Crying Babies tommorow. Well 2 Actually. That's going to be fun.

Tangy's going to leave little Baby....Wait, I didn't name her Baby did I? Well, I think Rocky's a nice name. Yeah. That's a good name.

Yeah so I didn't post in 3 days. Sorry.

*sneeze* Uh huh, I'm ill. *cough* Annoying cold!!

Come on Guys! I need veiws! It'll cheer me up!

Well, Drift evolved into an Oniontchi! Heh heh. He does kinda Look like an Onion.

Well, He's 2 and is going to evolve (hopefully) tommorow.

Yup! Pecan Evolved. She's a Pukatchi. Rather like a Robot. Heh heh.

She's 5 now. Evoloution in 5 days. Well, tommorow is the start of turning down the Matchmaker.

Pecan's in the bath. AGAIN. I never see her out of that bath!

Elmer has left little Kody. I cared for Baby Kody for 1 Hour before he evolved.

Yes, he became a Kuchitamatchi. In other words, Kuchipatchi ;) 's head. Heh heh. *cough*

He then evolved into a Daiychi.

He has pooped, is missing 1 Hungry heart and 2 happy hearts. *feeds 1 Meal and 1 snack* *clears poop* *starts game of apples* We lost on 24. *feeds Meal* *starts another game of apples* Yay! We won! He's happy!

The same thing happened to Tangy. She left baby Rocky. I cared for baby Rocky for 1 hour and then he evolved! He became..........

*CRASH!* Oh great. There goes my Brothers cup o' tea! It's gone all over the floor.

..Continuing.. He became a Kuribotchi. Then he evolved into a Kujakutchi. He's pooped, is missing 1 Hungry heart and 2 happy hearts.

*Feeds 1 meal and 1 snack* *clears poop* *starts game of apples* We lost on 39. *feeds snack*

*starts another game of apples* Yup! We won! All better.

Pecan is Missing 1 Hungry heart and has pooped. *feeds 1 meal and 1 snack* *clears poop* *starts game of Shape* We lost on 11. *feeds meal* *starts game of Shape* Yay! We are the champions!!

All tamas now fine. *nods* :D

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Ok, My Best Freind are planning The Tamagotchi Christmas!

It's something to make Christmas special for the Tamagotchis too!

We've got to spend alot of money on Fabrics, Paints, Paper and ribbons and things to make these things.

Well, It's going to be worth it.

So, so far we have....

Tamagotchi Stockings.

Tamagotchi Christmas tree.

Tamagotchi Santa's Grotto.

Tamagotchi Merry Christmas Sign.

...and Alot of other things.

I'm also trying to find a Turkey in the Tama's shops.

Pecan has mail. It's an Important Letter. *Opens Letter*

She's leaving her Teacher(Mrs. Flower).

Another Important Letter.


Job offers:

School=3 o's!!

She got the Job!! Yay!

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