☼Sunshine Tamagotchis☼


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
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The S E A S I D E <3
[SIZE=14pt]Welcome to my ☼Sunshine Tamagotchis☼ Log![/SIZE]

I'm Tammie of course Heh heh.

Here's the Colour Code.

Normal Talk is this colour.

Talking About My V2 is this colour.

Talking About my V4 is this colour.

Talking About My White V4.5 is this colour.

Talking about my Black V4.5 is this colour.

Well, why don't I tell you about my Sunshine Tamas?

My V2 is actually my Brother's but he gave it to me because he was bored of it. It's Camo Green but I Like it. It has Red Buttons.

It's a Girl Tamatchi called Pippy. She's on the Second Generation.

My V4 has always been mine. It's Deep Pink which is why I chose this colour to write in. It has Pink buttons and a Pink anttenae thingy.

It's a Girl called Jenny. It's a Ponytchi and is on the First Generation.

My V4.5 has also always been mine. It's White with Flowers all over it. It has a Pink anttenea and Light Green buttons. I couldn't write in white for it because you wouldn't be able to see it. Heh heh.

It's a Girl with a Baby Boy. Her Name is Sally. She's a Ura Violetchi. I'm planning on calling the baby boy Elmer.

My Black V4.5 is also my Brother's but he gave this one to me too. It's Black with Flames up the side. It has Red Buttons and has a Yellow antenea. It's a Girl called Lilly and she's a Purimatchi on the Second Generation.

The Reason behind me making this Log is because I have a V5 Log and I wanted one for the rest of my Tamas.

The next post will start my Log.. Although it already has started. I've confused myself now. :)

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Ok, Pippy's Hungry and slightly unhappy. *Feeds 2 Breads* *starts Game of Jump*

Well, I managed to Press 1 Button in Time. Pippy weighs 11LB so that's ok.

How about Pippy's stats now?












That's good. I'm going to take her to the Shop now.


Chicken on Bone=190gp *Buys*

Fries=80p *buys*




We didn't have enough for the Wings or the Bananas.

Jenny's Fine but I think I'll show her stats.








Weight:30LB(Minimum Weight)





All good. Well, I'll take her to the shop too.


Sandwich=500gp *Buys*


Corn Dog=300gp *Buys*

Ok, We didn't have enough for the Music so I bought her the food.

Sally is Fine too but here is her stats:















Well, Sally has a Load of money so the Shop, here we come!!


Apple Pie=300gp

Corn=450gp *buys*


Robot=2200gp *buys*


Little Elmer just pooped. *Clears poop*

Well, it wouldn't let us buy the Apple Pie or the Grapes. I think she has Maximum Meals.

Ah, well.

Lilly has pooped and is Missing one Hungry Heart. *Clears Poop* *feeds Scone*















She has Loads of Money too so shopping Time!


Corn=450gp *buys*

Grapes=800gp *buys*

Corn=450gp *buys*

Maracas=1600gp *buys*


Yeah, we kinda bought everything.

Heh heh. Ah well.

Well, the Tamagotchis are happy now. Yay!

Pippy's only a little Toddler but I think she's going to evolve tommorow into a Teen.

Lilly's going to get the Matchmaker tommorow because she's 6 and didn't get her today. Oh I hope she gets a Girl so that I can Marry her Baby to Elmer! That would be goooood!

See ya For a Bit until the Tamas Need something. Heh heh. I'll update a bit later.

~Tammie~ *Pippy* •Jenny• ♦Sally and Elmer♦ and ♣Lilly♣

Mmmmm Pizza and Chips... Mmmmmm. Oh! Heh heh sorry, I just had my Tea. Yum!

Jenny is Having a Bath.

EVOLOUTION!! Wow? Pippy's already evolved. I thought she was going to evolve tommorow.

She's a :) ! Isn't it a puroperatchi? I'll find a V2 Character chart and see.

Anyone got one? Please?

Apart from that slight Drama, They're all fine.

I just Looked on TamaZone (&lt;- Click that link to go see Tama-Zone. ) I found a Growth Chart and a Character Chart and Yes, I got it right, she is a Puroperatchi!


Here's what she can evolve into:


Chohimetchi :)

Mimitchi :)

Memetchi ;)









There's quite a Few Possibilities. Ah well.

Sally has Pooped and is Missing 1 Hungry Heart. *clears poop* *Feeds Corn*

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Pippy Just Beeped.


Oh... Bad Pippy Bleeping for nothing. :D *times out*

She isn't missing any Hungry or Happy Hearts though. Infact, She's absoloutly Fine.

Jenny's out of the Bath now and is Fine. I forgot to say, She has a Job working in the TV Station. ;)

Elmer has Pooped again. *Clears Poop*

She's missing 1 Happy Heart. She works as a Teacher so I'm going to send her to work to make her Happy. ;) *sends to work to Play Minigame*

We didn't quite win but she's fine now. :D

She's getting the Matchmaker!! B) A Ura Kuchipatchi! Marry Definatly. :D

Yesss! She got a Baby Girl! :) Excellent! I'll call her Tangy. :D Now I can Marry Tangy to Elmer when they are older! Yay! :D

She's still missing 1 Happy Heart so I'm going to send her to work now. She works as a Travel Guide. ;)

*sends to work to play minigame*

Yay! We did it! ;) She's All full, Happy, Healthy and Right Down to Weight, Infact, all my Tamagotchis are! :D

Well, It's Tipping it down with Rain outside here and it's Dark Already, Even though it's only 19:15. :p

I guess Winter's here. :D

Christmas is a'comin'! :)

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Note: If you would like to say a comment Please do it By PM. I Absoloutly Love to have comments and if they're nice they make just get a Mension. Hint Hint. Heh Heh.

Pippy's in the Bath.

So is Lilly.

..and so is Sally.

It's weird because the V2's Bath is a Different shape to that of the V4 &amp; up. Oh well.

The only one Free to play with is Jenny. She's missing 1 Happy Heart. *sends to work to play Minigame* Ok, I'm not very good at this. Here goes.

Ok we didn't win but she's completely fine now. Yipee!

Ok, Pippy has Pooped and is missing 2 Happy Hearts. ^_^ *clears poop* *Feeds 1 Meal(Cereal) and 1 Snack(Some sort of Ice-Cream thingy)* *starts Game of Jump* Ok, I managed to press one Button in time. :lol: Oh, Well. :D

At least She's Happy and Full now. :eek:

Jenny has Pooped and is missing 1 Hungry Heart. :eek: *Clears poop* *Feeds Sandwich* All better! :D

Elmer has Pooped Again :eek: and Sally is Hungry. *Clears Poop* *Feeds BBQ* That's Better :lol:

Lilly was in the bath but she jumped out after 10 Minutes(That's normal.) Tangy Pooped and Lilly is Hungry. *clears poop* *feeds Scone*

All the Tamas are fine now! Yipee!

Yay! I sent a Comment about [NovemberTama]'s Log and she/he sent me a Comment back!

thanks so much! Again!

and I have been reading your log and they are amazing!

very entertaining. =]]

All my Tamas are fine.

I have to go now.


Buh Bye!

~Tammie~ *Pippy* •Jenny• ♦Sally and Elmer♦ and ♣Lilly and Tangy♣

P.S. Yup, It's still raining outside.

Ok, Today I Thought the roof of my House was coming in! Seriously!

I have never seen so much sleet, Snow, Hailstones and Heavy(and I mean heavy)Rain!

Also, I have only seen snow twice(Make it thrice now)

Ok, enough about me. Let's see how the Sunshine Tamas are getting on(I wish it would be Sunny here).

Pippy is Fine weighing a VERY healthy Weight of 16LB. She's all good. Today I bought her 2 Plant Pots.

We used them as soon as Possible. The First one gave us 300gp and the Second one gave us 800gp!

I then went back to the shop and bought her some Maracas for when she's older and futher Generations and Bought her some Fish. The Lucky thing. But the thing is.... SHE HASN'T AGED! She is still 1 Years old. Ah well, She'll hopefully be 2 Tommorow.

Jenny's Fine too Weighing a Healthy 31LB. I haven't had the Chance to take her to the shop Lately so I might be able to fit that in a bit later. She is 5 Now and is hopefully going to get the Matchmaker tommorow. Yippee!

Ok, Sally got another job offer today and now has a job at the Hospital(Oh great, I'm pretty Pathetic at this Minigame.) She's leaving Elmer tonight. Oh am I gonna feel sad when I see Elmer Crying.

Well, Sally is 7 and Weighs 32LB which is Brill and has LOADS of Gotchi Points.

Well, Lilly is also going to leave her Baby, Tangy tonight. Oh I'm going to be sad but also Happy. It's going to be Emotional tommorow. Well, She's Healthy alright with a Weight of 31LB and an age of 7 with alot of Gotchi Points.

I'm sat here at this computer Listening to my Dad playin' his Guitar, sippin' a Cup of Tea and Looking after my Tamas. Heh heh, Life's a Joy.

I'm going to see if I can find Pictures of my Tamagotchi characters on Google, They won't be My Tama Casing, Someone elses but the Tama Character will be the same as mine.

Back in a Mo!

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Pippy's in the Bath. Trying to decide on which Shampoo she's going to use. LOL. :furawatchi:

Jenny's brushing her teeth.

Sally's Bathing having a good Sing song.

Lilly's also Bathing scrubbing away.

They'll be some clean tamas soon!

Well, It's only the 2nd Day and Already I have 52 Veiws! :furawatchi:

Thanks Guys! Oh, I recomend reading [NovemberTama]'s Diary too. It's a good Log. Just Slightly...Long.

Well, I'm agoin' swimming tommorow with my Best Freind. It'll be a chance for the Tamagotchis to connect with Different Tamas for once(Yeah, My Best Freind has tamas too!). Yay!

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Ok, All the Tamas are finished with what they were doing.

Pippy decided to Beep for Nothing AGAIN. *times out* Oh, Yay! She just aged! She is now 2 Years Old(Well, 2 Days)

Oh no, It's starting to rain again. Heh heh, My Computer just went Mad. My Dad Fixed it though, Yay for Dad! Heh heh.

Time for me to go. ^_^

I shall hopefully update tommorow with all the Dramas of Tamas Leaving and Matchmakers. :(

Enjoy my Log and Keep up with the PMed Comments and the Views. :(

Let's hope the next time I update it's nice and Sunny here :D (Oh I wish :p )

~Tammie~ *Pippy* •Jenny• ♦Sally and Elmer♦ and ♣Lilly and Tangy♣

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Come on guys! Only 72 Veiws! Please?

Well, I am really sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was really Busy.

Well Pippy's the Same old Teen, but she's 3 now so Hopefully Evoloution tommorow.

Ok I am REALLY Happy now! Jenny didn't get the Matchmaker yesterday as it was expected but this morning she did! She got a baby Girl. I think I'll call the Baby Girl Pecan(Another Animal Crossing, but these names are Fantastic!). Then, at About 5:30PM, She got another Job offer and became a Teacher.


Ok, So Sally left in the Middle of the night(*yawns*). I woke up to Elmer Crying his little Eyes out.

I Confirmed his name and then Looked after him for 1 Hour before He Evolved. What was he you ask? Well He was a :) Yup, A Hitodetchi!(Sally left Elmer on the 29/10/08 at 0:00PM(Midnight)) Then Today I woke up and waited for Elmer to wake up. As soon as he did I checked his stats. Yup all fine and he was 1 Years old. I left him for about 2 Minutes and He then Evolved. He is now a Kujakutchi. Very Handsome indeed.

The Same thing happened to Lilly. She left in the Middle of the Night, Same as Sally. I woke up to Tangy crying too. I Confirmed the Name and then Cared for her( At the same time as I did with Elmer.) for 1 Hour. She then Evolved into a Toddler. She became a Kuchitamatchi. She looks rather like Kuchipatchi's head :) . Well, The Same as Elmer, I woke up this Morning to Find Tangy Snoring away, I waited for her to wake up and then checked her Stats too. All Fine and she was 1. I waited the Same as Elmer and then she Evolved! She is now a Ura Young Yattatchi! Yippee!

As soon as Tangy and Elmer woke up Yesterday, I started connecting them. They already have ☺☺!


So Yesterday when I was swimming with my Best Freind I only took Pippy.

I didn't want to take all of them so I left the Rest at home asleep(so that they couldn't wake up before I got back home). What I didn't realise was that my Best freind didn't have a V2(Yeah, I forgot) so that messed up the connection plans.

It wasn't Sunny today. It rained again.

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Another Update!

Pippy is Brushing her teeth.

Jenny is in the Bath but has the Attention button Highligted.

Elmer is Brushing his teeth.

Tangy is Also Brushing her Teeth.

I think I'll go and find some more Pictures off Google.

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Well, my Best Freind is coming over for a Sleep Over tommorow. Oh I have a Number of Ideas to Scare her. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh I'm Evil.

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